Igokea started their training camp for the new season

Tuesday, 28. July 2020 at 14:21

Break is over for Igokea squad and in the forthcoming a bit more than a month, a tough work is coming up for the players in order to reach the beginning of the training camp in ideal shape.

(Photo: Igokea/Nikola Vuruna)

There have been ten players present at the first practice, while Dalibor Ilić, Anthony Clemmons and Antabia Waller are yet to join their squad. Coach Dragan Bajić gathered the players Đorđe Gagić, Srđan Kočić, Darko Talić, Stefan Simanić, Kosta Kondić, Milan Vulić, Jackie Carmichael, Stefan Fundić, Edin Atić and Marko Jošilo.

“Perhaps we have entered the preparation period a bit faster than the rest of the teams. In the first two days we have undergone the medical examinations and testings, that are necessary and since today we are entering the practice process. I am satisfied with the condition that the players have arrived to the first gathering and I am looking forward to the good training camp and a good season afterwards. The conditions are very specific, we will have a problem with the preparation games, as many teams will start practicing later than us. We will try our best to overcome this problem by playing against weaker teams, at least the first three games and afterwards we will try to neutralize these problems. We have the quality and time and the rest is up to us,” coach Bajić told and added that he hopes that the playing roster would not change much during the season.

Đorđe Gagić added: “Most of us have arrived on time. We have gathered earlier in order to fit into the team as good as possible. Last season I have joined the team a bit later, but this time the situation is different and we have enough time throughout the training camp in order to get to know each other well. ABA League, that has got stronger, is ahead of us. Our task is to work as good as possible, to get ready and to be prepared when the challenges arrive.”


Igokea krenula sa pripremama za predstojeću sezonu

Za košarkaše Igokee odmor je završen i u narednih nešto više od mjesec dana očekuje ih naporan rad kako bi početak ABA lige dočekali u punoj formi.

Na prvom treningu bilo je prisutno 10 košarkaša, a Dalibor Ilić, Entoni Klemons i Antabija Voler uskoro će da budu na dispozicji stručnom štabu. Na prvom treningu Dragan Bajić je od starosjedilaca imao Đorđa Gagića, Srđana Kočića, Darka Talića, Stefana Simanića, Kostu Kondića i Milana Vulića. Od novajlija prisutni su bili Džeki Karmajkl, Stefan Fundić, Edin Atić i Marko Jošilo.

„Možda smo krenuli malo ranije u odnosu na ostale. U prva dva uvodna dana smo odradili lekarske preglede i testiranja koja su potrebna i od danas krećemo u trenažni proces. Zadovoljan sam u kakvom su stanju igrači došli i nadam se dobrim pripremama i dobroj sezoni. Uslovi jako specifični, imaćemo problem utakmica u pripremama jer će većina timova krenuti posle nas. Do početka septembra ćemo imati taj problem. Pokušaćemo da premostimo sa slabijim ekipama, barem te uvodne tri utakmice, a onda ćemo pokušati da što bezbolnije rešimo i neutrališemo te probleme. Imamo kvalitet i vreme, sve ostalo je na nama,“ rekao je trener Bajić koji se nada da se igrački kadar u toku sezone neće bitno menjati.

Đorđe Gagić je dodao: „Većina nas je došla na vreme, okupili smo se ranije da bismo se uklopili što bolje. Ja sam se prošle sezone priključio ekipi nešto kasnije, sada je situacija drugačija imamo cele pripreme da se upoznamo i osetimo jedni druge. Treba još nekoliko igrača da dodje. Očekuju nas kvalifikacije za FIBA Ligu šampiona i ABA liga koja se pojačala. Naše je da radimo što bolje i što jače, da se spremimo i maksimalno spremno dočekamo te izazove.“
