Stevan Mijović is no longer FMP Soccerbet head coach

Tuesday, 30. January 2024 at 22:13

FMP Soccerbet announced that the Belgrade club and their head coach Stevan Mijović have agreed to terminate their cooperation.

(Photo: Mega MIS/Ivica Veselinov)

The Panthers of Belgrade and head coach Stevan Mijović have agreed to terminate their cooperation on mutual consent.

In the press release, FMP Soccerbet have expressed their gratefulness to Stevan Mijović for his professionalism, devotion and maximum effort, that he invested in every practice and each game.

The tactician has taken over the team in a delicate moment and led it to two big wins in away games. He is leaving the FMP Arena in the moment when FMP Soccerbet is placed in the 12th place in the standings of the AdmiralBet ABA League.


Stevan Mijović nije više trener FMP SoccerBet

FMP SoccerBet i dosadašnji prvi trener ekipe Stevan Mijović sporazumno su raskinuli ugovor. Klub se u saopštenju za javnost zahvalio Mijoviću na velikom profesionalizmu, posvećenosti, maksimalnom zalaganju na svakom treningu i utakmici.

Stevan Mijović je klub preuzeo u delikatnom momentu i ostvario dve velike pobede na gostovanjima, a FMP Arenu napušta u trenutku kada FMP Soccerbet zauzima 12. mesto na tabeli AdmiralBet ABA lige.
