Jones reinforced the Dragons

Saturday, 16. June 2018 at 11:14

Petrol Olimpija is continuing to strengthen its basketball squad ahead of the following 2018/19 season. 23-year old American Marvin Jones joined the ranks of the reigning Slovenian national champions, as he signed a 2-year contract.

Zoran Martic (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Young and 2013 cm tall American power forward Marvin Jones, that can also help the team at the center position has, after four years, that he had spent at the Highliand, Kent State and Texas Southern Universities, played the 2017/18 season at Kolossos of the Green island Rhodes.

In the University basketball he left the best impression in his second season, which he spent at Highland, where he averaged 9 points 7.9 rebounds and 1.9 blocks per game. He was also excellent in the 2016/17 season in the jersey of the Southern Texas University, as he averaged 8.5 points, 6.8 rebounds and 1.6 blocks per game, while averaging a 60% shot from the field.

He finished the season with Kolossos in the Greek National Championship Quarter-finals, where his team lost twice against Panathinaikos. The team ended the season at eighth place with 11 victories from 26 games and Jones averaged 10.4 points, 6.2 rebounds and 1 block per game in 22 games played. His shot from the field was 58.7% and he was the fourth best rebounder and sixth best shot blocker of the Greek National Championship:

Marvin Jones, the new Petrol Olimpija player told as he signed with his new club:"I’m thankful and exited to be joining Petrol Olimpija. It’s a historic club with a lot of success in its past so it’s an honour to be a part of its team. I’m looking forward to the journey ahead."


Jones okrepil ljubljanske Zmaje

Moštvo Petrol Olimpije nadaljuje s sestavo igralskega kadra pred začetkom sezone 2018/19. Vrste aktualnih državnih prvakov je okrepil 23-letni Američan Marvin Jones, ki je z Ljubljančani podpisal dvoletno pogodbo.

Mladi, 213 centimetrov visoki ameriški krilni center, ki lahko ekipi pomaga tudi na igralnem položaju centra, je po štirih letih, ki jih je prebil na kolidžih Highland, Kent State in Texas Southern, sezono 2017/18 preživel v Kolossosu, ki prihaja iz grškega otoka Rodos.

V univerzitetni košarki je najboljši vtis pustil v drugi sezoni, ki jo je prebil na Highlandu, kjer je v povprečju dosegal 9,0 točke, 7,9 skoka in 1,9 blokade na tekmo. Odličen je bil tudi v sezoni 2016/17 v dresu kolidža iz južnega Teksasa, beležil pa je 8,5 točke, 6,8 skoka in 1,6 blokade na tekmo ob kar 60-odstotnem metu iz igre.

Grško državno prvenstvo je s Kolossosom sklenil v četrtfinalu, kjer je ekipa dvakrat izgubila proti Panathinaikosu. Redni del sezone je moštvo sklenilo na osmem mestu z 11 zmagami na 26 tekmah, Jones pa je na 22 odigranih tekmah v povprečju dosegal 10,4 točke, 6,2 skoka in 1,0 blokado na tekmo. Ob tem je iz igre metal 58,7-odstotno, hkrati pa bil četrti skakalec in šesti bloker grškega državnega prvenstva.

Ob podpisu pogodbe z novim klubom je Jones povedal:"Hvaležen sem za to možnost in vesel, da se bom pridružil Petrol Olimpiji. To je klub z bogato zgodovino, polno uspehov in velika čast je biti del njegovega moštva. Veselim se zgodbe, ki je pred nami."
