Jenkins - "That trust coach Radonjić has in me... Man, you just do not get that everywhere"

Friday, 14. April 2017 at 17:34

The MVP of the 2016/17 ABA League Playoffs Charles Jenkins of Crvena zvezda mts had a lot of compliments for team head coach Dejan Radonjić. 

Charles Jenkins (Photo: Crvena zvezda mts)

Thursday evening was quite special for Charles Jenkins. He won another ABA League title with Crvena zvezda mts, while on top of that he was named the MVP of the Playoffs. After a very successful season, the American player wanted to thank Crvena zvezda mts head coach Dejan Radonjić for believing in him all the time.

"He trusts me a lot. I mean, he really trusts me. That is something any player in the world would want from his coach. It's not that I can come down at the court and take a half-court shot. I can't do that of course, but he knows where I can be successful, He always tells me to continue being aggressive offensively and good things will happen. You know, you do not get that from every coach. That is big. Maybe if I had been playing for him forever... But it was like that since my second season here. I had a year off offensively when I was in Milano, but when I came back coach Radonjić had the same mentality that he had when I was here last time. That is amazing for me.

Jenkins tried to explain how special his relationship with head coach Radonjić is.

"When I arrived in Crvena zvezda I played as point guard, but he moved me from that position, because he thought I can be better as shooting guard. And the moment Jović got injured, there was no question who will start playing as point guard. He did not hesitate and he did not think at all who should play at that position. He came straight to me and that shows a lot of how much confidence he has in me. Man, you just do not get that trust everywhere."


Čarls Dženkins - "To poverenje koje mi trener Radonjić ukazuje... Čoveče, to ne dobijaš svugde"

Čarls Dženkins, igrač Crvene zvezde mts i MVP plej-ofa ABA lige, imao je samo reči hvale za svog trenera Dejana Radonjića.

Četvrtak, 13. april 2017. godine je bio poseban dan za Čarlsa Dženkinsa. Njegov tim Crvena zvezda mts je osvojio još jednu titulu u ABA ligi, a Dženkins je proglašen za najkorisnijeg igrača plej-ofa. Posle veoma uspešne sezone, Američki košarkaš je želeo da se zahvali svom treneru Dejanu Radonjiću na ukazanom poverenju.

"On mi zaista mnogo veruje. To je nešto što bi svaki igrač na svetu poželeo od svog trenera. Naravno, neće mi dozvoliti da izadjem na teren i šutiram sa pola terena, ali on tačno zna u kom delu igre mogu da budem uspešan. Uvek mi govori da budem agresivan u napadu i da će se dobre stvari desiti. Znate, ne dobijate to od svakog trenera. To je baš veliko. Možda da sam igrao kod njega ceo život... Ali tako je bilo praktično od moje druge sezone ovde. Imao sam izgubljenu godinu napadački dok sam bio u Milanu, ali kada sam se vratio trener Radonjić je imao isti onaj metalitet kao kada sam bio prethodni put ovde. To je nešto neverovatno."

Dženkins je pokušao da objasni koliko je poseban odnos izmedju njega i trenera Radonjića.

"Kada sam došao u Crvenu zvezdu igrao sam na poziciji plejmejkera, ali me je on odmah prebacio na 'dvojku' jer je smatrao da tako mogu da bolje doprinesem timu. Međutim ove sezone kada se Jović povredio uopšte se nije postavljalo pitanje ko će da igra plejmejkera. Radonjić se nije dvoumio i nije oklevao, odmah je izabrao mene i to pokazuje koliko poverenja ima u mene. Čoveče, to je poverenje koje ne dobijaš svugde."
