FMP troops began preparations for the 2020/21 journey

Monday, 10. August 2020 at 22:35

The Panthers have arrived at Zlatar Mountain to start with preparations for the 2020/21 season. 

FMP team (Photo: FMP)

FMP troops have arrived at Zlatar Mountain to start with preparations for the 2020/21 season. The Panthers will be practicing at this location in the next 20 days and they should play two prep games during that period.

Head coach Vladimir Jovanović will work with 16 players in this first stage of the pre-season.

“We are looking forward to the start of preparations, but we are aware that we have to be very careful, especially in the first week. After undergoing all medical tests, we came to Zlatar Mountain which is a perfect place for trainings in these circumstances. The most important thing is to stay healthy and to use this part of the preparations to work hard in order to be ready for the start of the new season," said FMP head coach Vladimir Jovanović.


FMP počeo pripreme

Košarkaši FMP-a doputivali su danas popodne na Zlatar gde će sprovesti pripreme za predstojeću sezonu.

U naredni dvadeset dana na ovoj planini na visini od 1600 metara Panteri će uz poštovanje svih epidemijskih mera propisanih od strane Vlade Srbije sprovesti prvi deo priprema.

Stručni štab na čelu sa Vladimirom Jovanovićem imaće na raspolaganju 16 igrača, a tokom boravka na planini predvidjene su i dve pripremne utakmice, ali će one zavisiti od epidemiološke situacije u Srbiji.

- Radujemo se početku priprema, ali smo svesni da moramo da budemo jako oprezni posebno u prvoj nedelji. Posle obavljenih pregleda došli smo na Zlatar koji je idealan za pripreme u ovoj situaciji. Najvažnije je da svi budemo zdravi i da vrednim radom spremni dočekamo početak sezone - istakao je Vladimir Jovanović, trener FMP-a.
