Nejc Barič reinforced Krka

Friday, 26. June 2020 at 17:32

Krka players are practicing already for a month and their senior squad, that will be competing in the ABA League, is getting its shape.

Nejc Baric (Photo: Koper Primorska/Ziga Mikeli)

Nejc Barič, who used to play for Koper Primorska last season, after previously having played in Laško and Trbovlje, has reinforced the Novo mesto squad.

Barič averaged 7.5 points, 3.9 assists and 2.8 rebounds per game in 21 minutes per game in the ABA League in the 2019/20 season.

As he agreed on cooperation with Krka, Barič told: “I am extremely happy to have gained the trust of the club’s management and head coach Vladimir Anzulović and for the fact that I will be able to organize the game of Krka next season. We have been working hard all June long, younger players even longer. There will be lots of energy in our game and tough defense will be our main characteristic. I would like to give Krka my energy, focus on defense and smart game on the offensive end. I hope that after the end of the coronavirus pandemic, fans would be able to return to the hall and into the stands. I am looking forward to meeting them. I am counting on them to be by our side throughout the season with their devoted support!”


Nejc Barič okrepil Krko

Košarkarji Krke trenirajo že dober mesec, obrise pa dobiva tudi članska ekipa, ki bo v novi sezoni igrala v regionalni Ligi ABA.

Vrste Krke je okrepil izvrstni organizator igre Nejc Barič (183 cm, 1997), ki je v lanski sezoni igral v Kopru, predtem pa v Laškem in Trbovljah.

V Ligi ABA je v minuli sezoni 2019/20 beležil po 7,5 točke, 3,9 podaje in 2,8 skoka v dobrih 21 minutah na srečanje.

Nejc Barič je ob dogovoru s Krko povedal: "Izredno sem zadovoljen, ker sem si pridobil zaupanje vodstva kluba in trenerja Vladimirja Anzulovića, da bom lahko nosil igro novomeške Krke v novi sezoni. Cel junij delamo intenzivno, mlajši igralci še nekoliko dlje. V naši igri bo precej energije, krasila nas bo čvrsta obramba. Krki želim dati svojo energijo, zbranost v obrambi in pametno igro v napadu. Upam, da se bodo navijači po korona krizi lahko vrnili v dvorano na tribune. Veselim se srečanja z njimi. Računam na njih, da nam bodo celo sezono stali ob strani z bučno podporo!“
