Velić: “My dream was to defeat Partizan in Belgrade”

Sunday, 25. October 2015 at 12:50

His victorious shout at the end of the match in Pionir Hall says it all. Ivan Velić was delighted after his Krka defeated Partizan NIS in Belgrade.

His victorious shout at the end of the match in Pionir Hall says it all. Ivan Velić was delighted after his Krka defeated Partizan NIS in Belgrade.

"While preparing for this game we knew that we can win if we manage to control rebounds and turnovers. And we did that. We had a good approach, we were aware that we can prevail at the end we got rewarded. When I started my coaching career my dream was to defeat Partizan in Belgrade. I fulfilled that dream. This was a great win for me and for the club.”

Read more HERE.


Velić: "Sanjal sem o zmagi nad Partizanom v Beogradu"

Njegov zmagoviti krik po koncu srečanja v hali Pionir pove vse. Ivan Velić je bil presrečen ob zmagi Krke nad Partizanom NIS.

"Ko smo se pripravljali na ta obračun, sem vedel, da lahko v primeru, da bi nadzirali skok in izgubljene žoge, lahko zmagamo. In to nam je uspelo. Tekme smo se lotili s pravim pristopom. Vedeli smo da lahko na koncu slavimo zmago in bili smo nagrajeni. Ko sem začel svojo trenersko kariero, sem sanjal o tem, da bi premagal Partizan v Beogradu. Sanje so se mi izpolnile. To je veličastna zmaga zame in naš klub."

Več preberite TUKAJ.
