Skelin leaves Split bench

Wednesday, 17. February 2021 at 15:48

Ivica Skelin is no longer the head coach of Split.

Ivica Skelin (Photo: Split/Ivica Cavka)

As the club has informed the public, the agreement between now former Split coach Ivica Skelin and the Yellow Squad has been terminated on mutual consent.

The two sides have parted ways after 18 rounds of the ABA League season, after which the club is placed on the 8th spot, with a score of 5 victories and 13 defeats.

It is expected by the Dalmatians to announce the name of the new head coach over the forthcoming couple of days.


Skelin napušta klupu Splita

Ivica Skelin više nije trener Splita. 

Kao što su iz kluba obavijestili javnost, ugovor između sada već bivšeg trenera Ivice Skelina i žutih je sporazumno raskinut. Obije strane su se razišle nakon 18 odigranih kola u ABA ligi, nakon kojih Dalmatinci zauzimaju osmo mjesto na tablici, sa omjerom od pet pobjeda i trinaest poraza.

Očekuje se, da klub sa Gripa objavi ime novog glavnog trenera u sljedećih nekoliko dana.
