ROUND 23, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2016/17
Wednesday, 22.02.2017 21:00 CET
85 : 72
25:18 13:20 27:10 20:24
Commissioner: Slavenko Babic
Referees: Tomislav Hordov, Milija Vojinovic, Igor Dragojevic



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2016/17

Ave. Ave.
75 Points 72.65
31.23 Rebounds 30.85
7.04 O. Rebounds 8.85
24.19 D. Rebounds 22
15.92 Assists 16.62
4.92 Steals 6.38
1.38 Blocks 1.62
52.66 2PT 49.58
30.56 3PT 31.43
75.11 FT 67.82
76.88 Index 69.38

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2016/17

Ave. Ave.
77.58 Points 81.42
33.69 Rebounds 32.85
9.69 O. Rebounds 9.27
24 D. Rebounds 23.58
18.04 Assists 18.5
5.96 Steals 7.54
2.88 Blocks 2.46
51.04 2PT 55.93
34.92 3PT 33.54
70.07 FT 72.17
83 Index 91.04

Player Stats, Season 2016/17


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team
Igokea m:tel
Home record vs. Krka: 9:2
Away record vs. Krka: 7:5
Record vs. Krka at neutral venue: 0:0
Home record vs. Igokea m:tel: 5:7
Away record vs. Igokea m:tel: 2:9
Record vs. Igokea m:tel at neutral venue: 0:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 11.04.2025 - Monday, 14.04.2025Regular season, Round 27Igokea m:tel : Krka
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 14.12.2024 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Krka 80:85 Igokea m:tel
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 23.03.2024 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 24Igokea m:tel 90:84 Krka
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 08.12.2023 18:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 11Krka 80:92 Igokea m:tel
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 10.04.2022 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 26Igokea m:tel 108:81 Krka
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 26.12.2021 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 13Krka 59:72 Igokea m:tel
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 20.01.2021 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 15Igokea m:tel 77:64 Krka
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 21.10.2020 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 2Krka 69:70 Igokea m:tel
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 09.02.2020 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 19Igokea m:tel 92:82 Krka
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 23.11.2019 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 8Krka 76:75 Igokea m:tel
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 18.01.2019 18:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Krka 69:71 Igokea m:tel
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 26.10.2018 18:30 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Igokea m:tel 91:73 Krka
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 22.02.2017 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 23Igokea m:tel 85:72 Krka
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 19.11.2016 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 10Krka 72:88 Igokea m:tel
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 30.01.2016 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 22Krka 74:64 Igokea m:tel
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 07.11.2015 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 9Igokea m:tel 54:65 Krka
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 10.01.2015 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 17Krka 78:67 Igokea m:tel
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 18.10.2014 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 4Igokea m:tel 66:53 Krka
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSaturday, 25.01.2014 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 18Igokea m:tel 83:74 Krka
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSaturday, 26.10.2013 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Krka 69:66 Igokea m:tel
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueSunday, 17.03.2013 20:15 Local timeRegular season, Round 25Igokea m:tel 84:75 Krka
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueSaturday, 08.12.2012 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Krka 63:83 Igokea m:tel
Season 2010/11, Regional LeagueSaturday, 19.02.2011 16:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 21Igokea m:tel 66:78 Krka
Season 2010/11, Regional LeagueSunday, 21.11.2010 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 8Krka 79:66 Igokea m:tel



U 23. kolu ABA lige Igokea na domaćem parketu dočekuje ekipu Krke i pokušaće da učini sve kako bi došla do nove veoma bitne pobjede u svojoj borbi za peto mesto na kraju regularnog dijela sezone u ABA ligi.


Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee:


„Mi smo dva cilja uspješno ispunili, osvojili smo Kup i obezbijedili opstnak u ABA ligi. Naredni protivnik nam je Krka, tim koji je sigurno kvalitetniji od nas, ali stanje na tabeli nije tako. Igraju dosta promjenjivo ove sezone, posjeduju kvalitet koji pokazuje da su pobijedili i neke timove iz vrha lige. Očekujem da će ekipa pokazati jednu pozitivnu reakciju nakon osvajanja kupa i svih ovih rezultata u ABA ligi i mislim da se više trebaju  oni razmišljati o nama nego mi o njima.“


Miroslav Pašajlić, igrač Igokee:


„Ostvarili smo prvi cilj osvajanjem Kup-a BiH,  sada idemo ka drugom cilju, a to je 6. mjesto u ABA ligi.  Dolazi nam ekipa Krke koja se bori za opstanak.Krka ima nekoliko odličnih igrača, opuštanja nema i  mi se spremamo da u ovu utakmicu uđemo od početka sa jakom odbranom i da nametnemo naš sistem igre i upišemo 11 pobjedu ove sezone.“






Košarkarje Krke po v podaljšku izgubljenem nedeljskem finalu pokala Spar čakajo do konca tedna še tri tekme – dve v ABA ligi in ena v slovenskem državnem prvenstvu. Najprej jih čaka neugodno gostovanje pri Igokeii v Laktaših, kjer so v petih tekmah zmagali dvakrat - v prvi tekmi v sezoni 2010/11 ter v lanski sezoni. Krkaši se odpravljajo na pot v polni postavi.


