Coach Subotić remains in Split for the 2022/23 season

Monday, 20. June 2022 at 13:24

Split announced that their head coach Srđan Subotić has extended contract with the club for the 2022/23 season.

Srdjan Subotic (Photo: Mega Mozzart/Ivica Veselinov)

Split announced that their head coach Srđan Subotić has extended contract with the club for the 2022/23 season.

“This is the first step in our preparation for the next season. We believe in our coach and we wish him all the best in the following season. We want to continue this beautiful story as we’ve been witnessing some amazing atmosphere at our games over the past year and we want to say a big thank you to our fans for their support. They are our biggest motivation in our work here,” said Split Board President Edo Blažević.

“We continue what we started last summer. I want to thank everyone in the club for their support and big help they’ve been giving me over the past season that had many ups and downs. Also, i want to say thank you for believing in this project and for giving me a chance to continue my work. I believe that we will continue to improve and that we will be better every next day throughout the following season,” said Split head coach Srđan Subotić.


Subotić ostaje trener Splita

Srđan Subotić nastavlja započeti posao na Gripama, potpisao je ugovor sa Splitom za sezonu 2022/23.

- Dali smo povjerenje našem treneru, našem kadru... Ovo je prvi korak u pripremi nove sezone, Srđanu želim puno sreće i da se na kraju svi zajedno radujemo. Želimo nastaviti ovu lijepu priču s Gripa, svjedočimo iznimnoj atmosferi i na tome hvala našim navijačima. Oni su nam najveći poticaj u svemu što radimo - rekao je prigodom potpisivanja ugovora predsjednik Uprave KK Split Edo Blažević.

Ljeto će kod Subotića biti radno, zajedno sa sportskim direktorom Teom Čizmićem radit će na slaganju momčadi.

- Nastavljamo sa započetim poslom. Hvala svima u klubu na podršci i pomoći koju sam imao u prošloj sezoni, bila je turbulentna. Hvala i na podršci i povjerenju za nastavak suradnje. Vjerujem da ćemo napredovati i iduće sezone i svakim danom biti sve bolji – kazao je Subotić
