Hunter Hale new Borac player

Saturday, 07. August 2021 at 09:41

Borac continue to strengthen their ranks ahead of the forthcoming ABA League season. After signing with Lautaro Lopez and Marko Pecarski, they have extended with Nemanja Todorović and Duda Sanadze and now, another newcomer has arrived to Čačak.

Borac sports Hall in Cacak, Borac fans (Photo: ABA/Ivica Veselinov)

It is American player Hunter Hale, former player of Nelson Giants, a team of the New Zealand National Basketball League.

He has agreed with the Čačak team for one season and covers shooting guard position.

New Borac player played his college career at the Central Michigan, Grand Valley State and Wintrhrop universities. In 2020, he signed up for the NBA Draft, but hasn’t been selected. He spent the majority of the 2020/21 season at Nelson Giants, which has been his first professional contract.

Hale has been averaging 26.9 points per game in New Zealand, while his best performance came in the game against Otago Nuggets, when he put in no less than 41 points.


Hanter Hejl novi igrač Borca

Borac nastavlja da se pojačava pred narednu ABA sezonu. Nakon što su ugovori sklopljeni sa Lautarom Lopezom i Markom Pecarskim, a produženi sa Nemanjom Todorovićem i Dudom Sanadzeom, u tim iz grada na Moravi je stigao još jedan košarkaš.

Reč je o Amerikancu Hanteru Hejlu (24 godine, 192 cm), doskorašnjem igraču ekipe Nelson Giants, koja se takmiči u Nacionalnoj košarkaškoj ligi Novog Zelanda (NZNBL).

On je sklopio ugovor sa Čačanima na godinu dana. Vredno pomena je i to da igra na poziciji beka šutera.

Novi igrač Borca pohađao je sledeće koledže: Central Michigan (2015-2016), Grand Valley State (2017-2018), i na kraju Winthrop (2019-2020). Godine 2020. se pojavio na draftu, ali nije draftovan. Dobar deo sezone 2020/21 proveo je u već pomenutoj ekipi Nelson Giants, sa kojom je potpisao prvi profesionalni ugovor.

Interesantan podatak da je Hanter Hejl na utakmici protiv ekipe Otago Nuggets ubacio protivniku čak 41 poen. Inače, prosečno je u novozelandskoj ligi beležio 26,9 poena.