Dejan Mihevc, trener Krke: 


„Igokea v zadnji sezoni igra zelo dobro in so si že priborili uvrstitev v zgornji srednji del ABA lige. Prav tako so ta konec tedna osvojili tudi domači pokal, za kar jim čestitam. Kljub temu pa pred tekmo z njimi ni veliko filozofije. Jasno je, da nam je glavni cilj obstanek v ligi, zato moramo prevzeti odgovornost, skupiti skupaj kot ekipa in z zmago narediti velik korak k temu cilju.“


Matej Rojc, igralec Krke: 


„Nadaljujemo z napornim ritmom, saj nas do nedelje čakajo še tri tekme. Ne glede na to, moramo odigrati v Laktaših najbolje kot znamo, če želimo zmagati. Letos smo nekajkrat že dokazali, da to zmoremo, a treba bo odigrati maksimalno kolektivno, agresivno in borbeno.“



Igokea m:tel

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
3 Pašajlić M. 24:00 14 60 4 6 66.72 4 50 0 0 0 2 0 21 0 2 0 0 3 1 -13 9
4 Micovic S. 25:00 6 50 3 4 750 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 30 0 2 0 0 2 1 -13 3
5 Talić D. 02:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 2 0 0 0 0 -6 -2
7 *Šibalić D. 27:00 3 33.3 0 0 01 3 33.3 0 0 0 2 1 30 0 0 0 0 2 0 13 2
8 *Robinson III J. 26:00 16 50 6 10 600 2 0 4 4 100 6 0 66 1 1 0 0 1 3 25 24
11 Pešaković N. 07:00 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 1 -6 -1
13 *Milošević Đ. 18:00 14 66.7 5 7 71.41 2 50 1 2 50 7 4 114 0 1 0 0 0 1 23 25
15 Albijanić D. 16:00 4 100 1 1 1000 0 0 2 2 100 3 1 41 0 2 0 0 3 2 1 6
18 *Radivojević V. 19:00 17 46.2 3 5 603 8 37.5 2 2 100 2 0 22 0 0 0 0 1 4 21 17
21 Mahkovic B. 24:00 4 25 1 1 1000 3 0 2 2 100 4 2 61 0 0 0 0 3 2 -14 7
33 *Rikić R. 12:00 7 100 3 3 1000 0 0 1 2 50 1 1 22 0 0 0 0 0 2 19 12

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
Igokea m:tel 200:00 85 53.2 26 37 70.3 7 25 28 12 14 85.7 28 11 39 17 1 10 0 0 16 17 10102
Krka 200:00 72 38 16 40 40 11 31 35.5 7 8 87.5 15 11 2613 5 5 0 0 17 16 -1065


overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
1 Rebec M. 33:00 14 38.5 1 4 254 9 44.4 0 0 0 3 1 47 2 3 0 0 2 4 -518
2 *Curry R. 30:00 13 46.2 5 9 55.61 4 25 0 0 0 2 0 22 1 0 0 0 2 0 -159
5 *Kastrati E. 28:00 8 37.5 1 3 33.32 5 40 0 0 0 5 1 61 0 0 0 0 2 2 -2210
6 *Rojc M. 08:00 4 33.3 1 3 33.30 0 0 2 2 100 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 35
7 Kužnik K. 08:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 0 4-1
9 Jukic D. 00:00
11 Dimec Ž. 19:00 6 50 2 4 500 0 0 2 2 100 2 1 30 1 0 0 0 2 2 -38
12 Čebular S. 22:00 5 14.3 0 2 01 5 20 2 2 100 0 2 21 0 0 0 0 3 2 91
13 Ritlop J. 08:00 1 0 0 0 00 1 0 1 2 50 0 0 00 1 1 0 0 2 1 9-2
14 *Bunić D. 14:00 4 40 2 5 400 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 61 0 0 0 0 3 0 -55
32 Elliott D. 00:00
33 *Luković M. 30:00 17 41.2 4 10 403 7 42.9 0 0 0 1 1 21 0 1 0 0 0 3 -2512

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Unofficial Boxscore

Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee:


