Đokić: "I am happy because I changed my mind"

Monday, 12. October 2015 at 23:30

Vladimir Đokić was not the head coach of Metalac Farmakom only for couple of days. Young expert resigned on that position after a defeat against Igokea, but club's management persuaded him to return to his job... And he has returned it in style - With a big win in Valjevo against famous Cibona.

Vladimir Đokić was not the head coach of Metalac Farmakom only for couple of days. Young expert resigned on that position after a defeat against Igokea, but club's management persuaded him to return to his job... And he has returned in style - With a big win in Valjevo against famous Cibona.

"I would like to thank the crowd for that big applause they gave me when I entered the court. That was the proof that I did the right thing. I am proud and happy because I changed my mind. Also, I am grateful to my players who reacted on the right way. There was little time to get prepared for Cibona, but we had already have our defensive game plan and we've just put that plan back in action."


Đokić: "Srećan sam što sam promenio odluku"

Vladimir Đokić nije bio trener Metalca Farmakom samo nekoliko dana. Mladi stručnjak je podneo ostavku na tu funkciju posle poraza od Igokee, ali ga je uprava kluba ubedila da se vrati na posao i on je to na kraju i uradio u velikom stilu - pobedom protiv Cibone u Valjevu.

Đokić je istakao da mu je drago što će nastaviti sa radom u Metalcu Farmakom.

"Zahvalio bih se publici koja je moj dolazak propratila iskrenim aplauzom i to je bila potvrda svega što smo uradili u proteklih par dana. Ponosan sam i srećan što sam promenio svoju odluku. Hvala igračima koji su odreagovali na pravi način. Bilo je malo vremena da se pripremimo za Cibonu ali već imamo principe odbrane koje smo utrenirali i sad smo ih samo ponovili."
