Mangok Mathiang stays in Ljubljana for at least one more season

Thursday, 27. May 2021 at 10:11

Cedevita Olimpija and Australian Center with South Sudanese Roots, Mangok Mathiang, have agreed to extend their cooperation. Mathiang will stay in Ljubljana at least until the end of the 2021/22 season.

Mangok Mathiang (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

An unfortunate leg injury has removed Mangok Mathiang off the basketball courts in recent months just before the official start of the 2020/21 season. Now Cedevita Olimpija and Mangok have agreed to extend their contract, and Mathiang will stay in Ljubljana at least until the end of the 2021/22 competition season.

After Mangok Mathiang was not selected in the 2017 NBA Draft, he joined the Charlotte Hornets during the summer league in Orlando, and in August he signed a contract with the Hornets. At the same time, Mathiang wore the Greensboro Swarm jersey, which plays in the G League.

In August 2018, Mathiang joined Cremona, and won the title of Italian Cup Winners title. He transferred to Turkey in July 2019 and averaged 12.7 points, 10.6 rebounds, 1.7 assists, 1.4 blocks and 1.1 steals in the 2019/20 season. He scored double-digit points in 13 matches and reached or exceeded the 20-point mark three times. He had a double-double in ten games.

Bahçeşehir also competed in the FIBA European Cup in the 2019/20 season, where Mathiang averaged 12.3 points, 11.2 rebounds, 1.3 blocks and 0.4 steals in 28.7 minutes in 14 games. In as many as four games, he managed to record at least 15 rebounds, while at the same time scoring or exceeding the limit of 10 points in 10 games.

Unfortunately, we have not seen Mathiang in the Cedevita Olimpija jersey in the 2020/21 season, as he is continuing his rehabilitation after a leg injury. 


Mangok Mathiang v Ljubljani vsaj do konca sezone 2021/22

Košarkarski klub Cedevita Olimpija in avstralski center južnosudanskih korenin, Mangok Mathiang, sta se dogovorila za podaljšanje sodelovanja. Mathiang bo v Ljubljani ostal še vsaj do konca sezone 2021/22.

Nesrečna poškodba noge je Mangoka Mathianga tik pred uradnim začetkom tekmovalne sezone 2020/21 v zadnjih mesecih povsem oddaljila od košarkarskih igrišč. Zdaj sta se Cedevita Olimpija in Mangok dogovorila za podaljšanje pogodbe, Mathiang pa bo v Ljubljani ostal vsaj do konca tekmovalne sezone 2021/22.

Po tem, ko Mangok Mathiang leta 2017 ni bil izbran na naboru Lige NBA, se je Sršenom iz Charlottea pridružil tekom poletne lige v Orlandu, avgusta pa je s Hornetsi tudi podpisal pogodbo. Hkrati je Mathiang nosil dres moštva Greensboro Swarm, ki nastopa v razvojni Ligi NBA.

V avgustu 2018 se je Mathiang pridružil Cremoni, in z njo osvojil naslov italijanskega pokalnega prvaka. V juliju 2019 je prestopil v Turčijo in v sezoni 2019/20 v povprečju dosegal 12,7 točke, 10,6 skoke, 1,7 asistence, 1,4 blokade in 1,1 pridobljene žoge. Dvomestno število točk je dosegel na 13 tekmah, mejo 20 točk pa je dosegel oziroma presegel trikrat. Desetkrat je v svojo statistiko vpisal dvojnega dvojčka. Bahçeşehir je v tekmovalni sezoni 2019/20 nastopal tudi v Fibinem Evropskem pokalu, tam pa je Mathiang na 14 tekmah v povprečju beležil 12,3 točke, 11,2 skoke, 1,3 blokade in 0,4 pridobljene žoge v 28,7 minutah akcije. Kar na štirih tekmah je uspel v svojo statistiko zabeležiti vsaj 15 skokov za odbito žogo, obenem pa je na 10 tekmah dosegel ali presegel mejo 10 doseženih točk.

Žal Mathianga v sezoni 2020/21 nismo videli v dresu Cedevite Olimpije, saj nadaljuje z rehabilitacijo po poškodbi noge.
