Petrol Olimpija defeated by Mitteldeutscher

Tuesday, 28. August 2018 at 22:33

Petrol Olimpija have suffered defeat in their first preseason game this summer. In Stožice Arena they were defeated by Mitteldeutscher with the final score of 67:66.

Blaz Mesicek (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Tine Ruzic)

For the Dragons the preparation period did not start just the way they have desired, as they have suffered a close defeat to the German Bundesliga side Mitteldeutscher. The guests in Stožice Arena have turned the game their way in the final seconds of the game with a three-pointer and come out victoriously.

Miha Lapornik topped the list of scorers for Petrol Olimpija with 12 points.

You can check the game stats HERE.
