Yogi Ferrell stays at Cedevita Olimpija

Wednesday, 20. July 2022 at 11:09

We’ll keep watching the American point guard Yogi Ferrell, a player with experience from both the NBA and the EuroLeague, in the jersey of Cedevita Olimpija.

Yogi Ferrell (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

After Edo Murić, Alen Omić and Zoran Dragić, Cedevita Olimpija in Ljubljana managed to keep another one of the key players from the 2021/22 season. The American point guard Yogi Ferrell, who joined the Dragons midway through the last season and immediately became one of the key members of the squad of Slovenian capital.

“I am satisfied to remain a part of Cedevita Olimpija and to be joining the efforts with Edo, Zoran, Alen and all of the other guys that have remained in Ljubljana from the previous season, besides all of those that will join us this summer. I believe, that we will enter the new season highly motivated in order to improve the result from the previous season and that all of the fans will keep enjoying our good performances. I cannot wait for the new season to begin,” Ferrell told as he penned the new deal with the Dragons.

In the 2021/22 season, Yogi Ferrell appeared in 22 AdmiralBet ABA League games, where he averaged 12.6 points, 3.4 assists and 2.4 rebounds per contest.


V dresu Cedevita Olimpije ostaja tudi Yogi Ferrell!

V Cedevita Olimpiji bomo še naprej spremljali tudi ameriškega organizatorja igre z izkušnjami z igranjem v Ligi NBA in elitni Evroligi, Yogija Ferrella, ki se je ljubljanskemu kolektivu pridružil na sredini minule sezone.

Po Edu Muriću, Alenu Omiću in Zoranu Dragiću, je Cedevita Olimpiji v Ljubljani uspelo zadržati še enega od nosilcev igre iz sezone 2021/22. V slovenski prestolnici namreč ostaja tudi ameriški organizator igre Yogi Ferrell, ki se je Zmajem pridružil sredi minule sezone in takoj postal eden od ključnih členov slovenskih državnih, pokalnih in superpokalnih prvakov, obenem pa ljubljenec navijačev ljubljanskega kolektiva.

“Zadovoljen sem, da bom še naprej del Cedevite Olimpije, in da bom znova združil moči z Edom, Zoranom in Alenom ter vsemi ostalimi fanti, ki so ostali v Ljubljani od minule sezone ter temi, ki so se nam in se nam še bodo pridružili to poletje. Verjamem, da bomo v novo sezono vstopili visoko motivirani, da popravimo rezultat iz minule sezone, in da bodo vsi navijači še naprej uživali v naših dobrih predstavah in borbenih igrah. Komaj čakam, da se začne nova sezona,” je ob podaljšanju pogodbe s Cedevita Olimpijo povedal Ferrell.

Yogi Ferrell je v tekmovalni sezoni 2021/22 v dresu Cedevita Olimpije zaigral na 22 tekmah v AdmiralBet ABA Ligi, kjer je v povprečju beležil 12,6 točke, 3,4 asistence in 2,4 skoka na obračun.