"Sigurno velika pobjeda za nas. Čestitam svojim momcima, večeras su pokazali timski duh i u napadu i u odbrani. Dobro otvaranje utakmice i kontrola tokom čitave prve četvrtine i možda mali pad u organizaciji napada u drugoj četvrtini. U svlačionici smo se dogovorili kako nastaviti dalje, a ekipa je odgovorila na pravi način. Pokazalo se da smo odlično igrali u odbrani, a isto tako i u napadu, dobro smo trčali i napravili smo 20 poena prednosti i na kraju zasluženo pobjedili. Napravili smo veliku stvar šte se tiče rezultata u ABA ligi, ostalo nam je tri kola do kraja, naravno ne predajemo se i pokušaćemo ostvariti što više pobjeda kako bismo spremni dočekali domaće prvenstvo."


Đorđe Milošević, igrač Igokee:


"Mislim da smo odlično otvorili utakmicu, imali smo mali pad u drugoj četvrtini, međutim serijom od 20:0 početkom treće četvrtine utakmica je bila odlučena."


Dejan Mihevc, trener Krke:


"Loše smo otvorili utakmicu, dozvolili smo Igokei da se rastrči po terenu. Do kraja poluvremena smo uspjeli, kako u skoku tako i u drugim elementima, da uspostavimo ravnotežu i do poluvremena se vratili i imali smo igru kakvu bismo trebali igrati svih 40 minuta. Na početku drugog poluvremena ne znam šta se desilo s mojom ekipom. Igokea jeste u ovom momentu opuštenija za razliku od nas, oni su jednostavno letjeli po terenu. Počeli smo promašenim šutem za tri poena, onda smo primili poene iz kontre i Igokea puna samopuzdanja je napravila seriju 20:0 i mislim da je to odlučilo pobjednika meča. Pred nama je utakmica protiv Mornara gdje moramo da se skupimo i da tražimo bodove za opstanak."


Duško Bunić, igrač Krke:


"Prvo poluvrijeme smo odigrali korektno da bi u nastavku utakmice gdje smo primili 20 poena, a nismo dali nijedan, tako da je praktično bilo riješeno pitanje pobjednika. Nama ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da se okrenemo sledećim utakmicama i da tu tražimo bodove za opstanak."

