Samardžiski stays in Mega Bemax

Monday, 10. July 2017 at 12:09

Experienced center extended his contract with Mega Bemax for one more season.

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Mega Bemax decided to bring a bit of experience to their 2017/18 roster, so they extended contract with 31-year old center Predrag Samardžiski for one more year.

Samardžiski firstly arrived in Mega Bemax back in the summer of 2015. He was making great numbers in the first part of the 2015/16 season, before accepting the offer from Turkish team Tüyap Büyükçekmece where he stayed for one year. Finally, Samardžiski returned to Mega Bemax in January 2017.

As he was recovering from knee injury, Samardžiski played just two games for Mega Bemax in the 2016/17 ABA League campaign. Still, this experienced center should be ready to help the team from the beggining of the upcoming season.


Samardžiski produžio ugovor sa Megom

Iskusni centar Mega Bemaxa Predrag Samardžiski je produžio ugovor sa klubom i za narednu sezonu. Samardžiski je prvi put zaigrao u Megi u prvom delu sezone 2015/16 kada je sa svojim iskustvom i igrama doprineo sjajnim rezultatima kluba, a potom se posle sezone u turskoj ekipi Bujukčekmeče, vratio u klub krajem januara ove godine.

Samardžiski je zbog oporavka posle operacije kolena, zaigrao za Megu u samom finišu ABA lige, da bi potom u Super ligi u proseku za 12.9 minuta, beležio 4.1 poen i 3.2 skoka.
