Krka reinforced by T.J. Gibbs

Tuesday, 24. August 2021 at 20:07

Krka has finished composing their squad for the 2021/22 season. 23-year old American guard T.J. Gibbs has become a member of the Novo mesto side.

(Photo: Krka/Drago Perko/

T.J. Gibbs (born in 1998 and 191 cm tall) is the newcomer in the European courts. He has been playing at the Notre Dame University so far in the USA.

In the NCAA he appeared in 136 games. He finished his NCAA career in the 2019/20 season, when he has been shooting 3-pointers with the 42% accuracy. He added 3.3 assists and 2.2. rebounds per game to his average of 13.3 points per game.

“I have come to a beautiful city and I am highly motivated. I have been accepted well. I am here teo help with my points and good defensive game with a clear goal to give my maximum. I have arrived to a young and motivated team, which gives us a chance to grow. We are also led by a great coach,” T.J. Gibbs, whose brother Sterling Gibbs used to play for Koper Primorska in 2020.


Krko okrepil T.J. Gibbs

V Krki so sklenili s sestavo članske ekipe za sezono 2021/22. Član novomeškega moštva je postal 23-letni ameriški branilec strelec T.J. Gibbs.

T.J. Gibbs (rojen je leta 1998, meri pa 191 centimetrov) je novinec na evropskem parketu. Dosedaj je navduševal le v ZDA, kjer je v študentski ligi nosil dres univerze Notre Dame.

V Ligi NCAA je zbral 136 tekem. Študentsko ligo NCAA je sklenil v sezoni 2019/20, kjer je trojke zadeval z 42-odstotno natančnostjo. 13,3 točkam na tekmo je pristavil še 3,3 podaje in 2,2 skoka.

"Prišel sem v lepo mesto, sem pa izredno motiviran. Lepo ste me sprejeli. Tu sem, da pomagam s svojimi točkami in dobro igro v obrambi z jasno željo, da dam vse od sebe. Prišel sem v ekipo, ki je mlada in motivirana, imamo priložnost, da zrastemo. Vodi pa nas izjemen trener," je ob prihodu povedal T.J. Gibbs, čigar brat Sterling Gibbs je leta 2020 igral v dresu Kopra Primorske.
