Uroš Luković is the new Zadar player

Thursday, 29. July 2021 at 16:02

Uroš Luković is the new Zadar center. 32-year old Luković is coming to Zadar from the ranks of Mornar, where he spent the past four seasons. 

Uros Lukovic (Photo: Mornar/Media Pro)

Uroš Luković is now moving from south to north Adriatic to the town of basketball, where he will spend the forthcoming season. Luković is the second-best all time shot blocker in the ABA League with 239 shots blocked so far. He is also one of the players to achieve the highest number of blocks in a single game – 7.

Luković agreed on a one-year contract with Zadar.


Uroš Luković novi je igrač Zadra

Uroš Luković novi je centar Zadra. 32-godišnji Luković dolazi iz Mornara gdje je proveo protekle četiri sezone, sad se seli na sjeverni Jadran u Grad košarke gdje će provesti sljedeću sezonu. 

Uroš Luković je prošle sezone u ABA ligi bilježio u prosjeku 5,3 poena, 4 skoka i 1 blokadu po utakmici, za 12 minuta provedenih na parketu. Uroš Luković je s 239 blokada drugi najbolji bloker u povijesti ABA lige. Također, jedan je od igrača sa najvećim brojem postignutih blokada na pojedinoj utakmici – 7. 

Potpisao je jednogodišnji garantirani ugovor.
