Rebec: “Extemely important game awaits us in Nikšić”

Wednesday, 03. February 2016 at 12:00

It has been a long wait for one of the greatest prospects of the regional basketball to test himself at the ABA League level, but finally he has done it. We have made a conversation with Matic Rebec.

It has been a long wait for one of the greatest prospects of the regional basketball to test himself at the ABA League level, but finally he has done it. We have made a conversation with Matic Rebec.

While Krka has avoided the danger zone at the bottom of the standings with a victory against Igokea, Matic Rebec did not get a lot of playing time this time around, but in previous rounds he has stood out and demonstrated that he has a bright future ahead of him. We have spoken to the talented point guard about the important victory, Krka"s season as well as his impressions about the ABA League, which he is playing in for the first time this season. Read more in the interview below.

Last weekend you have made a major comeback and scored a victory against Igokea. What was the key for your win at this game and what was the conversation in the locker room about, since you came out as a completely different team?

"It is a fact that we are not in the best possible position and every win is extremely valuable now. At half time we were in trouble, but we did not give up and have believed in ourselves. The coach was not satisfied since we did not play according to the plan, but we fixed that in the second half and reached an important win.

With a new pair of points you have now escaped the bottom of the standings by 2 victories. Do you breathe easier now? How do you as Krka"s member see this season"s battle to avoid relegation?

"All teams except the first four are in similar position so every win counts. The battle to stay in the league is not decided yet. For sure this win has given us a lot, but another game for survival is ahead of us - against Sutjeska in Nikšić.”

For a long time you are known as one of the biggest prospects of Slovenian basketball, but due to certain circumstances you have had to wait until this season in order to be able to play in the international club level. What is your impression about ABA League like and what is the difference between the regional competition and your previous competitions?

"The desire of every player is to make progress and to play at the highest possible level. When I already thought that I would get the opportunity to make the leap to a higher level, the injury turned up and sidelined me for almost a year. I believe that ABA League is much different from Slovenian championship, both in physical and tactical way.”

How do you see your personal goals and the goal of your team until the end of the season?

"The first goal is for sure to stay a member of the ABA League. While at the domestic level, we wish to win both national championship and national cup. Personally, I wish to make progress in all elements of basketball.”


Rebec: "Izjemno pomembna tekma nas pričakuje v Nikšiću”

Eden največjih talentov regionalne košarke je moral čakati na svoj debi v ligi ABA dlje kot bi kdo pričakoval, a nazadnje je le dočakal svojo priložnost. Pogovarjali smo se z Maticem Rebcem.

Medtem ko se je Krka izognila nevarnemu območju na dnu lestvice s pomembno zmago proti Igokei, Matic Rebec tokrat ni dobil veliko priložnosti za igro, a je v preteklih kolih dokazal, da ima pred seboj svetlo prihodnost. Z nadarjenim organizatorjem igre smo se pogovarjali o pomembni zmagi, Krkini sezoni, kot tudi o njegovih vtisih o ligi ABA, v kateri nastopa prvič. Več preberite v spodnjih vrsticah.

Konec tedna ste na domačem parketu v izjemno pomembni tekmi uprizorili preobrat in dosegli zmago proti Igokei. Kateri je bil ključen dejavnik za vašo zmago na tem srečanju in o čem ste se pogovarjali ob polčasu v garderobi iz katere ste prišli kot povsem drugo moštvo?

"Dejstvo je da nismo v najboljšem položaju in je sedaj vsaka tekma zelo pomembna. Ob polčasu nam ni kazalo najbolje, vendar se nismo predali in smo verjeli vase. Trener ni bil zadovoljen, ker se nismo držali dogovorjenega, vendar smo to v drugem polčasu popravili in prišli do pomembne zmage."

Z novim parom točk ste zdaj od dna lestvice oddaljeni dve zmagi. Se zdaj kaj lažje diha? Kako vi kot član Krke gledate na trenutno stanje na lestvici in razplet letošnjega boja za obstanek?

"Na lestvici so ekipe razen prvih štirih zelo izenačene, zato je vsaka zmaga zelo pomembna. Boj za obstanek se ni odločen. Zagotovo nam je ta zmaga veliko prinesla, vendar je pred nami še ena zelo pomembna tekma v soboto v Nikšiču.”

Dolgo časa ste znani kot eden največjih mladih upov slovenske košarke, pa vendar ste po spletu okoliščin šele letos prvič dobili priložnost igranja v mednarodnem klubskem tekmovanju. Kakšen je vaš dosedanji vtis o ligi ABA in kakšna je razlika v primerjavi s tekmovanji, v katerih ste nastopali doslej?

"Želja vsakega igralca je napredovati in nastopati na čim višjem nivoju. Ko je že bilo videti, da bom zaigral na višjem nivoju, je prišla poškodba, ki me je z igrišča oddaljila za skoraj leto. Mislim, da je razlika med slovensko ligo in ligo ABA velika, tako v fizičnem kot taktičnem smislu.”

Kako vidite osebne in moštvene cilje do konca letošnje sezone?

"Prvi cilj je vsekakor obstanek v ligi ABA. V državnem tekmovanju pa nam je cilj osvojitev tako državnega prvenstva kot tudi pokalnega naslova. Osebno pa si želim še napredovati v vsem elementih igre.”