Cedevita cut Zubčić

Tuesday, 27. October 2015 at 17:00

Power forward Tomislav Zubčić is no longer a member of Cedevita. The decision was made by the head coach Veljko Mršić, who decided to trust the other players of the team instad of Zubčić.

Power forward Tomislav Zubčić is no longer a member of Cedevita. The decision was made by the head coach Veljko Mršić, who decided to trust the other players of the team instad of Zubčić.

After seven rounds played in the regional ABA League and 3 defeats, that Cedevita suffered during that period, Tomislav Zubčić left the ranks of the Vitamins. Head coach Veljko Mršić was the one to come up with a decision of letting the tall player from Zadar go.

"I decided not to continue our cooperation with Zubčić. My estimation at the moment is that it is better for us to give an opportunity to other players," Cedevita tactician told, adding, that the rest of the team might mobilize additionally after parting ways with Zubčić.

This season Zubčić played 23.1 minutes per game in the ABA League and averaged 8 points and 6.9 rebounds during that period.


Cedevita raskinula suradnju s Zubčićem

Krilni centar Tomislav Zubčić više nije član Cedevite. Odluku je donio trener momčadi Veljko Mršić, koji je odlučio da ukaže povjerenje preostalim igračima.

Nakon sedam odigranih kola u regionalnoj ABA ligi i 3 poraza, koja je Cedevita pretrpjela u tom vrijemenu, Tomislav Zubčić napustio je redove Vitamina. Odluku o raskidanju suradnje sa visokim Zadranom donio je trener Veljko Mršić.

"Odlučio sam da ne nastavimo sa Zubčićem. Moja procjena je u ovom trenutku da idemo s ostalim igračima koje imamo", potvrdio je strateg Cedevite procjenjujući da se odstranjivanjem Zubčića iz momčadi ostali igrači mogu dodatno mobilizirati.

Zubčić je ove sezone u ABA ligi u prosjeku igrao 23,1 minute po utakmici i u prosjeku bilježio 8 poena te 6,9 skokova.