INTERVIEW: Željko Šakić – “Playing the first home game for Cibona was unique and wonderful”

Thursday, 12. January 2017 at 11:00

Željko Šakić has returned to the ABA League this season after playing abroad for the several years and immediately, he has started to dominate the regional league courts. We spoke with the Cibona star in an interview for our official website.

Zeljko Sakic (Photo: Cibona/Zeljko Baksaj & Gordan Lausic)

Željko Šakić has returned to the ABA League this season after playing abroad for the several years and immediately, he has started to dominate the regional league courts. We spoke with the Cibona star in an interview for our official website.

Find out more in the lines below.

Cibona are back on the winning track – how do you see the team's chances of reaching the Playoffs?

“For sure we have a chance, but every next game will be more strenuous and we will have to give more than our maximum in order to reach the desired place in the Playoffs.”

Together with Ante Žižić you have formed one of the best duos in the ABA League. How difficult is it now to play without him?

“Ante and I have had excellent chemistry, that only few could stop. Of course, now that he is gone, there is a hole under the rim, but we must fill it the best way we can.”

You are one of the most experienced players in the ABA League. How do you see the competition this season?

“I do not consider myself to be such an experienced player, since there is still a lot to learn for me out there. This season the league is divided. I believe that Zvezda are the strongest and the standings are an evidence of this. We are amongst the clubs, that are fighting to reach the Playoffs and we are realistically stronger than the clubs beneath us. Of course, all of this must be proven on court, but I believe that currently things stand like this.”

Which is the game that you remember the most from this season?

“If I must choose a game, it would be my first home game for Cibona against Mornar. It was an unique and wonderful feeling.”

Do you feel like you are playing the best basketball of your career?

“There are plenty of people that do not know me, but I am trying to be a better player every single new season. And it is very simple – as much as you give, that much you receive. Everything is payed back in life. For sure this is one of my better seasons, but I will never say that it is the best, since I always believe that I can improve.”

How important is the fact that you are playing at home this season for the fact that you are playing so well?

“There are always advantages of playing at home, but there is also always the pressure that is present. Of course, every new day and every new game offer new pressure, and you feel this the most when you are playing at home. However, I have the support of my parents and my girlfriend that is the most important to me and with this kind of support everything is easier to do.”

What are your plans for the future like?

“Just think positively and nothing is impossible. Never give up.”


Željko Šakić: „Osjećaj igranja prve domaće utakmice za Cibonu bio je jedinstven i prekrasan!“

Željko Šakić se ove sezone vratio u ABA ligu nakon više sezona provedenih u inostranstvu i odmah je počeo da dominira po parketima širom regije. S zvijezdom Cibone razgovarali smo u intervjuu za našu zvaničnu internetnu stranicu.

Pročitajte više u donjim redovima.

Cibona se vratila na pobjednički put, kako gledate na šanse tima da se domogne doigravanja?

„Sigurno imamo šansu, ali svaka slijedeća tekma biti će zahtjevnija i morat ćemo dati i više od maksimuma ako želimo u doigravanje.“

Zajedno sa Ante Žižićem činili ste jedan od najboljih tandema u ABA ligi, koliko je teško sada igrati bez njega?

„Ja i Ante smo stvorili jako dobru kemiju, koju vrlo rijetki su mogli zaustaviti. Naravno, sad kad je otišao sigurno je ostala jedna rupa pod košem, ali moramo se krpati kako god znamo.“

Spadate u red iskusnijih igrača u ABA ligi, kako vam se čini natjecanje ove godine?

„Ne smatram se totalno iskusnim igračem, pošto još imam puno za naučiti. Liga je ove godine podijeljena. Mislim da je Zvezda najjača i to dokazuje tablica. Mi smo u razini ovih klubova koji se bore za doigravanje, a realno smo bolji od klubova ispod nas. Naravno, sve se to mora dokazati na terenu, ali u ovom trenu mislim da je tako.“

Koju utakmicu najviše pamtite iz ove sezone?

„Ako moram izdvojiti jednu utakmicu to bi bila prva moja domaća utakmica za Cibonu protiv Mornara. Jedinstven i prekrasan osjećaj.“

Da li imate osjećaj, da ove sezone igrate najbolju košarku svoje karijere?

„Mnogi me ne znaju, ali svake godine pokušavam biti što bolji i kvalitetniji igrač. I to je vrlo jednostavno, koliko daješ toliko dobijaš. Sve vam se vrati u životu. Sigurno jedna od boljih sezona, neću nikad reći najbolja jer uvijek mislim da mogu bolje.“

Koliko vašim dobrim partijama doprinosi činjenica da igrate kod kuće, u svom Zagrebu?

„Uvijek ima prednosti što igraš doma, ali i velikog pritiska. Naravno, pritisak je svaki dan, svaka utakmica, samo sto je to doma izraženije . Uglavnom, imam podršku svojih roditelja i djevojke, koja mi je najbitnija, a uz takvu podršku sve je lakše raditi.“

Kakvi su vam planovi za budućnost?

„Samo misliti pozitivno i ništa nije nedostižno. Nikad se ne predavati.“
