INTERVIEW: Vanja Marinkovič - “One of my dearest and most important shots”

Wednesday, 19. October 2016 at 11:00

Vanja Marinković’s name was for sure one of those that were mentioned the most times during and after the 5th round of ABA League season. The reason is of course his fantastic game-winning three pointer, scored against Union Olimpija.

Vanja Marinkovic, Grobari (Photo: Partizan NIS)

Vanja Marinković’s name was for sure one of those that were mentioned the most times during and after the 5th round of ABA League season. The reason is of course his fantastic game-winning three pointer, scored against Union Olimpija.

With Vanja, we have spoken not only about this shot and the game against the Dragons, but also about the season so far and the relationship with the passionate black and white fans.

Read more in the rows below.

Partizan NIS has begun the season in a successful fashion – with a run of 5 victories. Have you imagined that the beginning could be that successful and would you believe someone who would predicted this to you?

“Since the beginning of our training camp, we were determined that every next game is always the most important one for us and that’s how we are preparing for them. Of course, I am glad that we have started the season the way we have, but we have no time to look back. Already the game in Germany is ahead of us and we are getting ready for it. We would think the same way even if our record would have been different.”

You have succeeded in overcoming Union Olimpija after a huge battle. Even though every win is a result of team effort, you have emerged as a hero, after scoring a game-winning three pointer. What were your feelings like and what was the thing that went through your head at that moment?

“Hatcher found me brilliantly, I took a shot and scored, but I quickly switched from the celebration mode to the mode of getting ready for playing defense during the following Union Olimpija offensive possession. Only when the game was over, we had a chance to relax a bit and share our joy with the fans.”

Was it planned for you to take that last shot or was it just a combination of coincidence and your personal desire for a victory? Is this the most important shot of your career so far?

“We prepared an offensive play and the deal was to find an open player. They concentrated themselves on Hatcher, so I have found myself free after my move. I got a chance to hit the shot which would not mean a lot if we did not manage to defend our basket in the next 6 seconds. It is an important shot, of course, just like there were many more during my time in the youth categories. However, this is for sure one of my dearest and most important shots of my senior career.”

How much does a victory after such an important ending mean for the successful continuation of your season? How does your chances of reaching the Playoffs look to you right now and do you already consider it as a goal?

“Of course, it is psychologically much easier to continue when you exit an exciting ending with a victory. However, as I have said previously, we do not look far in front right now. We will battle maximally in every game in every competition. Now the focus is on Ludwigsburg.”

Which teams do you consider the main rivals for the top this season and who is the main favourite for taking the trophy this season in the ABA League?

“Budućnost VOLI, Crvena zvezda mts and Cedevita have been considered main contenders for the top before the beginning of the season. I belive that this has not changed until now.”

You are known as a Partizan’s child. How does it feel for you to play in front of faithful fans, that are following and supporting you wherever you play and regardless of the results?

“It is difficult to describe how much this energy from the stands means for us that are on the court. The word “plenty” is too mild. It is a relationship that has been going on for ever and that we are all proud of. They are supporting us even when the situation on court is well and when it is not. For I don’t know how many times we have found extra energy thanks to the songs from the stands.”


Vanja Marinković: “Jeadn od najdražih i najvažnijih šuteva”

Ime Vanje Marinkovića je sigurno među onima, koja su bila najčešće spomenuta tokom i nakon petog kola ABA lige. Razlog je naravno njegova fantastična trojka za pobedu u utakmici protiv Union Olimpije.

Sa Vanjom smo razgovarali ne samo o pogotku u utakmici protiv zmajeva, nego i o dosadašnjem delu sezone i odnosu sa strastvenim crno belim navijačima.

Pročitajte više u donjim redovima.

Partizan NIS je veoma uspešno započeo sezonu – sa serijom od 5 pobeda. Da li ste se nadali takvom početku i da li biste verovali nekome kad bi vam prognozirao ovakav start?

„Od početka priprema smo se opredelili da nam je svaka sledeća utakmica najbitnija, tako se i pripremamo. Naravno, prija ovakav početak sezone, ali nemamo kada da se osvrćemo nazad. Već nas očekuje meč u Nemačkoj i spremamo se za njega. Isto bi razmišljali i da nam je skor bio drugaćiji.“

Posle velike borbe uspeli ste da savladate Union Olimpiju. Iako je svaka pobeda rezultat timskog rada, vi ste lično na kraju izašli kao heroj, posle pogođene odlučujuće trojke. Kakvi su bili osećaji i šta vam je prošlo kroz glavu u tom trenutku?

„Hečer je me je sjajno pronašao, šutnuo sam i pogodio a taj trenutak sreće sam brzo zamenio spremanjem odbrane za poslednji napad Olimpije. Tek na kraju utakmice smo mogli da se malo opustimo i podelimo radost sa navijačima.“

Da li je bio plan da vi uzmete taj poslednji šut ili je slučajno došlo do toga sticajem okolnosti i vašom željom po pobedi? Da li je to vaš najvažniji koš u dosadašnjoj karijeri?

„Imali smo spremnu akciju i dogovor je bio da se traži slobodan igrač. Usmerili su pažnju na Hečera, ja sam se posle kretnje našao sam i tako dobio priliku da uputim taj šut koji ne bi puno vredeo da nismo uspeli da se odbranimo u poslednjih 6 sekundi. Važan šut svakako, bilo je u mlađim kategorijama još nekih važnih šuteva, ali u seniorskoj konkurenciji mi je ovo svakako jedan od najdražih i najvažnijih koševa.“

Koliko je pobeda posle ovakve završnice važna za vaš nastavak sezone? Kako vam izgledaju šanse Partizana NIS za ulazak u plej-of ABA lige i da li kao tim već razmišljate o tome kao cilju?

„Naravno, mnogo je psihološki lakše kada iz neizvesne završnice izađete sa pobedom. Ipak, kao što sam i rekao, ne razmišljamo toliko daleko u ovom trenutku. Borićemo se maksimalno u svakoj utakmici u svim takmičenjima, a sada je fokus na Ludvigsburgu.“

Koje ekipe vidite kao glavne rivale u borbi za vrh ove sezone i ko je po vama glavni favorit za osvajanje titule šampiona u ABA ligi?

„Budućnost VOLI, Crvena zvezda mts i Cedevita su i pre sezone važili za favorite u odnosu na ostatak lige. Mislim da su i sada.“

Vi ste poznati kao dete Partizana. Kakav je za vas osećaj igrati pred vernim navijačima, koji vas prate i podržavaju uvek bez obzira na rezultate i svuda, čak i na dalekim gostovanjima?

„Teško je opisati koliko ta energija sa tribina znači nama koji smo na terenu. “Mnogo” je blaga reč. To je odnos koji traje dugo i na koji smo svi ponosni. Oni nas podržavaju i kada je situacija na terenu dobra i kada nije. Ni sam ne znam koliko puta smo iz sebe izvukli neku dodatnu snagu uz pomoć huka sa tribina.“
