Rion Brown is the new Cedevita Olimpija reinforcement

Friday, 07. August 2020 at 15:30

The senior team of Cedevita Olimpija will start the new season strengthened with Rion Brown, who can play both, Shooting Guard, and Small Forward playing positions.

(Photo: FIBA)

American basketball player Rion Brown, who also spent part of last season at Panathinaikos, is the player of Cedevita Olimpija. Brown, who spent his university career in Miami, Florida, signed a one-year contract with the Ljubljana club. The Dragons head coach Jurica Golemac will be able to count on a versatile player in the coming season, with experience from Israel, Belgium, Finland, France, Greece and Turkey.

In the 2019/20 season, Brown played eight games in the Euroleague, and with a slightly lower playing time (just over two minutes per game), he scored three points in those eight games. He moved to Tofaş on January 10 this year, scoring 12.7 points, 3.0 assists and 2.0 rebounds in three games in the 7Days EuroCup. In the Greek National Championship, Brown averaged 6.3 points, 2.3 assists and 1.8 rebounds in eight games, and in the Turkish National Championship, he played in five games, scoring 13.8 points, 4.2 rebounds and 3.2 passes on the bill.

He was not selected in the NBA Draft in 2014, but he still played in 17 games in the Summer League, in the jerseys of the Charlotte Hornets, Golden State Warriors and Denver Nuggets.

As he agreed on cooperation with the Ljubljana squad, Rion Brown told: “I am happy to join Cedevita Olimpija. I've heard plenty of good things about the club from Ljubljana, and I can't wait to join my teammates, meet them, and also see the fans in Stožice Arena.”


Vsestranski Brown nova okrepitev Zmajev

Člansko moštvo KK Cedevita Olimpija bo v novo sezono na igralnem položaju branilca krenilo okrepljeno z Rionom Brownom, ki lahko po potrebi pomaga tudi na krilu.

Ameriški košarkar Rion Brown, ki je delček minule sezone preživel tudi v Panathinaikosu, je novi košarkar Cedevite Olimpije. Brown, ki je svojo univerzitetno kariero preživel v Miamiju na Floridi, je z ljubljanskim klubom podpisal enoletno pogodbo. Glavni trener Zmajev Jurica Golemac bo tako lahko v prihajajoči sezoni računal na vsestranskega igralca, z izkušnjami iz Izraela, Belgije, Finske, Francije, Grčije, in Turčije.

V tekmovalni sezoni 2019/20 je Brown v Evroligi odigral osem tekem, ob nekoliko nižji minutaži (malo več kot dve minuti na tekmo), pa je na teh osmih tekmah dosegel tri točke. 10. januarja letos se je preselil k Tofaşu, in v 7Days EuroCupu na treh tekmah beležil 12,7 točke, 3,0 asistence in 2,0 skoke. V grškem državnem prvenstvu je Brown na osmih tekmah v povprečju dosegal 6,3 točke, 2,3 asistence in 1,8 skoke, v turškem državnem prvenstvu pa je zaigral na petih tekmah, in beležil 13,8 točke, 4,2 skoke in 3,2 podaje na obračun.

Leta 2014 ni bil izbran na naboru Lige NBA, kljub vsemu pa je v Poletni ligi zaigral na 17 tekmah, in sicer v dresih moštev Charlotte Hornets, Golden State Warriors in Denver Nuggets.

Ob dogovoru z Ljubljančani je Rion Brown povedal: „Vesel sem, da bom v prihodnji sezoni nosil dres Cedevite Olimpije. O ljubljanskem klubu sem slišal številne lepe stvari, in komaj čakam, da spoznam soigralce ter navijače v Areni Stožice.“
