Zadar and Veljko Mršić part ways

Wednesday, 14. July 2021 at 17:03

Veljko Mršić is no longer the head coach of Zadar. His contract with the club expired at the end of the last season, while he decided not to extend it as he wants to focus on working with the Croatian national team.

Veljko Mrsic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)

Veljko Mršić is no longer the head coach of Zadar. His contract with the club expired at the end of the last season, while he decided not to extend it as he wants to focus on working with the Croatian national team.

Mršić made a great job in Zadar in the 2020/21 campaign as apart from securing the club’s ABA League status for the next season, he also led Zadar toward winning the 2020/21 Croatian National Championship and the 2020 Croatian National Cup.

Zadar thanked Mršić for everything he has for the club and wished him all the best in his future career.


Veljko Mršić neće biti trener Zadra sljedeće sezone

Veljko Mršić neće biti trener Zadra sljedeće sezone, po završetku sezone istekao mu je ugovor, koji neće produžiti. Nakon pregovora Veljko Mršić je odlučio ostati samo izbornik Hrvatske reprezentacije te napušta klupu Zadra, s kojim je osvojio duplu krunu. Trener Mršić napravio je veliki rezultat za Zadar ove sezone, postao je drugi trener u povijesti koji je osvojio Kup i prvenstvo. KK Zadar mu se zahvaljuje za sve što je učinio za klub i za ovaj Grad. Želimo mu svu sreću u nastavku karijere. Klub će uskoro obavijestiti javnost o novom treneru.