Legal notice: ABA League, in cooperation with its clubs, grants access to a number of photos from ABA League games, as well as some additional events, linked to the competition. These images are high resolution and downloadable directly from the the photo galleries. They are free to use for editorial purposes. Please, make sure to credit the authors of the photos with the source, signed beneath each photo in order to avoid undesirable legal consequences.
0start of the game
0[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk in starting lineup
0[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee in starting lineup
0[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon in starting lineup
0[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej in starting lineup
0[Krka] 33 Luković Marko in starting lineup
0[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško in starting lineup
1minute: 1
10 : 2[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon made 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
13 : 2[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 3 points (pos. 4)
13 : 4[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 5)
2minute: 2
2[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
2[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur turnover (travelling)
2[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 1)
2[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
2[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 1)
2[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon defensive rebound
2[Krka] 33 Luković Marko turnover (travelling)
25 : 4[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 2)
3minute: 3
3[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
3[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe turnover (travelling)
3[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon defensive rebound
35 : 6[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 2)
3[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo offensive rebound
3[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
38 : 6[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 3 points (pos. 3)
3[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon missed 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
3[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
3[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe offensive rebound
310 : 6[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej missed 2 points (pos. 4)
3[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
3[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
312 : 6[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Krka] time out
3[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic replaces 6 Rojc Matej
4minute: 4
412 : 8[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 2)
4[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 2 points (pos. 3)
4[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe offensive rebound
4[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
414 : 8[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5)
4[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee assist
414 : 10[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško made 2 points (pos. 5)
5minute: 5
5[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
516 : 10[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5)
5[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic turnover (bad pass)
6minute: 6
6[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga replaces 14 Bunić Duško
6[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 3)
6[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee defensive rebound
7minute: 7
7[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon missed 3 points (pos. 6)
7[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
7[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 33 Rikić Robert
7[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
7[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
717 : 10[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw
718 : 10[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw
718 : 13[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 3 points (pos. 1)
8minute: 8
8[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško assist
821 : 13[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 3 points (pos. 1)
8[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 6)
8[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga offensive rebound
8[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 3)
8[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
8[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 3)
8[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe offensive rebound
8[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed 2 points (pos. 5)
8[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe offensive rebound
823 : 13[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5)
8[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur foul on 1 Rebec Matic
8[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi replaces 5 Kastrati Erjon
8[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe
9minute: 9
9[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 2)
9[Krka] 33 Luković Marko offensive rebound
9[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 11 Dimec Žiga
9[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
923 : 14[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga made free throw
923 : 15[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga made free throw
9[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
925 : 15[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5)
10minute: 10
10[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 1)
10[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo
10[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur
10[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure replaces 33 Luković Marko
10[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 2 points (pos. 2)
10[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee defensive rebound
10[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
1025 : 18[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 1)
10end of 1. quarter
10[Igokea m:tel] 11 Pešaković Nikola replaces 18 Radivojević Vuk
11minute: 11
11[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško turnover (bad pass)
11[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee steal
11[Igokea m:tel] 11 Pešaković Nikola foul on 13 Ritlop Jure
11[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure missed free throw
11[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
1125 : 19[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure made free throw
1127 : 19[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
11[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 4)
11[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi offensive rebound
12minute: 12
1227 : 21[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 2 points (pos. 5)
12[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic foul on 11 Pešaković Nikola
12[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav turnover (bad pass)
12[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure steal
12[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav foul on 1 Rebec Matic
1227 : 23[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga made 2 points (pos. 5)
12[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 3 points (pos. 2)
12[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound
13minute: 13
13[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi foul on 4 Micovic Strahinja
13[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
13[Igokea m:tel] team turnover
14minute: 14
14[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško foul on 12 Čebular Sandi
14[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 1)
14[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
14[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja turnover (bad leading)
14[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic steal
14[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure missed 3 points (pos. 4)
14[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
14[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
14[Krka] 33 Luković Marko replaces 13 Ritlop Jure
14[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon replaces 2 Curry Ronald Lee
14[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist
1428 : 23[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw
1429 : 23[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw
14[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško foul on 1 Rebec Matic
15minute: 15
15[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 15 Albijanić Draško
15[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi assist
1529 : 26[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon made 3 points (pos. 6)
15[Igokea m:tel] 11 Pešaković Nikola missed 3 points (pos. 2)
15[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic defensive rebound
15[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav defensive rebound
1531 : 26[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
16minute: 16
16[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga missed 2 points (pos. 5)
16[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound
16[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja turnover (travelling)
16[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško replaces 11 Dimec Žiga
16[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 3)
16[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško offensive rebound
1631 : 29[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 3 points (pos. 6)
17minute: 17
17[Igokea m:tel] time out
17[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur replaces 3 Pašajlić Miroslav
17[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 2 points (pos. 3)
17[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško defensive rebound
17[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 2 points (pos. 5)
17[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško offensive rebound
17[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 1)
17[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja defensive rebound
1733 : 29[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 2)
18minute: 18
18[Krka] 33 Luković Marko assist
1833 : 32[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made 3 points (pos. 1)
18[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 2)
18[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon defensive rebound
18[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur
18[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 11 Pešaković Nikola
18[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
18[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško offensive rebound
19minute: 19
19[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 2 points (pos. 4)
19[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
19[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
1935 : 32[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
19[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 4)
19[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic offensive rebound
19[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško assist
1935 : 35[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 2)
20minute: 20
20[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 3 points (pos. 1)
20[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon defensive rebound
20[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee replaces 12 Čebular Sandi
20[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic turnover (bad pass)
20[Igokea m:tel] time out
20[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž
2038 : 35[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 3 points (pos. 2)
20[Krka] time out
20[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
2038 : 38[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 6)
20end of 2. quarter
20[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur replaces 3 Pašajlić Miroslav
20[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert replaces 4 Micovic Strahinja
