Klobučar and Stavrov reinforced Krka

Monday, 02. August 2021 at 18:12

By playing for Krka, plenty of youngsters have made their mark and have done a great step forward in their careers. In the new season, U20 Slovenian international Andrej Stavrov (200 cm, 2001) and U18 Slovenian international Jaka Klobučar (201 cm, 2003), will be wearing Krka yersey as well.

(Photo: FIBA)

Andrej Stavrov has started playing basketball at Stražišče and used to play for Triglav Kranj on a loan. At the 2018 U18 European Championship he was the youngest member of Slovenia national team. He helped the juniors return to the A Division and in 2019 he won the bronze medal. He was also a member of the national team this summer, as we won the gold at the U20 European Challenger. Stavrov has been averaging 10 points, 2 assists and 2.2 rebounds in Slovenia jersey in Greece. He is coming to Novo mesto from Triglav Kranj.

“I am happy and proud at the same time to be wearing Krka jersey in the forthcoming two seasons. I eagerly wait for the new season and meeting new teammates. I believe that by playing together, with positive energy and support of the fans we can achieve great results,” Andrej Stavrov looks forward to moving to Novo mesto.

Jaka Klobučar is a child of Krka, where he used to play in all of the youth categories. He spent the last season on a loan at Žoltasti Troti, where he took advantage of the minutes in his first senior season. By averaging 14.3 points per game he was the top scorer of Troti, that have reached the Semi-finals of the 2nd SKL. These days he is in Turkey, where the first game of Slovenia at the U18 European Challenger awaits him. Klobučar has already played for Slovenia at the 2019 U16 European Championship.

“I am happy to get the chance to cooperate with my hometown club in the next four seasons. I have always dreamed of playing for Krka, since I have been watching the club’s games since I was a child. Krka is one of the best two clubs in Slovenia and therefore signing with the club is an evidence for me, that I am working well and that I am on the right path. I would like to use this opportunity to thank my parents, that have always supported me at all of my decisions, including this one,” Jaka Klobučar told.


Krko okrepila Klobučar in Stavrov

Z igrami v dresu Krke so številni mladi igralci opozorili nase in naredili velik korak naprej v svojih karierah. V novi sezoni bosta dres novomeškega kluba nosila tudi mladi reprezentant Slovenije, branilec Andrej Stavrov (200 cm, 2001) in mladinski reprezentant Slovenije, krilo Jaka Klobučar (201 cm, 2003).

Andrej Stavrov je začel z igranjem košarke v Stražišču, potem pa je kot posojen košarkar nastopal tudi v selekcijah kranjskega Triglava. Na evropskem prvenstvu leta 2018 je bil najmlajši član mladinske reprezentance Slovenije. Mladincem je pomagal nazaj v A divizijo, leta 2019 pa z njimi na evropskem prvenstvu osvojil bronasto kolajno. Član reprezentance je bil tudi letošnje poletje. Z izbrano vrsto U20 je na t.i. turnirju European Challengerju osvojil zlato odličje. Stavrov je na tekmovanju v Grčiji v dresu Slovenije beležil po 10 točk, dve podaji in 2,2 skoka. Stavrov prihaja v Novo mesto iz kranjskega Triglava.

„Vesel sem  in hkrati ponosen, da bom lahko v prihodnjih sezonah nosil dres Krke. Nestrpno čakam novo sezono ter snidenja z novimi soigralci. Verjamem da lahko s skupinsko igro, pozitivno energijo ter seveda podporo navijačev dosežemo zelo lepe rezultate,“ se selitve v Novo mesto veselil Andrej Stavrov.

Jaka Klobučar je otrok Krke, kjer je igral v vseh mlajših selekcijah. V lanski sezoni je bil posojen k Žoltastim Trotom, kjer je dobro izkoristil minute v svoji prvi članski sezoni v karieri. S 14,3 točkami na tekmo je bil vodilni strelec Trotov, ki so prišli do polfinala 2. SKL. V teh dneh je v Turčiji, kjer ga jutri, v torek, čaka prva tekma z mladinci Slovenije na turnirju European Challenger. Klobučar je pred dvema letoma s kadeti že igral na evropskem prvenstvu v Italiji.

„Vesel sem, da bom lahko naslednja štiri leta sodeloval z mojim domačim klubom. Od nekdaj so mi bile sanje igrati za Krko, saj že od malih nog spremljam tekme tega kluba. Krka je eden iz med najboljših dveh klubov v Sloveniji, tako mi ta sklenitev pogodbe dokazuje, da dobro delam in, da sem na pravi poti. Ob tej priložnosti pa bi se rad zahvalil svojima staršema, ki sta me vedno podpirala pri mojih odločitvah, kot tudi pri tej,“ je povedal Jaka Klobučar.
