Shannon Shorter returns to Split
Shannon Shorter returns to Gripe for a third season with Split.
Shannon Shorter (Photo: ABA League j.t.d./Dragana Stjepanovic)
Shannon Shorter returns to Gripe for a third season with Split. After wearing numbers 24 and 12 in his first two seasons with the club, this year he will wear number 2. Shannon Shorter signed a contract with Split until the end of the season. The Split fan favorite started the season in Egypt, but after a short period, he returned to Split.
Last season Shorter appeared in 25 games averaging 18 points and 6.5 rebounds per contest. In the 2021/2022 season, he was named the AdmiralBet ABA League Top Scorer.
- Everything happened rather strangely and quickly, I became available due to some situations in Egypt, and I stayed in contact with the Split because two seasons here could not be forgotten just like that. I'm happy, it's hard to find words to describe how I feel about Split and the fans. I am looking forward to the season, the matches, and achieving all of the goals ahead of us. This will be my third season in Split, every season we got better and better, I hope this will be the best season so far - said Shorter upon his return to Split.
I treću sezonu bit će na Gripama, ove sezone, nakon broja 24 i 12, nosit će broj 2, Shannon Shorter potpisao je ugovor sa Splitom do kraja sezone. Miljenik navijača početak sezone odradio je u Egiptu, ali bez Splita nije mogao. Dobrodošao doma!
- Sve se prilično čudno i brzo dogodilo, postao sam dostupan zbog nekih situacija u Egiptu, a s klubom sam ostao u kontaktu, jer se dvije sezone u Splitu nisu mogle tek tako zaboraviti. Sretan sam, teško je pronaći riječi kojima bih opisao što osjećam prema Splitu i navijačima. Veselim se sezoni, utakmicama i ostvarivanju ciljevi koji su pred nama. Ovo će mi biti treća sezona u Splitu, svake sezone smo bivali sve bolji, nadam se da će ovo biti najbolja sezona do sada - rekao je Shorter.