INTERVIEW: Jure Lalić - "Bilan, Zirbes or Marić deserve the best center of the season award"

Thursday, 03. March 2016 at 12:03

After a convincing win against Mega Leks, Krka still hold their destiny regarding the battle to avoid relegation, in their own hands, but they face a tough test - battle against Crvena zvezda Telekom in Pionir Hall. Take a look at what Jure Lalić had to say about this and some other topics in the interview fort he ABA League website.

After a convincing win against Mega Leks, Krka still hold their destiny regarding the battle to avoid relegation, in their own hands, but they face a tough test - battle against Crvena zvezda Telekom in Pionir Hall. Take a look at what Jure Lalić had to say about this and some other topics in the interview fort he ABA League website.

In the previous round you have convincingly beaten Mega Leks. What was in your opinion decisive this time, so that you have managed to outplay the favourites from Sremska Mitrovica?

"The key to the victory against the Mega Leks team was fantastic defense. It was very clear to us how important that game was and in the given moment we gave our maximum."

Despite the convincing victory you have not secured yourself a victory yet. Do you feel any pressure because of that in your team and what is the atmosphere like?

"Everyone on the team eagerly await Monday and the finish of the season. The atmosphere on the team is good, especially after beating Mega Leks."

In the final round an important test is ahead of you, since you will be the guests of Crvena zvezda Telekom in Belgrade. In the Pionir Hall, you have already celebrated once this season. Do you believe that you could repeat that success and how do you see your chances against the red and white?

"We need to play on the high level in both directions in the game against Crvena zvezda Telekom, both on defensive and offensive end. This is the only way for us to face the team that successfully represent themselves in the Euroleague Top 16."

The season approaches its end and the moment is perfect to judge it. How did you, that have long year experience of playing in the regional competition, see the quality of the competition?

"This season four teams stood out from the average in the ABA League and those are the teams that will play in the playoffs. The rest of the competition were more or less even and the situation in the league's standings is a proof of it. I expect an exciting playoffs."

Playing against which player was the toughest this season and why? Who deserves the prize for the best center of the ABA League in your opinion?

"For sure the prize should go to one of the trio Miro Bilan - Maik Zirbes - Aleksandar Marić. Playing against them was the most demanding this season as well."


Lalić: "Bilan, Zirbes ali Marić si zaslužijo nagrado za najboljšega centra"

Po zanesljivi zmagi proti Mega Leksu, moštvo Krke še vedno drži usodo o obstanku v ligi ABA v svojih rokah, a je pred njimi zahteven test v dvorani Pionir proti Crveni zvezdi Telekom. Preberite si, kaj je o tem in še nekaterih stvareh v intervjuju za uradno spletno stran lige ABA povedal center Jure Lalić.

V preteklem kolu ste na domačem parketu prepričljivo premagali Mega Leks. Kaj je po vašem mnenju bilo odločilno tokrat, da ste favoriziranega nasprotnika uspeli deklasirati?

"Ključ zmage nad moštvom Mega Leksa je bila vrhunska obramba. Jasno nam je bilo kako pomembna je bila ta tekma in v danem trenutku smo dali od sebe svoj maksimum."

Kljub zanesljivi zmagi si obstanka v ligi še niste zagotovili. Je zaradi tega v moštvu čutiti kaj napetosti in kakšno je vzdušje v tem trenutku?

"Vsi v moštvu z nestrpnostjo pričakujemo ponedeljek in razplet te sezone. V moštvu je vzdušje dobro, še posebej po osvojitvi pokala in zmagi nad Mega Leksom."

V zadnjem kolu vas čaka zahteven test, saj boste gostovali v Beogradu pri Crveni zvezdi Telekom. V dvorani Pionir ste enkrat že slavili zmago v tej sezoni. Verjamete v ponovitev uspeha in kako vidite svoje možnosti proti rdeče-belim?

"Proti Crveni zvezdi Telekom moramo odigrati na visokem nivoju v obeh smereh, tako v obrambi kot v napadu. To je edini način na katerega se moramo zoperstaviti moštvu, ki uspešno igra tudi v Top 16 fazi Evrolige."

Sezona je tik pred zaključkom in trenutek je primeren za njeno oceno. Kako ste vi, ki imate z igranjem v regionalni ligi dolgoletne izkušnje, videli kakovost tekmovanja?

"Menim, da so v letošnji sezoni lige ABA iz povprečja izstopila 4 moštva, ki bodo tudi nastopala v končnici. Preostanek lige je bil popolnoma izenačen kar dokazuje tudi trenutno stanje na ligaški lestvici. Pričakujem napeto in vznemirljivo končnico."

Igranje proti kateremu igralcu je bilo za vas v tej sezoni najbolj zahtevno in zakaj? Kdo si po vaši oceni zasluži nagrado za najboljšega centra lige ABA?

"Nagrado za najboljšega centra si zagotovo zasluži nekdo izmed trojice Miro Bilan, Maik Zirbes in Aleksandar Marić. Oni so prav tako tudi košarkarji, proti katerim je bilo to sezono najbolj zahtevno igrati."