Krka enter new season with Lapornik, Kosi and Stergar

Friday, 30. July 2021 at 09:52

Three players, that are familiar to us and have been putting on good performances in the past season, will continue to play in the Krka jersey. That’s the way it will be in the future as well. Luka Lapornik, Jan Kosi and Leon Stergar will remain in the club.

Luka Lapornik (Photo: FMP)

Luka Lapornik is the player with the longest period spent so far in the Dolenjska team. 195 cm tall guard has played for Krka for the first time in 2013 and remained there for three seasons. After spending some time abroad (Joventut, Steaua), he came back to Novo mesto. He also played for Šentjur and Zlatorog in Slovenia. Last season he has been averaging 7.6 points, 3.8 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game in the ABA League. Luka Lapornik has made a debut in the National Team last season thanks to good performances in Krka.

“I am looking forward to the beginning of the new season. To meet the teammates and to start working again. I have taken advantage of the summer in order to regenerate well, so I am ready for new challenges. I hope that this season the conditions for our supporters would be better. I invite them to join us in the arena and support us,” Lapornik is happy for the fact that the new season is approaching.

Another Slovenia national team player remains at Krka. It is Jan Kosi, 204 cm tall player. He started his sporting career at Elektra Šoštanj, where he used to play between 2013 and 2016. Before arrival to Novo mesto he spent four years in Koper. Last season he has been averaging 4.4 points and 2.4 rebounds in the ABA League.

“I cannot wait to come back to Novo mesto and for the games to begin. I believe that a very good season is in front of us. I am also looking forward to support from our fans from the stands,” Kosi told.

Guard Leon Stergar is another player that is staying in Novo mesto. Stergar started his career in Krško, but has been playing for Krka since 2017/2018 season. 

“I am happy to have remained in Novo mesto. I am looking forward to gathering new experience and games in the forthcoming season. I hope that we would have support from the stands in the forthcoming season and am looking forward to play in front of audience in our home arena again,” Stergar told.


Krka v novi sezoni z Lapornikom, Kosijem in Stergarjem

V novi sezoni bodo imeli pomembno vlogo v Krkini ekipi tudi trije, ki jih že dobro poznamo in so v minuli sezoni že navduševali v novomeškem dresu dresu. Tako bo tudi v prihodnje. Luka Lapornik, Jan Kosi in Leon Stergar ostajajo člani kluba.

Luka Lapornik (1988) ima najdaljši staž igranja v dolenjskem klubu. 195 centimetrov visoki branilec je za Krko prvič zaigral leta 2013 in ostal tam tri sezone. Po igranju na tujem (Joventut iz Badalone in romunska Steaua) se je 2018. vrnil v Novo mesto. V Sloveniji je dosedaj nosil še dres Šentjurja in Zlatoroga. V minuli sezoni je v Ligi ABA na tekmo beležil po 7,6 točke, 3,8 skoka in 1,5 podaje. Luka Lapornik je z dobrimi igrami v dresu Krke v minuli sezoni debitiral v slovenski članski reprezentanci.

»Veselim se začetka nove sezone. Da spoznam soigralce in da začnemo skupaj delati. Poletje sem izkoristil za dobro regeneracijo, zato sem pripravljen na nove izzive. Upam pa, da bodo letos pogoji boljši za naše navijače in podpornike. Zato jih na tem mestu vabim v dvorano, da nas podprejo!« se nove epizode v Krki veseli kapetan Luka Lapornik.

V dresu Krke ostaja tudi reprezentant Jan Kosi. 204 cm in leta 1996 rojeni Kosi je svojo športno pot začel v KK Elektra Šoštanj, kjer je igral med letoma 2013 in 2016. Pred prihodom v Novo mesto je bil štiri leta v Kopru. V Ligi ABA je v lanski sezoni na tekmo beležil po 4.4 točke in 2.4 skoka. 

»Komaj čakam, da se vrnem v Novo mesto in da se začnejo tekme. Mislim, da je pred nami zelo dobra sezona. Se pa že veselim podpore s tribun naših gledalcev in navijačev!« ob tem pove Jan Kosi.

Član novomeškega moštva ostaja tudi branilec Leon Stergar (193 cm, 2000), ki je športno pot začel v Košarkarskem klubu Krško, od sezone 2017/2018 pa je član Krke.

»Zadovoljen sem, ker sem ostal v Novem mestu. Veselim se nabiranja novih izkušenj in tekem v prihajajoči sezoni. Upam, da bomo letošnjo sezono imeli podporo s tribun in se že veselim, da v domači dvorani znova zaigram pred gledalci,« je povedal Leon Stergar.
