Split: „Big thing for our town“

Thursday, 28. May 2020 at 16:42

After a decision of the ABA League j.t.d. Assembly that the ABA League is to be expanded to 14 clubs, Split, former European club champion, will be joining big names of the regional basketball once again in the 2020/21 season.

Split fans (Photo: Split/Ivica Cavka)

“We have been getting ready for a longer period of time for this step, which we have made after an interesting season, which we have finished in an excellent way and I am convinced that we would have qualified for the ABA League even if the season would not have ended because of the epidemic. The certain thing is that club is ready for what is expecting us at all levels, from working staff to the team and we are happy and excited in our expectations of the first games. We believe that the sponsors would recognize the potential of playing in the ABA League and that we will know how to take advantage of it. The return of the ABA League to Gripe is a big thing for our town, the fans will have a chance of taking part in a quality competition, that will be offering lots of excitement and emotions,” Split General Manager Edo Blažević told.

There is a huge job ahead of Sports Director Vedran Vukušić.

“We are happy that we will be battling against the best teams of the region. We do not wish to be merely passengers. We are aware of our minuses when it comes to comparison with budgets of other teams, but I believe that we would compose a quality team that would be a mixture of youth and experience,” Vukušić told.

Head Coach Ivica Skelin has his job ahead of him.

“After seven years we are back in the ABA League. We are aware that a tough job is ahead of us. It is not easy to play in the ABA League. This is a tough competition and there is a period ahead of us in which we need to compose a competitive roster,” Skelin told.


Split: „Povratak ABA lige na Gripe puno znači za naš grad“

Nakon odluke Skupštine ABA lige o proširenju lige na 14 klubova što znači da će u sezoni 2020/21 Split biti u konkurenciji s najjačim klubovima iz regije.

„Pripremali smo se već duže vrijeme za ovaj iskorak do kojeg smo došli nakon zanimljive sezone, koju smo završili odlično i uvjeren sam da bismo plasman u ABA ligu ostvarili i da nije bilo kraja lige zbog epidemije. Ono što je sigurno, klub je u svim segmentima, od radne zajednice pa do momčadi, spreman za sve što nas čeka, sretni smo i s velikim uzbuđenjem čekamo prve utakmice. Vjerujemo da će i sponzori prepoznati potencijal kojeg nudi igranje u ABA ligi i da ćemo sve to, svi zajedno, znati iskoristiti. Povratak ABA lige na Gripe puno znači i za naš grad, navijači će imati prigodu sudjelovati u jednom kvalitetnom natjecanju koje će ponuditi puno uzbuđenja i emocija,“ rekao je direktor KK Splita Edo Blažević.

Pred sportskim direktorom Vedranom Vukušićem sada je veliki posao.

„Sretni smo što ćemo odmjeriti snage s najboljim ekipama u regiji. Ne želimo biti prolaznici, svjesni smo svih manjkavosti u odnosu na budžete drugih ekipa, ali vjerujem da ćemo složiti respektabilnu momčad, koja će biti spoj mladosti i iskustva,“ kazao je Vukušić.

Na treneru Ivici Skelinu je da na parketu odradi svoj dio posla.

„Nakon sedam godina ponovno smo u ABA ligi, svjesni smo da je pred nama izuzetno težak zadatak. ABA ligu nije jednostavno igrati, to je teško natjecanje, a pred nama je period u kojem moramo pokušati sastaviti ekipu koja će biti kompetitivna,“ kaže Skelin.
