ROUND 23, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2021/22
Saturday, 19.03.2022 21:00 CET
Venue: Sportski centar Morača
89 : 84
20:18 22:25 19:20 28:21
Commissioner: Milorad Pantović
Referees: Miloš Koljenšić, Igor Dragojević, Aleksandar Davidov



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2021/22

Ave. Ave.
81.04 Points 79.74
30.92 Rebounds 31
8.85 O. Rebounds 8.42
22.08 D. Rebounds 22.58
17.73 Assists 16.26
7.35 Steals 7.58
2.15 Blocks 2.26
53.55 2PT 52.76
35.66 3PT 35.05
74.53 FT 76.46
81.62 Index 89.19

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2021/22

Ave. Ave.
85.08 Points 74.19
32.42 Rebounds 30.58
9.65 O. Rebounds 8.52
22.77 D. Rebounds 22.06
19.31 Assists 16.87
7.88 Steals 6.48
2.92 Blocks 2.42
57.41 2PT 51.85
34.78 3PT 33.98
73.03 FT 73.87
94.08 Index 74

Player Stats, Season 2021/22

Andrej Žakelj, trener SC Derby:

"Očekuje nas još jedna utakmica protiv ekipe koja slovi za jednog od favorita kada je riječ o osvajanju ABA lige. Nedavno smo odmjerili snage sa ekipom Zvezde. Odigrali smo dobar meč, bili u igri sve do same završnice kada je kvalitet rivala došao do izražaja. Protiv Budućnosti ćemo nastojati da ponovimo partiju kao i protiv Zvezde, nastojaćemo da budemo na visokom nivou od prvog do poslednjeg minuta. Da li će to biti dovoljno da budemo konkurentni i stignemo do iznenađenja, ostaje da se vidi.”

Flečer Megi, igrač SC Derby:

“Odlično poznajemo ekipu Budućnosti i radujemo se duelu koji slijedi, jer ćemo imati priliku da odmjerimo snage sa ekipom koja je u samom vrhu ABA lige, koja je ostvarila odlične rezultate u Evrokupu. Duel koji slijedi, kao i prethodni, protiv Zvezde u Beogradu, biće prilika da vidimo gdje se nalazimo u odnosu na najbolje ekipe u regionu. Budućnost je favorit, Budućnost igra čvrsto i agresivno, sa mnogo energije u oba smjera. Nastojaćemo da pariramo, trudićemo se da budemo konkurentni, pokušaćemo da stignemo do iznenađenja.”

Aleksandar Džikić, trener Budućnosti VOLI:

"Uvijek su posebne utakmice ovoga tipa, igramo protiv ekipe koja je namučila neke od najboljih sastava u regionalnom takmičenju. Moramo odigrati sa željom i ozbiljnošću, to su preduslovi da neke naše prednosti dovedu do pozitivnog rezultata. Imaju vrlo dinamičan bekovski par, kadar da u kratkom vremenskom periodu postigne veliki broj poena. Takođe, mobilnu visoku liniju odličnih atletskih sposobnosti."

Kendrik Peri, igrač Budućnosti VOLI:

"Želimo da nastavimo u ritmu koji smo imali u prethodnoj utakmici. Pokazali smo dosta dobrih stvari, posebno nakon nekoliko razočavarajućih poraza. Nama nama je da budemo na tom nivou i u narednim mečevima."

