FAN MAIL: Luka Božić – “Our fans can change the flow of the game"

Thursday, 15. November 2018 at 15:15

Zadar star player Luka Božić has answered on your questions! Who is his best friend in Zadar? Who was his basketball idol? Who is the only player he could not beat in 1-on-1 game? Find out the answers in the following article.

Luka Bozic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)

Zadar star player Luka Božić has answered on your questions! Who is his best friend in Zadar? Who was his basketball idol? Who is the only player he could not beat in 1-on-1 game? Find out the answers in the following article.

Do you think that some Italian club may offer you a contract in near future?

“Yeah, I think it is possible. Italian Championship is a very attractive basketball league, so I might end up there one day.”

Which ABA League player is most difficult to guard?

“It is always hard to play defense on the players who are allowed to take plenty of shots and do everything they want on the court. There are plenty of top players in ABA League, so I just can’t choose one.”

How tall are you with your shoes off?

“198 cm.”

Who is your best friend in Zadar?

“I spend most of my time with Luka Tomas. We really understand each other and he is an extremely amusing guy.”

What do you like the most about the city of Zadar?

“There are many things I really like about Zadar. If I really have to pick something, then I will pick those delicious deserts in local restaurants.”

How much free time do you have during the day and how do you spend it?

“We don’t really have a lot of free time. Mostly, I spend it by reading books or playing Fortnite.”

Which ABA League player you enjoy watching?

“There are plenty of them on that list. For example, I like watching Vanja Marinković, then Rade Zagorac, Tay Waller, Aleksa Ilić...”

What game is The Derby for you: Zadar – Cibona or Zadar – Cedevita? Beating which one brings you more pleasure?

“Here, The Derby is certainly the match between Zadar and Cibona. But, I will say that the feeling is equally sweet when we beat any of them.“

Zadar’s results have improved since Ante Nazor replaced Aleš Pipan. What exactly changed in the team when Nazor became the head coach?

“It is hard for me to talk about that. Anyway, Nazar has certainly brought some new energy which you can see in our defense.”

Who was your basketball idol back in the childhood?

“My idol was Michael Jordan, because I really enjoyed watching Chicago Bulls at that time and because I loved the movie Space Jam. Later on, I liked watching Kobe Bryant. I really liked his game.”

What is your record in most points scored in a single game?

“I scored 84 points in the match against Đurđevac in the U16 league.”

What is the most beautiful city you have ever lived in?

“Every city has its own beauty. Now I live in Zadar which is a really nice city. I also like Zagreb, because my sister, aunt and uncle live there. Also, it is close to my mother and to my home town Bjelovar.”

How would you describe your relationship with Zadar’s fans? How much they mean to you?

“I think that we have a good relationship. They are really important to us, because they can change the flow of the game and help us play better.”

What are your expectations about this season?

“I don’t want to talk about expectations, because I don’t want to jinx something. In any case, I want that we score as many wins as possible.”

Who was the only player which you could not beat in 1 on 1 game while you were playing for Zagreb?

“Krunoslav Macner was the only one I could not beat (laughs).”

Would you ever play for Partizan NIS or Crvena zvezda mts and which one of them would you pick?

“I now play for Zadar and I don’t think about playing for any other club from ABA League. I certainly respect all the teams from this region, especially the ones with such a huge tradition like those two clubs.”

What is the feeling to be the ABA League MVP of the Round two weeks in a row?

“It is a nice feeling. No doubt that those awards give me additional motivation to work even harder and play even better in the future.”

Who will be the winners of ABA League, EuroLeague and EuroCup in this season?

“I don’t really like to answer on that kind of questions, but if you insist then I will say that CSKA Moscow will win the EuroLeague, Crvena zvezda or Lokomotiv Kuban will win the EuroCup, while I would prefer that Zadar win the ABA League in this season.”


FAN MAIL: Luka Božić – “Naši navijači mogu okrenuti utakmicu u našu korist"

Košarkaš Zadra Luka Božić je odgovorio na vaša pitanja! Tko mu je najbolji prijatelj u timu? Koji igrač mu je bio idol u djetinjstvu? Tko je bio jedini igrač kojeg nije mogao dobiti u igri 1 na 1 u Zagrebu? Pročitajte tekst i saznajte odgovore. 

Mislite li da je moguće, da dobijete poziv za igranje u Italiji sledećih godina i da li bi to htjeli. Pozdrav iz Italije.

