Yogi Ferrell from Panathinaikos to Cedevita Olimpija

Wednesday, 01. December 2021 at 14:46

In the position of Point Guard, Cedevita Olimpija will be strengthened by Yogi Ferrell in the remainder of the season. The 28-year-old American player last wore the jersey of Greek Panathinaikos.

Jurica Golemac (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

In the Cedevita Olimpija jersey, we will be able to follow Yogi Ferrell in the remainder of the season. The last played in the Panathinaikos jersey in the Euroleague. Prior to that, he spent most of his career in the NBA and the G League.

Ferrell was not selected in the 2016 NBA Draft, and the same year he first signed a contract with the Brooklyn Nets, in whose jersey he also played in the summer league. At the end of October, the Nets terminated his contract with him, and in November, he signed a contract with their development team, the Long Island Nets. Ferrell circled between the two teams in the early 2016/17 season and then joined the Dallas Mavericks in early 2017. He moved to the Sacramento Kings and spent his last season in the NBA with the Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Clippers.

In the jersey of Greek Panathanaikos, Yogi Ferrell has played in five games this Euroleague season. In just under eight minutes of play, he scored 1.6 points, 1.8 assists and 1.0 rebounds per game.

As Ferrell signed with Cedevita Olimpija, head coach Jurica Golemac told: “We are happy that Yogi Ferrell has signed a contract with us. We have been looking for a point guard for a long time. There are very few options on the market, and Yogi immediately caught our eye. We talked for a long time, but in the end we came to an agreement for him to come to Ljubljana and help us and himself. We’re sure we brought in a quality playmaker who doesn’t have much experience playing in Europe and has a good career in the NBA League behind him. He will definitely need time to get to know the team. He is a winner by nature, likes to play defense and likes to win. I’m sure it will take a lot less time to adjust than some might think. I emphasize, we are very happy that he landed at Cedevita Olimpija.”


Yogi Ferrell in Panathinaikosa v Cedevita Olimpijo

Na položaju organizatorja igre bo Cedevito Olimpijo v nadaljevanju sezone okrepil Yogi Ferrell, ki v Ljubljano s seboj prinaša izkušnje z igranjem v severnoameriški Ligi NBA in elitni Evroligi. 28-letni ameriški košarkar je nazadnje nosil dres grškega Panathinaikosa.

V dresu Cedevite Olimpije bomo v nadaljevanju sezone lahko spremljali Yogija Ferrella, košarkarja, ki smo ga nazadnje lahko videli v dresu Panathinaikosa v elitni Evroligi. Pred tem je skoraj svojo celotno kariero preživeli v Ligi NBA in v razvojni Ligi NBA. Med drugim je bil Ferrell leta 2017 izbran tudi v drugo najboljšo peterko novincev v najmočnejši ligi na svetu.

Ferrell leta 2016 ni bil izbran na naboru Lige NBA, istega leta pa je nato najprej podpisal pogodbo z Brooklyn Nets, v dresu katerih je odigral tudi poletno ligo. Konec oktobra so Netsi pogodbo z njim prekinili, novembra pa je podpisal pogodbo z njihovo razvojno ekipo, Long Island Nets. Ferrell je v začetku sezone 2016/17 krožil med obema moštvoma, nato pa se je v začetku leta 2017 pridružil Dallas Mavericks. Sledila je selitev k Sacramento Kings, svojo zadnjo sezono v Ligi NBA pa je preživel pri Cleveland Cavaliers in Los Angeles Clippers. 

V dresu grškega Panathanaikosa je Yogi Ferrell v tej evroligaški sezoni zaigral na petih tekmah. V malo manj kot osmih minutah igre je dosegal 1,6 točke, 1,8 asistence in 1,0 skoke na tekmo.

Ob prihodu Yogija Ferrella je trener Cedevita Olimpije Jurica Golemac dejal: "Srečni smo, da je Yogi Ferrell podpisal pogodbo z nami. Dolgo časa smo iskali organizatorja igre. Na tržišču je opcij zelo malo, Yogi pa nam je takoj padel v oči. Dolgo smo se pogovarjali, na koncu pa prišli do dogovora, da pride v Ljubljano in pomaga nam ter sebi. Prepričani smo, da smo pripeljali kakovostnega organizatorja igre, ki nima veliko izkušenj z igranjem v Evropi, za seboj pa ima dobro kariero v Ligi NBA. Zagotovo bo potreboval čas, da se spozna z ekipo. Po naravi je zmagovalec, rad igra obrambo in rad zmaguje. Prepričan sem, da bo potreboval veliko manj časa za prilagoditev, kot si nekateri morda mislijo. Poudarjam, zelo veseli smo, da je pristal v Cedeviti Olimpiji."