SC Derby

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
1 Neal E. * 27:20 13 30 2 5 401 5 20 6 6 100 3 1 43 0 4 0 1 2 8 2 3 515 14
3 Magee F. * 27:40 15 50 1 2 504 8 50 1 1 100 1 0 15 1 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 515 18
4 Pavlićević N. 12:36 7 40 0 2 02 3 66.7 1 2 50 1 0 13 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 1-8 3
7 Slavković A. * 16:13 4 50 2 3 66.70 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 0 25 3
8 Hadžibegović E. * 20:45 15 100 2 2 1003 3 100 2 2 100 5 2 71 0 1 0 0 3 1 4 0 211 20
9 Starovlah M. 10:22 0 0 0 1 00 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-15 -3
11 Baćović V. 04:56 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 -1
12 Ivišić Z. 04:42 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-9 1
13 Ivišić T. * 11:39 5 33.3 0 1 01 2 50 2 2 100 1 0 10 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-5 2
14 Edwards J. 26:01 13 66.7 6 8 750 1 0 1 2 50 4 1 52 1 2 0 0 1 2 8 2 43 16
22 Ilić A. 09:37 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 40 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 -1
34 Kamenjaš K. 28:09 17 88.9 8 9 88.90 0 0 1 2 50 4 3 71 1 0 0 0 3 3 14 6 010 24

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
SC Derby 200:00 89 51.6 21 36 58.3 11 26 42.3 14 17 82.4 26 8 34 17 5 13 1 3 21 20 34 11 19596
Budućnost VOLI 200:00 84 49.3 23 36 63.9 10 31 32.3 8 12 66.7 18 8 2621 5 11 3 1 22 21 36 4 11-588

Budućnost VOLI

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
1 Cobbs J. * 32:00 17 45.5 3 6 502 5 40 5 6 83.3 1 0 19 0 1 0 0 4 5 6 0 0-720
3 Atić E. * 22:43 15 62.5 2 3 66.73 5 60 2 2 100 3 2 52 1 0 0 0 3 1 4 0 0-518
4 Šehović S. 11:48 0 0 0 0 00 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 03-4
5 Micov V. 00:00
6 Barović F. 00:00
7 Nikolić D. * 19:45 13 62.5 2 3 66.73 5 60 0 1 0 2 0 20 0 2 0 0 3 2 2 2 0-78
8 Seeley D. 29:04 9 44.4 3 5 601 4 25 0 0 0 2 1 35 1 3 0 1 2 1 4 0 218
19 Nikolić Z. * 16:49 4 66.7 2 3 66.70 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 21 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 0 2-76
21 Jagodić Kuridža M. * 22:29 4 40 2 3 66.70 2 0 0 1 0 2 2 41 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0-26
30 Popović P. 12:02 2 14.3 1 3 33.30 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0-3-1
33 Reed W. 23:11 14 77.8 7 9 77.80 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 61 2 1 2 0 2 2 14 2 4222
55 Perry K. 10:10 6 40 1 1 1001 4 25 1 2 50 2 0 21 1 2 0 0 3 4 0 0 305

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Unofficial Boxscore
Andrej Žakelj, trener SC Derbyja:

„Čestitam momcima na pristupu, ovaj tim od toga živi. Imamo dobru hemiju, dobro treniramo, momci imaju pravi pristup, iz toga je i došao rezultat. Bilo je grešaka, stvari kojima nisam zadovoljan, ali su opet pokazali srce i borili se. Ovo je značajna pobjeda, deseta, što nije malo za naš klub.”

Aleksandar Džikić, trener Budućnosti VOLI:

