INTERVIEW: Ante Žižić – „I want to win in every game“

Thursday, 04. February 2016 at 14:17

He is one of the biggest basketball talents in the whole region. An 18-year old center, who has already found himself in the focus of the entire Europe. A player who has grown into a key part of such a big club as Cibona is. His name is Ante Žižić.

He is one of the biggest basketball talents in the whole region. An 18-year old center, who has already found himself in the focus of the entire Europe. A player who has grown into a key part of such a big club as Cibona is. His name is Ante Žižić.

Young player of Cibona gave an interview for the official website of ABA League. Enjoy…

After a home win against Sutjeska, you now have 3 wins more than the last placed teams - How good is the atmosphere in the locker room before the last four rounds of the regular season?

"It is quite normal that every time we win we have a good atmosphere in the locker room. Especially in this kind of situation, when every win takes you to the 5th spot on the standings, while every defeat gets you close to the relegation zone.”

What are you main goals in the rest of the season?

"The first goal is practically fulfilled, it was to keep the place in the ABA League. As other goals are concerned, we want to win as many games as possible, and to finish at the highest possible place, in order to gain necessary confidence before the domestic league starts.”

You had a pretty amazing performance in the game against Sutjeska. How did you feel during the direct clash with former NBA center Ratko Varda, who is full of international basketball experience?

"I respect every single rival. My personal motto is to play as best as I can, regardless of the quality of my opponent. I just want to win in every game and show that I am the best down at the court.”

In the previous two years you have risen into one of the top prospects in the regional competition. How to you see your progress and what are the aspects that you still need to work on?

"Personally, I am well aware how much I have accomplished recently, considering that I was playing in the Croatian second division two years ago. But, as I am still a young player, I have a lot of things to learn and a lot of space to improve. For me, every next training and every next game represent a chance to build on my career.”

Many people are seeing ABA league as the home of the top basketball talents. How much does it mean to you as a young player to participate in such a competition?

"ABA League is considered to be one of the strongest leagues in Europe. I think it is a great place for every young player. Because, when you prove that you are good enough for ABA League, then you are ready to play in any other league.”


Ante Žižić: „Želim pobjediti svaku utakmicu"

On je jedan od najvećih talenata u regionu. Centar o kome priča cela Evropa, iako ima tek 18 godina. Igrač oko kojeg se već vrti igra takvog kluba kao što je Cibona. Njegovo ime je Ante Žižić.

Mladi košarkaš Cibone dao je intervju za zvaničan sajt ABA lige.

Nakon pobjede protiv Sutjeske na domaćem parketu pobjegli ste poslednjeplasiranim ekipama na 3 pobjede razlike - kakva je sada atmosfera u vašoj svlačionici?

„Normalno da je atmosfera nakon svake pobjede dobra, pogotovo jer nakon jedne pobjede skočis na peto mjesto u ligi, a poraz te automatski baca u zonu za ispadanje.”

Koji ciljevi će vas u ABA ligi voditi u nastavku sezone?

„Prvi cilj smo praktički osigurali, to je bio opstanak u ligi, a što se tiče ostalog, cilj nam je što više utakmica pobjedit radi konačnog poredka te samim time i skupljanja motivacije i samopuzdanja za domaće prvenstvo.”

Protiv Sutjeske ste zablistali odličnom individualnom partijom. Kako ste se osjećali na parketu igrajuči i protiv nekadašnjeg NBA centra Ratka Varde, koji je prepun međunarodnog iskustva?

„Svakog protivnika na suprotnoj strani cijenim i poštujem. Moj osobni moto je da odigram što bolje mogu, bila to extra klasa ili bilo tko drugi, ja jedino želim pobjediti svaku utakmicu i pokazati da sam najbolji na terenu.”

U protekle 2 godine istakli ste se kao jedan od najvećih talenata u regionalnoj ligi. Kako gledate na svoj napredak i na čemu još morate da radite?

„Trenutno sam i sam svjestan koliko san napredovao u kratkom razdoblju s obzirom da sam prije dvije god igrao drugu ligu u Hrvatskoj, a prošle sezone još sam bio u juniorskom stažu. Pošto sam još uvijek mladi igrač mislim da ima još puno prostora za napredak. Za mene je svaka naredna utakmica i naredni trening dodatan temelj i motiv za daljnji napredak.”

Mnogi pričaju o ABA ligi kao najvećem evropskom rasadniku talenata. Koliko vam kao mladom igraču znači igranje ovog natjecanja i u kom smislu ona najviše doprinosi vašem razvoju?

„ABA liga glasi kao jedna od najjačih liga u Europi. Osobno smatram da je dobra za svakog mladog igrača pogotovo kad dokažete da možete participirati u natjecanju samim time dokazujete da ste spremni i za neke druge lige.”
