Boban Marjanović: "I can hardly wait for the start of ABA Finals"

Friday, 22. April 2016 at 15:13

One of the players who used to play both for Mega Leks and Crvena zvezda Telekom is the current San Antonio Spurs center - Boban Marjanović! In the interview for our website, Marjanović stated that he is very excited to watch the big Finals between his former teams.

One of the players who used to play both for Mega Leks and Crvena zvezda Telekom is the current San Antonio Spurs center - Boban Marjanović! In the interview for our website, Marjanović stated that he is very excited to watch the big Finals between his former teams.

Boban, have you followed ABA League during this season?

"Of course I have. Here in the USA, ABA matches were starting somewhere around 12 pm, so I watched them during lunch time. The league itself was very interesting, while I found the Playoffs especially exciting. Speaking about the Finals, I expect good matches and a very interesting series. Whoever wants to win the trophy will have to put up a lot of hard work, so I can hardly wait for the start."

This will certainly be a special ABA League Finals for you, as you played both for Mega Leks and Crvena zvezda Telekom in your career. Let's start with Mega first, what are your first impressions about their tremendous season?

"The boys are fighting for every ball, they are giving everything they have and they are indeed leaving their hearts on the court. There is a basketball saying - The team is a reflection of their coach. Mega Leks are putting up a lot of energy into their game, while they have also improved their defense a lot. Head coach Milojević is doing a fantastic job with those young guys, while their desire to improve their skills is really enormous."

Are you surprised with this fantastic achievement of Mega Leks, as they will play for the first time ever in the ABA League Finals?

"I do not know if I am surprised. They were indeed a better side in the semifinals. There were some games during the Regular Season that they lost in the final seconds, but that helped them gain necessary experience, and it is obvious now that they know how to finish the match."

You mentioned coach Milojević, with whom you have had a very successful cooperation. What is the secret of his success?

"His player's experience is crucial. He knows how to treat his players, as he was once a very successful player himself. Milojević has the right approach, he is always honest with his players, he knows what they need to improve and which advice to give them. Honesty and knowledge - That is Dejan Milojević."

Let's now speak about Crvena zvezda Telekom. How much have you watched the red and whites in this season?

"I have watched a lot of games and I can say that Zvezda are playing great! It is amazing to see them fight for every ball. Take the match against Unicaja for example. Crvena zvezda Telekom were down by almost 20 points, but they came back and won the game! On the road! That was really fantastic. I also watched the semifinal series against Cedevita, it was very tough, but it ended well for Zvezda."

While being in Crvena zvezda Telekom you have worked with head coach Dejan Radonjić. What impression has he left on you?

"Like Dejan Milojević, I remember Dejan Radonjić only by good things. It is very important that he has a continuity in Crvena zvezda Telekom and that he had time to build a system that suits him. From my personal experience I can say that the system works perfectly, while he has also created an excellent atmosphere that transfers to the players. Of course, his basketball knowledge is not questionable."

For the end, how would you describe your first season in NBA?

"I have only good things to say. I am more than just satisfied. it is much better than I expected, so I can say that I am living my dream."


Boban Marjanović - "Jedva čekam da počne"

Jedan od igrača koji je u karijeri nastupao i za Megu Leks i za Crvenu zvezdu Telekom je Boban Marjanović, sadašnji centar San Antonio Sparsa. U intervjuu za naš sajt, Marjanović je istakao da ne može da dočeka da gleda njegova dva bivša kluba u velikom finalu ABA lige.

Da li ste pratili ABA ligu ove sezone?

"Naravno da jesam. ABA utakmice su mi ovde počinjale oko 12-13 posle podne, pa sam ih taman gledao uz ručak. Liga je zaista bila veoma zanimljiva, a Plejof je bio posebno uzbudljiv. što se tiče finala, očekujem dobre utakmice i zanimljivu seriju. Ko želi da pobedi moraće baš dosta da se pomuči i jedva čekam da počne."

Za vas će to sigurno biti posebno finale, pošto ste u karijeri igrali i za Megu Leks i za Crvenu zvezdu Telekom. Da krenemo prvo sa Megom, kako vam se čini ekipa ove sezone?

"Momci se bore, daju sve od sebe i ostavljaju srce na terenu. što se kaže, kakav je trener takva je i ekipa. Ulažu mnogo energije, znatno su popravili odbranu. Trener Milojević radi zaista fantastičan posao sa tim mladim momcima, a i njihova želja da naprave nešto i da napreduju je zaista ogromna."

Da li vas je iznenadio plasman Mege Leks u finale ABA lige?

"Ne znam da li sam se iznenadio. Kada sam gledao polufinale, stvarno su bili bolji rival na terenu. Bilo je utakmica koje su gubili na jednu loptu, ali su svi zajedno stekli to neophodno iskustvo i videlo se da sada znaju kako da privedu utakmicu kraju."

Pomenuli ste trenera Dejana Milojevića sa kojim ste svojevremeno veoma uspešno saradjivali. Koja je tajna njegovog uspeha?

"Njegovo igračko iskustvo, za koje mislim da je presudno. On zna kako da postupa sa igračima, pošto je i sam bio vrhunski košarkaš i zna šta igračima odgovara. Ima pravi pristup, uvek je iskren prema igračima, zna da ih posavetuje i tačno zna šta bi trebalo da poprave u svojoj igri. Iskrenost i znanje, to je Dejan Milojević."

Da predjemo na Crvenu zvezdu Telekom. Koliko ste pratili crveno-bele ove sezone?

"Gledao sam dosta utakmica i mogu da kažem da Zvezda igra odlično. Svidja mi se što se vidim da se momci bore. Uzmite samo za primer onu utakmicu protiv Unikahe kada su gubili skoro 20 razlike, ali su se vratili i dobili meč. U gostima! To je stvarno fenomenalno. Gledao sam polufinale protiv Cedevite, bilo je teško, ali se dobro završilo po Zvezdu."

U Zvezdi ste radili sa trenerom Dejanom Radonjićem. Kakav je on utisak ostavio na vas?

"Kao i Dejana Milojevića, tako i Dejana Radonjića pamtim samo po dobrom. Mnogo je bitno to što ima kontinuitet u Zvezdi i što je izgradio sistem koji mu odgovara. Iz ličnog iskustva mogu da kažem da se zaista dobro radi, a napravljen je jedan odličan ambijent koji se prenosi na igrače. Naravno, njegovo košarkaško znanje se ne dovodi u pitanje."

Za kraj, kako biste opisali vašu prvu sezonu u NBA ligi?

"Imam samo reči hvale. Ne samo da sam zadovoljan nego sam prezadovoljan. Mnogo je bolje nego što sam očekivao. Živim svoj san."