„Čestitam ekipi domaćina, na kraju su bili spretniji. Imali smo svoje šanse, nismo iskoristili nekoliko puta vođstvo koje je trebalo da nas odvede u mirniju završnicu. Protivnici su ubacili neke šuteve, mi nismo. Nama ostaje da dobro popričamo o ovome. Analiziraćemo, povlačićemo dalje poteze.”
Legal notice: ABA League, in cooperation with its clubs, grants access to a number of photos from ABA League games, as well as some additional events, linked to the competition. These images are high resolution and downloadable directly from the the photo galleries. They are free to use for editorial purposes. Please, make sure to credit the authors of the photos with the source, signed beneath each photo in order to avoid undesirable legal consequences.
(Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Marko Jagodic Kuridza (Photo: SC Derby) Justin Cobbs (Photo: SC Derby) Danilo Nikolic (Photo: SC Derby) Fletcher Magee (Photo: SC Derby) Danilo Nikolic (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Aleksandar Dzikic (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) Petar Popovic (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Andrej Zakelj (Photo: SC Derby) Marko Jagodic Kuridza (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) Andrija Slavkovic (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Andrija Slavkovic (Photo: SC Derby) Justin Cobbs (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Justin Cobbs (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Aleksandar Dzikic (Photo: SC Derby) Willie Reed (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Kenan Kamenjas (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) Kenan Kamenjas (Photo: SC Derby) Nikola Pavlicevic (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Nikola Pavlicevic (Photo: SC Derby) Andrej Zakelj (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Emir Hadzibegovic (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Erick Neal (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) Emir Hadzibegovic (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby) SC Derby team (Photo: SC Derby) SC Derby team (Photo: SC Derby) Kenan Kamenjas (Photo: SC Derby) (Photo: SC Derby)
end of 1. quarter
00:00 NIKOLIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
00:01 14 EDWARDS J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:10 14 EDWARDS J. foul on
00:10 6 COBBS J. foul (personal)
00:16 9 STAROVLAH M. substitution (in)
00:16 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
00:16 34 KAMENJAŠ K. foul on
00:16 55 PERRY K. foul (personal)
00:4120 : 18 REED W. made 2 points (hookshot)
01:0320 : 16 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (jump shot)
01:04 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (offensive)
01:06 BAĆOVIĆ V. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:13 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
01:15 NIKOLIĆ D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:3818 : 16 14 EDWARDS J. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
02:00 SEELEY D. assist
02:0016 : 16 REED W. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:05 55 PERRY K. substitution (in)
02:05 POPOVIĆ P. substitution (out)
02:05 POPOVIĆ P. foul on
02:05 BAĆOVIĆ V. foul (personal)
02:1316 : 14 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. made 2 points (dunk)
02:19 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. steal
02:19 POPOVIĆ P. turnover (ballhandling)
02:2914 : 14 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
02:49 REED W. assist
02:4912 : 14 POPOVIĆ P. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:0412 : 12 14 EDWARDS J. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:05 14 EDWARDS J. rebound (offensive)
03:08 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. missed 2 points (jump shot)
03:3210 : 12 6 COBBS J. made free throw (1of1)
03:32 REED W. substitution (in)
03:32 NIKOLIĆ D. substitution (in)
03:32 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. substitution (out)
03:32 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. substitution (out)
03:32 14 EDWARDS J. substitution (in)
03:32 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. substitution (in)
03:32 3 MAGEE F. substitution (out)
03:32 NEAL E. substitution (out)
03:32 6 COBBS J. foul on
03:32 3 MAGEE F. foul (personal)
03:3210 : 11 6 COBBS J. made 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
03:44 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. rebound (defensive)
03:47 3 MAGEE F. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:01 BAĆOVIĆ V. rebound (defensive)
04:03 POPOVIĆ P. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:26 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. foul on
04:26 34 KAMENJAŠ K. foul (personal)
04:26 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. rebound (defensive)
04:26 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:56 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (in)
04:56 BAĆOVIĆ V. substitution (in)
04:56 IVIŠIĆ T. substitution (out)
04:56 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. substitution (out)
04:56 (defensive)
04:56 6 COBBS J. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:06 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. rebound (offensive)
05:09 POPOVIĆ P. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:2910 : 9 IVIŠIĆ T. made free throw (2 of 2)