“Mislim da je moguće, zašto ne?  Talijanska liga je vrlo atraktivna. Ako dođe poziv, mogao bih jednog dana i tamo zaigrati.”

Kog igrača iz ABA lige je najteže čuvati?

“Najteže je čuvati onog igrača koji ima sve ovlasti u momčadi. Ima tu dosta kvalitetnih pojedinaca u ligi, nikoga ne bih izdvajao. “

Koliko ste visoki bez patika?

“198 centimetara“

Tko vam je najbolji prijatelj u momčadi Zadra i zašto?

“Najbolji sam s Lukom Tomasom. S njim se nekako najviše razumijem, a i iznimno je zabavan lik. “

Što najviše volite u Zadru?

“U Zadru ima puno lijepih stvari koje volim, ali ako nešto trebam izdvojiti onda su to deserti po restoranima. “

Koliko imate tokom sezone slobodnog vremena svakog dana i kako ga provodite?

“Uh, imamo jako malo slobodnog vremena. Uglavnom ga provodim čitajući kjnige ili igrajući Fortnite. “

Koji igrač iz ABA lige vam se najviše sviđa?

“Ima ih stvarno dosta. Volim recimo, gledati Vanju Marinkovića pa Zagorca, Wallera, Ilića... “

Koja utakmica je za vas veći derbi? Utakmica protiv Cibone ili protiv Cedevite? Koga je slađe pobijediti?

“Veći derbi je zasigurno Cibona. Ali rekao bih da nam je podjednako slatko pobijediti oba protivnika.”

Kakvu je razliku trener Nazor donio u odnosu na Pipana, pa da se to vidi i na rezultatima?

“Teško mi je sad o tome govoriti jer smatram da bih dao subjektivan odgovor. Uglavnom, sigurno je da smo dobili veću energiju što se vidi i po našoj boljoj igri u obrani.”

Koji igrač je bio vaš idol za vrijeme djetinjstva?

“Drag mi je u djetinjstvu bio Michael Jordan, kako zbog rezultata s Chicago Bullsima, tako i zbog uloge i filmu Space Jam. Kasnije sam volio gledati Kobe Bryanta. On mi je bio igrač po guštu.”

Koliko ste najviše poena postigli na jednoj utakmici, protiv koga i kada?

“Zabio sam 84 koša u utakmici protiv Đurđevca, još dok sam igrao u kadetima.”

Koji je najljepši grad gdje ste živjeli i igrali do sada?

“Svaki grad ima svojih ljepota. Sada živim u Zadru koji je jako lijep. Sviđa mi se i Zagreb, jer mi tamo žive sestra, ujak i ujna te bratić. To mi je nedaleko od majke i mojeg rodnog grada Bjelovara.”

Kakav odnos imate s navijačima Zadra i koliko vam oni znače na putu do pobjeda?

“Mislim da smo navijači i ja ostvarili dobar odnos. Oni su nam dosta važni jer mogu okrenuti domaći teren u našu korist, a mogu te i kao igrača podignuti da zaigraš iznad mogućnosti.”

Kakva su vaša očekivanja od ove sezone sa Zadrom?

“Ne bih govorio o očekivanjima da nešto ne ureknem. Svakako da želim što više pobjeda.”

Tko je bio jedini igrač koga niste mogli dobiti u igri 1 na 1 u Trnskom dok ste igrali za Zagreb?

“Jedino Krunoslava Macnera nisam mogao pobijediti ;-)”

Da li biste ikad prešli u Partizan ili Crvenu zvezdu mts? Za koga bih više voleli da igrate?

“Sada nastupam za Zadar i ne razmišljam o igranju u drugim klubovima ABA lige. Svakako da cijenim sve klubove, posebice one s tradicijom kakvu imaju spomenuti klubovi.”

Kakav je osjećaj biti MVP ABA lige dva kola za redom?

“Lijep je osjećaj. Svakako da me takva priznanja dodatno motiviraju da treniram još upornije i igram još bolje.”

Tko osvaja ABA ligu ove sezone i tko će po vašem mišljenju osvojiti Euroligu i Eurocup?

“Ne volim baš prognozirati, ali kad me već pitate onda predviđam da će Euroligu osvojiti CSKA, Eurokup Zvezda ili Kuban, a bilo bi lijepo da ABA ligu ove sezone osvoji – Zadar.”
