Jaka Blažič will stay in Ljubljana for at least two more seasons

Friday, 19. June 2020 at 19:00

The captain of Cedevita Olimpija and three-time MVP of the Round in the regular season of the ABA League in the 2019/20 season, Jaka Blažič, has extended his contract with the Ljubljana's club and thus remains in the Slovenian capital for at least two more seasons.

Jaka Blazic (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Jaka Blažič returned to Ljubljana in the summer of 2019, and in the 2019/20 season he showed from game to game what a quality player he is. As many as three times, Blažič was named the MVP in the regular season of the ABA League, and with this achievement he became the only basketball player to play on the regional scene in the 2019/20 season to do so.

Blažič, who will turn 30 on June 30, showed all his mastery in the home game of the Round 12 of the ABA League against Mega Bemax, when he scored 33 points, grabbed nine rebounds, dished out six assists and had two steals in the Tivoli Hall on December 21 last year. With a Valuation index of 48, he had the most effective performance of any basketball player in the ABA League this season and at the same time the most effective performance of a Ljubljana's club player on the regional scene in history.

In the regional competition, Jaka Blažič played in 21 games, and in the 28.5 minutes he spent on the court, he averaged 15.1 points, 5.6 rebounds and 2.7 assists per game.

Jaka Blažič told as he agreed on a contract extension with the Dragons: “I am glad that we managed to agree with Cedevita Olimpija to extend the cooperation. We have a new season ahead of us, which brings new challenges, and in which we will enter with a renewed line-up. I believe that a good season with good results awaits us. Fans, I hope that we will all see each other in Stožice as soon as possible.”


Jaka Blažič ostaja v Ljubljani še vsaj dve sezoni

Kapetan Cedevite Olimpije in trikratni najkoristnejši igralec kola v rednem delu Lige ABA v sezoni 2019/20, Jaka Blažič, je z ljubljanskim klubom podaljšal pogodbo in tako v slovenski prestolnici ostaja še vsaj dve sezoni.

Jaka Blažič se je v Ljubljano vrnil poleti leta 2019, in v tekmovalni sezoni 2019/20 iz tekme v tekmo kazal, za kako kvalitetnega igralca gre. Kar trikrat je bil Blažič imenovan za najkoristnejšega igralca kola rednega dela Lige ABA, s tem dosežkom pa je postal edini košarkar, ki je v sezoni 2019/20 nastopal na regionalni sceni, in mu je to uspelo.

Blažič, ki bo 30. junija dopolnil 30 let, je vse svoje mojstrstvo prikazal na domačem obračunu 12. kola Lige ABA z Mego Bemax, ko je v Hali Tivoli 21. decembra lani 33 točkam dodal devet skokov, šest podaj in dve pridobljeni žogi, z valorizacijskim indeksom 48 pa je poskrbel za najbolj učinkovito predstavo kateregakoli košarkarja v Ligi ABA v tej sezoni in hkrati najbolj učinkovito predstavo igralca ljubljanskega kluba na regionalni sceni v zgodovini.

V regionalnem tekmovanju je Jaka Blažič zaigral na 21 tekmah, v 28,5 minutah, ki jih je prebil na igrišču, pa v povprečju dosegal 15,1 točko, 5,6 skokov in 2,7 podaje na tekmo.

Ob obnovitvi sodelovanja z Zmaji je Jaka povedal: „Vesel sem, da smo se s Cedevito Olimpijo uspeli dogovoriti za podaljšanje sodelovanja. Pred nami je nova sezona, ki prinaša nove izzive, in v katero bomo vstopili s prenovljeno zasedbo. Verjamem, da nas čaka dobra sezona z dobrimi rezultati. Upam, da se vsi skupaj čim prej vidimo v Stožicah.“