05:29 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. assist
05:299 : 9 IVIŠIĆ T. made free throw (1 of 2)
05:29 SEELEY D. substitution (in)
05:29 7 ATIĆ E. substitution (out)
05:29 IVIŠIĆ T. foul on
05:29 7 ATIĆ E. foul (personal)
05:498 : 9 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. made 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
06:06 6 COBBS J. rebound (defensive)
06:09 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:22 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. assist
06:228 : 7 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. made 2 points (layup)
06:36 NEAL E. turnover (travel)
06:558 : 5 6 COBBS J. made 3 points (jump shot)
07:00 POPOVIĆ P. foul on
07:00 3 MAGEE F. foul (personal)
07:11 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. turnover (travel)
07:11 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (offensive)
07:14 3 MAGEE F. missed 2 points (jump shot)
07:25 NEAL E. foul on
07:25 7 ATIĆ E. foul (personal)
07:35 POPOVIĆ P. substitution (in)
07:35 NIKOLIĆ D. substitution (out)
07:35 NIKOLIĆ D. turnover (outofbounds)
07:568 : 2 3 MAGEE F. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:13 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
08:16 7 ATIĆ E. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:26 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. assist
08:265 : 2 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made 2 points (layup)
08:31 3 MAGEE F. rebound (defensive)
08:33 NIKOLIĆ D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:46 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. rebound (defensive)
08:52 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. block
08:52 IVIŠIĆ T. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:173 : 2 7 ATIĆ E. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
09:353 : 0 NEAL E. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:38 IVIŠIĆ T. rebound (defensive)
09:42 6 COBBS J. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:59 IVIŠIĆ T. jumpball (lost)
09:59 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. jumpball (won)
start of 1. quarter
game started
HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E in starting lineup
SLAVKOVIĆ A in starting lineup
IVIŠIĆ T in starting lineup
MAGEE F in starting lineup
NEAL E in starting lineup
NIKOLIĆ D in starting lineup
NIKOLIĆ Z in starting lineup
JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M in starting lineup
COBBS J in starting lineup
ATIĆ E in starting lineup
end of 2. quarter
00:07 14 EDWARDS J. rebound (defensive)
00:10 6 COBBS J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:23 7 ATIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
00:26 NEAL E. missed 2 points (jump shot)
00:50 POPOVIĆ P. assist
00:5042 : 43 7 ATIĆ E. made 3 points (jump shot)
01:12 (24sec)
01:3742 : 40 6 COBBS J. made free throw (1of1)
01:37 6 COBBS J. foul on
01:37 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. foul (personal)
01:3742 : 39 6 COBBS J. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
01:52 NEAL E. assist
01:5242 : 37 IVIŠIĆ T. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:09 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. assist
02:0939 : 37 7 ATIĆ E. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:18 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. foul on
02:18 14 EDWARDS J. foul (personal)
02:35 POPOVIĆ P. foul on
02:35 IVIŠIĆ T. turnover (offensive)
02:35 IVIŠIĆ T. foul (offensive)
02:46 7 ATIĆ E. substitution (in)
02:46 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (out)
02:46 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. turnover (outofbounds)
03:06 NEAL E. assist
03:0639 : 34 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:15 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. substitution (in)
03:15 REED W. substitution (out)
03:15 IVIŠIĆ T. substitution (in)
03:15 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (out)
03:15 3 MAGEE F. foul on
03:15 POPOVIĆ P. foul (personal)
03:16 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
03:19 REED W. missed 2 points (layup)
03:38 NEAL E. assist
03:3836 : 34 3 MAGEE F. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:41 POPOVIĆ P. substitution (in)
03:41 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. substitution (in)
03:41 SEELEY D. substitution (out)
03:41 NIKOLIĆ D. substitution (out)
03:41 3 MAGEE F. foul on
03:41 NIKOLIĆ D. foul (personal)
03:42 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (defensive)
03:48 REED W. missed 2 points (layup)
04:0833 : 34 14 EDWARDS J. made 2 points (jump shot)
04:08 14 EDWARDS J. steal
04:08 SEELEY D. turnover (ballhandling)
04:3131 : 34 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:35 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (defensive)
04:38 SEELEY D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:48 REED W. rebound (defensive)
04:50 NEAL E. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:0328 : 34 3 MAGEE F. made free throw (1of1)
05:03 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul (technical)
05:03 6 COBBS J. substitution (in)
05:03 55 PERRY K. substitution (out)
05:06 3 MAGEE F. foul on
05:06 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul (personal)
05:06 (defensive)
05:06 55 PERRY K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:18 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. substitution (in)
