American Hasahn French joins Krka frontcourt

Thursday, 19. August 2021 at 11:09

The 23-year old American player Hasahn French will be playing for the Novo mesto squad in the forthcoming season. The big man is already practicing with the team, led from the bench by Dalibor Damjanović.

Hasahn French (Photo: Krka/Drago Perko/

Hasahn French finished his college career at the Saint Louis University, where he demonstrated some excellent performances already in his first season. Not only has he been averaging 9.3 points, 7.1 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game, he also made a record of 59 blocks. In his first ever NCAA season he has been named in the All-rookie team in his conference. He continued to put on good performances until the end of his college career. He made 98 appearances for the Saint Louis, having started 97 games in the starting five. With 226 blocks he is the best shot blocker in the Saint Louis University history and fifth best rebounder (982).

“I am happy to be coming to the new squad. I wish to demonstrate what I can do, and help the team achieve great results and thus warrant the trust. I am looking forward to the new season,” 201 cm tall American player, who can cover both power forward and center positions told.


Pod košem Krke Američan Hasahn French

V dresu novomeškega kluba bo v novi sezoni igral tudi 23-letni ameriški košarkar Hasahn French, ki že trenira z ekipo, ki jo vodi trener Dalibor Damjanović.

Hasahn French je po srednji šoli je končal študij na univerzi Saint Louis, kjer je navdušil že v svoji prvi sezoni. Ne le da je beležil po 9,3 točke in 7,1 skoka ter 1,5 podaje, izkazal se je tudi s kar 59 rekordnimi blokadami. V svoji krstni sezoni v Ligi NCAA je bil imenovan tudi ekipo v novincev v svoji konferenci. Z dobrimi igrami je nadaljeval do konca univerzitetne kariere. Za Saint Louis je zbral 98 nastopov, na 97 tekmah je začel v prvi peterki. Z 226 blokadami je najboljši bloker v zgodovini univerze Saint Louis, na večni lestvici v kategoriji skoki pa je pristal na 5. mestu (982).

„Vesel sem, ker prihajam v novo sredino. Rad bi pokazal, kaj znam, kaj zmorem, in pomagal ekipi do dobrih rezultatov in upravičil zaupanje. Veselim se nove sezone,“ je povedal 201 centimeter visoki ameriški košarkar, ki se izvrstno znajde na pozicijah centra in krilnega centra.
