INTERVIEW: Đorđe Drenovac – “You have to deserve your luck”

Wednesday, 27. January 2016 at 14:30

MZT Skopje Aerodrom have finally managed to end their streak of two consecutive defeats in the ABA League as they were better than Krka. With 23 scored points at the game, Đorđe Drenovac was one of the best players of his team so we chose him for one of our interviews of the week.

MZT Skopje Aerodrom have finally managed to end their streak of two consecutive defeats in the ABA League as they were better than Krka. With 23 scored points at the game, Đorđe Drenovac was one of the best players of his team so we chose him for one of our interviews of the week.

In the last round you have beaten Krka after you were behind for the majority of the game, but managed to turn it around. What do you see as the key for the victory in this game and how much does the turnaround say about the character of the team?

"For sure the importance of the game contributed to the fact that we were not relaxed and did not begin the game the way we are capable of. The key for the victory was our defense, since we allowed only 8 points to the opponent in the last quarter. We have demonstrated character and have won despite the fact that we haven"t shined. Perhaps our win was a bit lucky, however it was the same with several past defeats and we had to be paid back at one point. In fact, every bit of luck is always deserved.”

Even though you have been playing well as a team ever since the switch on head coach position occurred, it turned out that with this victory you had to end the streak of 2 defeats and you had to wait until now to step away from the bottom by 2 victories. What is your opinion about the dramatic finish of the season given the exciting battle to avoid relegation?

"I believe that with this victory we have guaranteed ourselves to avoid relegation with 99% probability. We have slipped 2 rounds ago, as we lost to Sutjeska at home court. We are calm, since we have good results against teams from the lower part of the standings. The battle to stay in the competition was never as uncertain, even though I belive that everything would be clear in the following two rounds.”

Together with the team you personally have raised the level of your performance and constantly you are among the most efficient players of MZT Skopje Aerodrom. What are the main reasons for your good performances and how did the arrival of coach Jončevski to the head coach position affect it?

"The key is good and strenuous work. We are practicing well, there is a good atmosphere within the team and for sure those are the most important things. Besides that, I have been given the role of one of the key players on the team, I have been receiving a lot of playing time and play with a lot of self-confidence.”

Several times you have stood out with the plays that were selected to be among the best in past rounds. It"s obvious that you like to play attractive. What is the feeling like for you when the crowd gets excited by a nice move?

"This is why the fans are coming to the basketball games. The feeling when you contribute to something like that is excellent!”

What do you expect from the remainder of the ABA League season and do you have a message for the fans?

"Speaking of us, we will give our best to win the best possible place in the standings. We have to play three games against three best placed teams of the league, which will be a proper practice for us in order to test what we are capable of. I have only one message for the fans, to come to our games in as large number as possible and to support us in our way towards good results this season.”


INTERVJU - Đorđe Drenovac- Srećata se zaslužuva

Timot na MZT Skopje Aerodrom konečno uspea da ja prekina serijata od dva posledovatelni porazi vo ABA ligata, beše podobar od ekipata na Krka. Đorđe Drenovac so 23 postignati poeni na toj natprevar beše eden od najzaslužnite za devetiot triumf na MZT Skopje.

Vo poslednoto kolo ja pobedivte ekipata na Krka i pokraj toa što vo pogolemiot del od sredbata imavte rezultatska negativa. što mislite deka beše klučno za pobedata na ovoj natprevar i kolku presvrtot zboruva za karakterot na ekipata?

»Sigurno e deka samoto značenje na natprevarot pridonese da bideme malku stegnati i da ne bideme na visoko nivo. Klučot za pobedata sigurno leži vo odbranata so koja vo poslednata četvrtina primivme samo osum poeni. Pokažavme karakter i pobedivme bez ogled na toa što ne bleskavme. Možebi pomalku i srećno, no nie nekolku pati gubevme dobieni natprevari, pa ednaš moraše i nas da ni se vrati. Sepak, srećata se zaslužuva.«

Iako igrate dosta podobro so promenata na trenerot, so pobedata nad Krka prekinavte serija od dva poraza i so toa sega ste na 2 pobedi poveće od ekipite koi se na dnoto od tabelata. Kakvo e vašeto mislenje za vašata pozicija na tabelata i posebno od dramatičniot završetok na sezonata od aspekt na borbata za opstanok?

»Mislam deka so ovaa pobeda 99% obezbedivme opstanok vo ABA ligata. Napravivme kiks pred dve kola koga izgubivme na domašen teren od Sutjeska. Sega sme vo pomirna situacija zatoa što imame dobri rezultati protiv timovite od dolniot del na tabelata. Borbata za opstanok nikogaš ne bilo poneizvesna, iako mislam deka vo narednite dve kola se će se iskristalizira.«

Zaedno so ekipata i vie lično se izdignavte vo formata i konstantno ste među najefikasnite pobedinci na MZT Skopje Aerodrom. Kade gi gledate glavnite pričini za dobrite partii i kolku vašite dobri partii pridonese doađanjeto na Aleksandar Jončevski na pozicijata prv trener?

»Klučot za se e vo dobrata i naporna rabota. Trenirame dobro, vladee dobra atmosfera vo ekipata, taka da sigurno tie dve raboti se najbitni. Pokraj toa, dodelena mi e uloga na eden od liderite na timot, dobivam dosta minuti i igram so polna samodoverba, taka što sum dosta zadovolen.«

Vo nekolku navrati se istaknavte so potezi koi se izbrani među najdobrite vo poedinečnite kola, pa očigledno sakate da igrate atkrativno. Kako se čustvuvate koga će ja vooduševite publikata so nekoja dobra akcija?

»Toa se raboti poradi koi publikata doađa na košarkarskite natprevari.Čuvstvoto e odlično koga će dadete ličen pridones za takvo nešto.«

Kakov rasplet očekuvate od prodolžetokot na sezonata vo ABA ligata i dali imate nekoja poraka do vašite navivači?

»što se odnesuva do nas, će dademe se od sebe da izborime što podobar plasman. Imame tri natprevari protiv trite najdobri ekipi vo ligata, pa toa može da bide prav trening no i slika za toa što možeme da ostvarime. So samoto toa gi povikuvam našite navivači da dojdat vo što pogolem broj i da ne podržat vo borbata za dobri rezultati ovaa sezona.«