Nemanja Krstić: “Every game matters”

Tuesday, 12. January 2016 at 12:56

Nemanja Krstić played his best game in this season. Small forward of Igokea scored 14 points in the clash against Mega Leks and helped his team achieve a very important win.

Nemanja Krstić played his best game in this season. Small forward of Igokea scored 14 points in the clash against Mega Leks and helped his team achieve a very important win.

"We are in that kind of situation that every game matters. This was a big win for us, while I hope that"s just a beginning. We were good defensively, we were very aggressive and had the control over rebounds, which was very important. We were completely focused in offense during the entire game and all of that brought us win at the end,” said Krstić after the game.

Read more HERE.


Nemanja Krstić: "Svaka utakmica nam je važna"

Nemanja Krstić je odigrao svoju najbolju utakmicu u ovoj sezoni. Krilni košarkaš Igokee je na meču protiv Mege Leks ubacio 14 poena i tako pomogao svom timu da upiše veoma značajnu pobedu.

"Jako bitna pobjeda za nas, nama je sad svaka utakmica važna i nadam se da će sada početi niz boljih utakmica. Igrali smo odbranu kako smo planirali, bili smo agresivni, kontrolisali skok što je bilo jako bitno. U napadu smo bili skoncentrisani svih 40 minuta i na kraju smo uspjeli da slavimo,” rekao je posle meča Krstić.

Više pročitajte OVDE.