05:18 14 IVIŠIĆ Z. substitution (out)
05:18 NEAL E. turnover (bad pass)
05:35 55 PERRY K. assist
05:3527 : 34 NIKOLIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
05:45 NEAL E. substitution (in)
05:45 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. substitution (out)
05:45 55 PERRY K. foul on
05:45 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. foul (personal)
05:49 55 PERRY K. rebound (defensive)
05:52 14 IVIŠIĆ Z. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:59 14 IVIŠIĆ Z. rebound (defensive)
06:02 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:11 3 MAGEE F. assist
06:1127 : 31 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:2924 : 31 SEELEY D. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:49 REED W. steal
06:49 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. turnover (bad pass)
07:01 3 MAGEE F. substitution (in)
07:01 9 STAROVLAH M. substitution (out)
07:03 SEELEY D. assist
07:0324 : 28 55 PERRY K. made 3 points (jump shot)
07:09 SEELEY D. steal
07:09 9 STAROVLAH M. turnover (ballhandling)
07:16 9 STAROVLAH M. rebound (defensive)
07:21 14 IVIŠIĆ Z. block
07:21 SEELEY D. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
07:46 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. assist
07:4624 : 25 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (dunk)
08:0322 : 25 55 PERRY K. made 2 points (jump shot)
08:20 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. assist
08:2022 : 23 14 EDWARDS J. made 2 points (jump shot)
08:25 SEELEY D. assist
08:2520 : 23 NIKOLIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:47 55 PERRY K. foul on
08:47 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. foul (personal)
08:50 55 PERRY K. rebound (defensive)
08:52 9 STAROVLAH M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:0920 : 20 NIKOLIĆ D. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
09:23 REED W. rebound (offensive)
09:26 SEELEY D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:28 SEELEY D. rebound (offensive)
09:31 55 PERRY K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:49 REED W. steal
09:49 14 EDWARDS J. turnover (bad pass)
start of 2. quarter
10:00 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (in)
10:00 6 COBBS J. substitution (out)
10:00 14 IVIŠIĆ Z. substitution (in)
10:00 BAĆOVIĆ V. substitution (out)
end of 3. quarter
00:06 POPOVIĆ P. substitution (in)
00:06 6 COBBS J. substitution (out)
00:0661 : 63 6 COBBS J. made free throw (1of1)
00:06 NEAL E. substitution (in)
00:06 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
00:06 6 COBBS J. foul on
00:06 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
00:0661 : 62 6 COBBS J. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
00:22 NIKOLIĆ D. substitution (in)
00:22 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. substitution (out)
00:22 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. substitution (in)
00:22 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
00:22 2 ILIĆ A. substitution (out)
00:22 NEAL E. substitution (out)
00:22 (defensive)
00:24 9 STAROVLAH M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:31 (offensive)
00:34 NEAL E. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:41 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (in)
00:41 7 ATIĆ E. substitution (out)
00:4161 : 60 7 ATIĆ E. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:4161 : 59 7 ATIĆ E. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:41 NEAL E. substitution (in)
00:41 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. substitution (out)
00:41 7 ATIĆ E. foul on
00:41 34 KAMENJAŠ K. foul (personal)
00:41 (defensive)
00:43 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:02 2 ILIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
01:05 7 ATIĆ E. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:14 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. rebound (defensive)
01:17 14 EDWARDS J. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
01:31 6 COBBS J. assist
01:3161 : 58 SEELEY D. made 2 points (jump shot)
01:32 7 ATIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
01:37 2 ILIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:38 2 ILIĆ A. rebound (offensive)
01:42 REED W. block
01:42 9 STAROVLAH M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:46 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. rebound (defensive)
01:49 SEELEY D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:0661 : 56 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:29 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (defensive)
02:29 6 COBBS J. missed free throw (1of1)
02:29 14 EDWARDS J. substitution (in)
02:29 3 MAGEE F. substitution (out)
02:29 6 COBBS J. foul on
02:29 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. foul (personal)
02:29 SEELEY D. assist
02:2958 : 56 6 COBBS J. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:37 SEELEY D. rebound (defensive)
02:40 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. missed 2 points (jump shot)
02:4858 : 53 REED W. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:49 REED W. rebound (offensive)
02:56 6 COBBS J. missed 2 points (jump shot)
03:10 7 ATIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
03:10 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. missed free throw (2 of 2)
03:10 3 MAGEE F. assist
