Damir Markota reinforced Cibona

Friday, 23. October 2020 at 17:44

Damir Markota has penned a one-year deal on cooperation with Cibona.

Damir Markota (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)

After leaving Cibona a year ago Damir Markota moved to Mornar of Bar. This season he signed with Zabok, for which he played 3 games, after which he decided to return to the Dražen Petrović Arena. This summer he has been practicing with Cibona and he is therefore familiar with the rest of the squad.

As he agreed on cooperation with Cibona, Marko told: “Perhaps we could agree on cooperation sooner, but it is important that I am here now. Not much has changed on this team. The core of the team is the same and I know the coach’s philosophy so I hope to play as well as possible and to help the guys. I am happy to be Cibona player, this is my club. I am looking forward to playing with such a young and energetic team. What we have seen so far this season from them is not the real picture of Cibona, since we have had a tough schedule and the guys have been isolated for a period of time. I believe that in the forthcoming period we will start winning in the regonal league and that the true picture of this team, that fans will come to watch will be visible.”


Damir Markota pojačao Cibonu

Damir Markota je stavio potpis na jednogodišnji ugovor za svoj peti povratak u klub.

‘Šveđo’ je nakon osvajanja Prvenstva Hrvatske sa Cibonom otišao u Mornar iz Bara. Ove je sezone potpisao za Zabok gdje je odigrao 3 utakmice, pa se ipak odlučio vratiti pod Toranj. Ljetos je trenirao u Ciboni, pa u ekipi nema nekih nepoznanica.

Uz potpis ugovora s Cibonom Markota je rekao: „Možda smo mogli realizirati potpis i ranije, ali bitno da sam sad tu. Nije se previše toga promijenilo u ovoj ekipi. Kostur je isti, a znam Velićevu filozofiju tako da se nadam da ću i ja biti što bolji i pomoći momcima. Drago mi je biti igrač Cibone, ovo je moj klub! Veselim se igrati s ovako mladom i energičnom ekipom. Dosad prikazano u ABA ligi nije realna slika Cibone jer smo imali dosta težak raspored, dečki su bili i u izolaciji jedno vrijeme. Vjerujem da ćemo u narednom periodu početi bilježiti pobjede i u regionalnoj ligi i da će se pokazati prava slika ove momčadi kakvu će i publika rado dolaziti gledati!“
