Lovre Bašić stays in Zadar - "It is my club"

Monday, 07. August 2017 at 15:22

Lovre Bašić has extended his contract with Zadar for two more years.

Lovre Basic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)

It is official! Lovre Bašić will continue playing for Zadar as he extended his contract with the club for two more years.

"I am very glad that we managed to agree terms on contract extension with Bašić, who should cover the point guard position together with Jakov Vladović. I hope that he will be well-motivated in the upcoming season, as this is perhaps his last chance to start playing at the high level... The level that he deserves to be at and that fully matches his basketball talent. I hope that he will take this opportunity seriously, while me and my staff will be there for him all the time," said Zadar head coach Aramis Naglić.

"I am happy to stay in Zadar. It is my club and I can hardly wait for the start of the new season. I am highly motivated and I will do everything to leave my mark on the 2017/18 season," said Bašić.

Zadar will start preparations for the new season on August 14.


Lovre Bašić ostaje u Zadru

Lovre Bašić ostaje u Zadru! Drugi najmlađi kapetan Zadra u povijesti produljio je ugovor s matičnim klubom. Suradnja je dogovorena na dvije godine (1+1), a službeno je formalizirana tijekom današnjeg dana.

- Tako je. Meni je drago da smo se uspjeli dogovoriti s Lovrom, koji bi uz Jakova Vladovića trebao popuniti poziciju organizatora igre. Nadam se da će u novu sezonu ući motiviran. Ovo mu je možda i posljednja prilika da krene igrati na visokoj razini kakvu njegov talent zaslužuje. Nadam se da će ovu priliku ozbiljno shvatiti, a ja i moj stručni stožer bit ćemo mu maksimalno na raspolaganju - poručio je trener Zadra Aramis Naglić.

- Veselim se ostanku u Zadru. To je moj klub i jedva čekam početak nove sezone. Motiviran sam i nastojat ću da ova sezona uistinu bude moja - istaknuo je Lovre Bašić.

Pripreme prve momčadi Zadra krenut će u ponedjeljak 14. kolovoza, dok će nekoliko dana ranije, u srijedu 09. kolovoza Naglić na treningu u dvorani Višnjik okupiti nekoliko mlađih igrača.