03:1058 : 51 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:10 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. foul on
03:10 7 ATIĆ E. foul (personal)
03:16 34 KAMENJAŠ K. steal
03:16 REED W. turnover (bad pass)
03:32 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. assist
03:3257 : 51 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:46 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (defensive)
03:46 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. missed free throw (1of1)
03:46 9 STAROVLAH M. substitution (in)
03:46 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
03:46 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. foul on
03:46 2 ILIĆ A. foul (personal)
03:46 6 COBBS J. assist
03:4655 : 51 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:53 REED W. rebound (defensive)
03:56 3 MAGEE F. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:12 6 COBBS J. assist
04:1255 : 49 REED W. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
04:3255 : 47 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (layup)
04:32 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (offensive)
04:36 2 ILIĆ A. missed 2 points (hookshot)
04:57 6 COBBS J. assist
04:5753 : 47 7 ATIĆ E. made 2 points (jump shot)
04:59 REED W. foul on
04:59 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
05:19 REED W. rebound (defensive)
05:19 34 KAMENJAŠ K. missed free throw (1of1)
05:19 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. substitution (in)
05:19 NEAL E. substitution (out)
05:19 34 KAMENJAŠ K. foul on
05:19 REED W. foul (personal)
05:19 3 MAGEE F. assist
05:1953 : 45 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (jump shot)
05:38 6 COBBS J. assist
05:3851 : 45 REED W. made 2 points (dunk)
05:4351 : 43 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (jump shot)
05:44 34 KAMENJAŠ K. rebound (offensive)
05:50 REED W. block
05:50 NEAL E. missed 2 points (layup)
06:10 NEAL E. rebound (defensive)
06:12 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:28 REED W. rebound (defensive)
06:31 34 KAMENJAŠ K. missed 2 points (jump shot)
06:55 NEAL E. foul on
06:55 6 COBBS J. turnover (offensive)
06:55 6 COBBS J. foul (offensive)
07:04 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. turnover (travel)
07:16 REED W. substitution (in)
07:16 SEELEY D. substitution (in)
07:16 6 COBBS J. substitution (in)
07:16 55 PERRY K. substitution (out)
07:16 POPOVIĆ P. substitution (out)
07:16 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. substitution (out)
07:16 3 MAGEE F. foul on
07:16 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. foul (personal)
07:23 3 MAGEE F. steal
07:23 55 PERRY K. turnover (bad pass)
07:3349 : 43 3 MAGEE F. made 3 points (jump shot)
07:37 2 ILIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
07:40 POPOVIĆ P. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:5946 : 43 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
08:07 2 ILIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
08:10 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. missed 2 points (layup)
08:11 7 ATIĆ E. rebound (offensive)
08:16 POPOVIĆ P. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:37 55 PERRY K. foul on
08:37 2 ILIĆ A. turnover (offensive)
08:37 2 ILIĆ A. foul (offensive)
08:56 NEAL E. foul on
08:56 55 PERRY K. turnover (offensive)
08:56 55 PERRY K. foul (offensive)
09:0244 : 43 NEAL E. made free throw (2 of 2)
09:0243 : 43 NEAL E. made free throw (1 of 2)
09:02 NEAL E. foul on
09:02 55 PERRY K. foul (personal)
09:04 NEAL E. rebound (defensive)
09:07 7 ATIĆ E. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:10 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. rebound (offensive)
09:13 POPOVIĆ P. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:21 POPOVIĆ P. rebound (offensive)
09:23 POPOVIĆ P. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
09:35 7 ATIĆ E. rebound (offensive)
09:38 55 PERRY K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
start of 3. quarter
10:00 55 PERRY K. substitution (in)
10:00 6 COBBS J. substitution (out)
10:00 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (in)
10:00 2 ILIĆ A. substitution (in)
10:00 7 SLAVKOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
10:00 14 EDWARDS J. substitution (out)
10:00 IVIŠIĆ T. substitution (out)
10:00 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. substitution (out)
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:02 14 EDWARDS J. assist
00:0289 : 84 3 MAGEE F. made 2 points (dunk)
00:03 14 EDWARDS J. rebound (defensive)
00:06 6 COBBS J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:11 6 COBBS J. substitution (in)
00:11 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. substitution (out)
00:11 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (in)
00:11 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. substitution (out)
00:1187 : 84 14 EDWARDS J. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:11 14 EDWARDS J. missed free throw (1 of 2)
00:11 14 EDWARDS J. foul on
00:11 SEELEY D. foul (personal)
00:15 14 EDWARDS J. rebound (defensive)
00:15 55 PERRY K. missed free throw (2 of 2)
00:1586 : 84 55 PERRY K. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:15 55 PERRY K. foul on
00:15 3 MAGEE F. foul (personal)
00:21 55 PERRY K. steal
00:21 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. turnover (ballhandling)
00:24 55 PERRY K. substitution (in)
00:24 6 COBBS J. substitution (out)
