Mršić three more seasons in charge of Cedevita

Wednesday, 02. March 2016 at 18:26

Since the agreement with their head coach Veljko Mršić expires at the end of the season and given that the club management is satisfied with his work so far, they decided to extend their cooperation for three more seasons.

Since the agreement with their head coach Veljko Mršić expires at the end of the season and given that the club management is satisfied with his work so far, they decided to extend their cooperation for three more seasons.

After this season ends, Veljko Mršić will stay in charge of Cedevita for three more years, according to a new contract extension, that he signed with the club"s management on mutual satisfaction. This way he was rewarded for the excellent work that he has done with the team so far this season.

The GM of Cedevita Davor Užbinec commented the news by offering reasons for this kind of action: "The results that we have achieved this season - full arenas, offering playing time to young players - is what we as the club"s management have wished. With his mentality and way of work, Veljko accomplished it and that is why we decided to offer him a contract extension.

Veljko Mršić, the head coach of the team, that is currently placed on the third place in the ABA League added: "I am pleased to continue to work in the stable team where I do not have any problems outside of the court. The most important thing for raising the performances of the team is to have an insight in the team and players for a longer period in order for them to make progress season after season and I hope for us to continue this way.”


Mršić još tri sezone predvodi Cedevitu

S obzirom da trenutni ugovor trenera Veljka Mršića sa Cedevitom ističe na kraju sezone i da je rukovodstvo kluba zadovoljno njegovim dosadašnjim radom, na obostrano zadovoljstvo su se dogovorili za produljenje suradnje na tri nove sezone.

Nakon završetka sezone Veljko Mršić će ostati na čelu Cedeviti još tri sezone, u skladu sa novim produljenjem suradnje, koji je potpisao sa klupskim rukovodstvom na obostrano zadovoljstvo. Na taj način trener je nagrađen za odličan dosadašnji rad s momčadi.

Direktor Cedevite Davor Užbinec prokomentirao je vest ovako: "Rezultati koje smo postigli ove godine, pune dvorane i uvođenje mlađih igrača je ono što smo mi kao Uprava htjeli. Veljko je to sa svojim razmišljanjem i načinom rada ispunio i stoga smo mu odlučili ponuditi novi ugovor."

Veljko Mršić, trener trenutno trećeplasirane ekipe ABA lige na to je dodao: "Drago mi je da nastavljam raditi u stabilnom klubu, gdje nemam nikakvih problema van parketa. Ono što je najvažnije za poboljšanje igre momčadi je da se jedan duži period ima uvid u momčad i igrače kako bi napredovali iz godine u godinu i nadam se da ćemo tako nastaviti."