Union Olimpija reinforced by Dawan Robinso

Friday, 08. January 2016 at 14:06

Union Olimpija"s ranks are reinforced by experienced point guard Dawan Robinson, who played in Italy this season. Before that, he played for several strong European teams. The player has signed an agreement with Union Olimpija until the end of 2015/16 season.

Union Olimpija"s ranks are reinforced by experienced point guard Dawan Robinson, who played in Italy this season. Before that, he played for several strong European teams. The player has signed an agreement with Union Olimpija until the end of 2015/16 season.

In his European career, Robinson played for Limoges, Slask, Veroli, Reggio Emilia, Fraport Skyliners, Varese and Torino. He bagan his career at Rhode Island University in the NCAA League. During the 2010/11 season he tried himself also in the NBDL, playing for Erie Bay Hawks.

Gašper Potočnik, the head coach of Union Olimpija was satisfied with the arrival of the player, which will represent a mentor to his younger teammates: "I am happy that we managed to refresh the team before the second part of the season with experienced Robinson. Dawan is a player, that will take care of the bigger competition at practices, he is an excellent defensive player, good in transition and playmaking. The arrival of Robinson does not mean that younger players will get less opportunity. They remain an integral part of our project. Robinson is just another mentor for our young guns.”

"I am glad to have come to the club with rich tradition and history, such as Union Olimpija"s. Everyone welcomed me in the club and I am thrilled by the beauty of the Ljubljana city centre after being here only for a day. I wish to be able to help the team the best way I can as soon as possible. Several games are ahead of us until the end of the season, so my first goal is to fit in well with the new teammates” are the first words of the new Dragons" point guard after the arrival in Stožice.


Union Olimpijo okrepil Dawan Robinson

Union Olimpijo je okrepil izkušeni organizator igre Dawan Robinson, ki je v letošnji sezoni nastopal v Italiji. Pred tem si je bogate izkušnje nabiral v številnih močnih evropskih kolektivih. Igralec je z Unionom Olimpijo podpisal pogodbo do konca sezone 2015/2016.

Robinson je v svoji evropski karieri nosil drese moštev Limogesa, Slaska, Verolija, Reggio Emilie, Fraport Skyliners, Vareseja in Torina. Svojo športno pot je pričel na univerzi Rhode Island v ligi NCAA. V sezoni 2010/11 se je preizkusil tudi v razvojni ligi NBA v vrstah moštva Erie Bay Hawks.

Gašper Potočnik, trener Uniona Olimpije je zadovoljen ob prihodu novega košarkarja, ki bo mlajšim soigralcem predstavljal mentorja: "Veseli me, smo pred drugim delom sezone ekipo uspeli osvežiti z izkušenim Robinsonom. Dawan je igralec, ki bo poskrbel za večjo konkurenco na treningih, je odličen obrambni igralec, dober v tranziciji in organizaciji igre. Prihod Robinsona ne pomeni manjše priložnosti za mlajše igralce, ki ostajajo pomemben del našega projekta. V Robinsonu bodo mladi soigralci dobili še enega mentorja."

"Veseli me, da sem prišel v klub z bogato tradicijo in zgodovino kot je Union Olimpija. V klubu so me lepo sprejeli in po prvem dnevu sem navdušen nad lepoto centra Ljubljane. Želim si, da čim prej pomagam ekipi po najboljših močeh. Pred nami je še kar nekaj tekem do konca sezone, zato je moj prvi cilj, da se najprej dobro ujamem z novimi soigralci," pa so ob prihodu v Stožice bile beside novega organizatorja igre Zmajev.