00:24 4 PAVLIĆEVIĆ N. substitution (in)
00:24 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (out)
00:24 6 COBBS J. assist
00:2486 : 83 REED W. made 2 points (jump shot)
00:3386 : 81 NEAL E. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:3385 : 81 NEAL E. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:33 NEAL E. foul on
00:33 REED W. foul (personal)
00:45 6 COBBS J. assist
00:4584 : 81 REED W. made 2 points (dunk)
00:51 (defensive)
00:52 NEAL E. missed 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
01:13 14 EDWARDS J. rebound (defensive)
01:16 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:28 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. assist
01:2884 : 79 NEAL E. made 2 points (layup)
01:51 6 COBBS J. assist
01:5182 : 79 7 ATIĆ E. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:06 3 MAGEE F. assist
02:0682 : 76 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:27 NEAL E. rebound (defensive)
02:30 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. missed 2 points (layup)
02:5479 : 76 NEAL E. made free throw (1of1)
02:54 21 JAGODIĆ KURIDŽA M. substitution (in)
02:54 NIKOLIĆ D. substitution (out)
02:54 NEAL E. foul on
02:54 NIKOLIĆ D. foul (personal)
02:5478 : 76 NEAL E. made 2 points (jump shot)
03:03 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (offensive)
03:06 3 MAGEE F. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:12 NEAL E. rebound (offensive)
03:15 3 MAGEE F. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:20 (offensive)
03:20 NEAL E. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:3376 : 76 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made free throw (1of1)
03:33 REED W. substitution (in)
03:33 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. substitution (out)
03:33 34 KAMENJAŠ K. foul on
03:33 SEELEY D. turnover (offensive)
03:33 SEELEY D. foul (unsportsmanlike)
03:33 3 MAGEE F. assist
03:3375 : 76 34 KAMENJAŠ K. made 2 points (layup)
03:4773 : 76 6 COBBS J. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:4773 : 75 6 COBBS J. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:47 6 COBBS J. foul on
03:47 NEAL E. foul (personal)
03:57 34 KAMENJAŠ K. assist
03:5773 : 74 3 MAGEE F. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:14 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
04:14 NIKOLIĆ D. missed free throw (1of1)
04:14 NIKOLIĆ D. foul on
04:14 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. foul (personal)
04:14 7 ATIĆ E. assist
04:1470 : 74 NIKOLIĆ D. made 2 points (jump shot)
04:3170 : 72 14 EDWARDS J. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
04:45 7 ATIĆ E. assist
04:4568 : 72 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. made 2 points (dunk)
04:49 7 ATIĆ E. steal
04:49 NEAL E. turnover (bad pass)
04:58 NEAL E. foul on
04:58 6 COBBS J. foul (personal)
05:11 NEAL E. foul on
05:11 NIKOLIĆ D. turnover (offensive)
05:11 NIKOLIĆ D. foul (offensive)
05:23 (defensive)
05:23 14 EDWARDS J. missed 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
05:4268 : 70 NEAL E. made free throw (1of1)
05:42 6 COBBS J. foul (technical)
05:42 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
05:42 6 COBBS J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:0867 : 70 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made free throw (2 of 2)
06:08 14 EDWARDS J. assist
06:0866 : 70 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made free throw (1 of 2)
06:08 7 ATIĆ E. substitution (in)
06:08 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (out)
06:08 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. foul on
06:08 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. foul (personal)
06:14 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. rebound (defensive)
06:17 4 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:26 NIKOLIĆ D. foul on
06:26 34 KAMENJAŠ K. foul (personal)
06:26 (offensive)
06:26 SEELEY D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:40 14 EDWARDS J. substitution (in)
06:40 IVIŠIĆ T. substitution (out)
06:40 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (in)
06:40 3 MAGEE F. substitution (in)
06:40 14 EDWARDS J. substitution (out)
06:40 9 STAROVLAH M. substitution (out)
06:40 14 EDWARDS J. turnover (outofbounds)
06:46 9 STAROVLAH M. steal
06:46 SEELEY D. turnover (bad pass)
07:0465 : 70 14 EDWARDS J. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
07:20 6 COBBS J. assist
07:2063 : 70 SEELEY D. made 2 points (jump shot)
07:35 SEELEY D. foul on
07:35 NEAL E. foul (personal)
07:40 SEELEY D. rebound (defensive)
07:43 NEAL E. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:55 19 NIKOLIĆ Z. substitution (in)
07:55 REED W. substitution (out)
07:55 (defensive)
07:55 NIKOLIĆ D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:01 REED W. foul on
08:01 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. foul (personal)
08:18 NIKOLIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
08:21 IVIŠIĆ T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:45 SEELEY D. assist
08:4563 : 68 NIKOLIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:04 NEAL E. turnover (travel)
09:1963 : 65 SEELEY D. made 2 points (jump shot)
09:4763 : 63 8 HADŽIBEGOVIĆ E. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
start of 4. quarter
10:00 6 COBBS J. substitution (in)
10:00 POPOVIĆ P. substitution (out)
10:00 IVIŠIĆ T. substitution (in)
10:00 34 KAMENJAŠ K. substitution (out)

