Justin Carter is staying at Zadar

Sunday, 25. July 2021 at 11:34

Justin Carter is staying at Zadar for another season. Zadar and Justin Carter have agreed on cooperation for one more season.

Justin Carter (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Justin Carter has arrived to Zadar at the beginning of the previous season, demonstrating how characteristic and high-quality player he was. Taking in consideration this account, the majority of last season’s team is staying at Zadar, together with coach Ivan Perinčić. The best game of the experienced American in the Zadar jersey was against Krka in Novo mesto, where he had 19 points, 5 rebounds and 3 steals. He has left his mark in the club and in the hearts of fans, so they are happy to keep him in the club.

“I am greeting all of the Zadar fans and members of Tornado. I would like to announce that I am staying in Zadar for another season! I am happy to remain here and cannot wait for the season to begin! See you soon,” Carter told, as he signed the extension papers.


Justin Carter ostaje u Zadru

Justin Carter ostaje još jednu sezonu u Zadru. Zadar i Justin Carter dogovorili su još jednu jednogodišnju suradnju. 

Carter je stigao u Zadar na početku prošle sezone gdje je pokazao koliki je karakter i odličan igrač. S ovim potpisom veliki dio prošlogodišnje momčadi ostaje u Zadru s trenerom Ivanom Perinčićem na čelu. Najbolja utakmica iskusnog Amerikanca u dresu Zadra bila je protiv Krke u Novom mestu gdje je upisao 19 poena, 5 skokova i 3 ukradene lopte. Ostavio je veliki trag u klubu i kod navijača te je klub izuzetno zadovoljan s njegovim ostankom.

“Pozdravljam sve navijače Zadra i Tornada, želim vam javiti da ostajem još jednu sezonu u Zadru! Sretan sam zbog svog ostanka i jedva čekam da počne sezona! Vidimo se uskoro,” istaknuo je Carter.