Players on court

1 Neal E. 27:20 13 4 3 0 2 14
3 Magee F. 27:40 15 1 5 1 3 18
8 Hadžibegović E. 20:45 15 7 1 0 3 20
14 Edwards J. 26:01 13 5 2 1 1 16
34 Kamenjaš K. 28:09 17 7 1 1 3 24
1 Cobbs J. 32:00 17 1 9 0 4 20
3 Atić E. 22:43 15 5 2 1 3 18
8 Seeley D. 29:04 9 3 5 1 2 8
33 Reed W. 23:11 14 6 1 2 2 22
55 Perry K. 10:10 6 2 1 1 3 5

Last 5 actions

Min Score Action
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:02 (Q4) 14 EDWARDS J. assist
00:02 (Q4)89 : 84 3 MAGEE F. made 2 points (dunk)
00:03 (Q4) 14 EDWARDS J. rebound (defensive)
00:06 (Q4) 6 COBBS J. missed 3 points (jump shot)

Top players

Kamenjaš K. 24 - 22 Reed W.
Kamenjaš K. 17 - 17 Cobbs J.
Hadžibegović E. 7 - 6 Reed W.
Magee F. 5 - 9 Cobbs J.

Match live on TV:

  • Arena Sport 3 BIH
  • Arena Sport 3 MKD
  • Arena Sport 3 MNE
  • Arena Sport 3 SRB
  • Arena Sport 3 SVN
  • Arena Sport 5 CRO
  • TVCG 2
Result Graph
Graphic Stats

Score difference

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot SC Derby
  • Missed Shot SC Derby
  • Made Shot Budućnost VOLI
  • Missed Shot Budućnost VOLI