21minute: 21
21[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 3)
21[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško offensive rebound
21[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon missed 3 points (pos. 6)
21[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
2140 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5)
21[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 2 points (pos. 4)
21[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk defensive rebound
21[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško foul on 33 Rikić Robert
21[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert assist
2142 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5)
21[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 2 points (pos. 5)
21[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound
2144 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
21[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
22minute: 22
22[Krka] time out
2245 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made free throw
22[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 2 points (pos. 2)
22[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
22[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško foul on 33 Rikić Robert
23minute: 23
23[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga replaces 14 Bunić Duško
23[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
2346 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made free throw
23[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert missed free throw
23[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon defensive rebound
23[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo foul on 33 Luković Marko
23[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 5)
23[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk defensive rebound
23[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 3 points (pos. 2)
23[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert offensive rebound
23[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert assist
2348 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
23[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
23[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi replaces 2 Curry Ronald Lee
2349 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made free throw
23[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo foul on 33 Luković Marko
23[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon missed 2 points (pos. 1)
23[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
24minute: 24
2451 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
24[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 6)
24[Krka] team offensive rebound
25minute: 25
25[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 3)
25[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon offensive rebound
25[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic turnover (bad pass)
25[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur steal
25[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
2553 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5)
25[Krka] time out
25[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee replaces 1 Rebec Matic
25[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej replaces 5 Kastrati Erjon
25[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk foul on 11 Dimec Žiga
25[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 2)
25[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi offensive rebound
25[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 1)
25[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
25[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
2556 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 3 points (pos. 1)
25[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 1)
25[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
2558 : 38[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5)
25[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure replaces 33 Luković Marko
2558 : 40[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga made 2 points (pos. 5)
26minute: 26
26[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5)
26[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga defensive rebound
2658 : 42[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 1)
26[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 2)
26[Krka] team defensive rebound
27minute: 27
27[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo
27[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 33 Rikić Robert
27[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga missed 2 points (pos. 5)
27[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
27[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee foul on 13 Milošević Đorđe
27[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed free throw
2759 : 42[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made free throw
27[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja foul on 6 Rojc Matej
27[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur
27[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško foul on 12 Čebular Sandi
2759 : 43[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made free throw
2759 : 44[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made free throw
28minute: 28
28[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed 3 points (pos. 3)
28[Krka] team defensive rebound
28[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure turnover (travelling)
28[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 3 points (pos. 1)
28[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga defensive rebound
28[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 2 points (pos. 5)
28[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound
29minute: 29
29[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 2)
29[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja offensive rebound
2961 : 44[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
29[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav foul on 6 Rojc Matej
29[Krka] 33 Luković Marko replaces 13 Ritlop Jure
29[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe
29[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 18 Radivojević Vuk
2961 : 45[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej made free throw
2961 : 46[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej made free throw
29[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon replaces 6 Rojc Matej
29[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
2962 : 46[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw
2963 : 46[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw
30minute: 30
3063 : 48[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 5)
30[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 3 points (pos. 4)
30[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
3064 : 48[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made free throw
3065 : 48[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made free throw
30[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic replaces 11 Dimec Žiga
30[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 3)
30[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound
30[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 3 points (pos. 2)
30end of 3. quarter
30[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško replaces 12 Čebular Sandi
31minute: 31
31[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 5 Kastrati Erjon
31[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 2 points (pos. 1)
31[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound
31[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 3 points (pos. 6)
31[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško defensive rebound
3165 : 50[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško made 2 points (pos. 5)
32minute: 32
32[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 3 points (pos. 4)
32[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound
32[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško turnover (3 seconds in the paint)
32[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 5 Kastrati Erjon
32[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
32[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
32[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 2 points (pos. 5)
32[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
32[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja foul on 33 Luković Marko
33minute: 33
33[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 3)
33[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
3367 : 50[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5)
33[Krka] 14 Bunić Duško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
33[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav defensive rebound
33[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
33[Krka] time out
33[Krka] 7 Kužnik Klemen replaces 14 Bunić Duško
33[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 3 points (pos. 6)
33[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic defensive rebound
34minute: 34
34[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 2 points (pos. 2)
34[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
34[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav turnover (bad leading)
34[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic steal
34[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 3)
34[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
3469 : 50[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
34[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
3469 : 52[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
34[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž assist
3471 : 52[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
34[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon assist
3471 : 54[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
35minute: 35
35[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 15 Albijanić Draško
35[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
3574 : 54[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 3 points (pos. 3)
35[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon missed 3 points (pos. 4)
35[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound
36minute: 36
36[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 3)
36[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic defensive rebound
36[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee assist
3674 : 56[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
36[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 2 points (pos. 2)
36[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound
36[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 6)
36[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja offensive rebound
3676 : 56[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
37minute: 37
37[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
3776 : 59[Krka] 5 Kastrati Erjon made 3 points (pos. 4)
37[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
3778 : 59[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
38minute: 38
3878 : 61[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
3880 : 61[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5)
38[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
3880 : 64[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 1)
3883 : 64[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 3 points (pos. 3)
39minute: 39
39[Igokea m:tel] 5 Talić Darko replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur
39[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej replaces 2 Curry Ronald Lee
39[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga replaces 5 Kastrati Erjon
39[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi replaces 33 Luković Marko
3983 : 67[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 3 points (pos. 1)
39[Igokea m:tel] 5 Talić Darko turnover (out of bounds)
3983 : 70[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 3 points (pos. 2)
3985 : 70[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made 2 points (pos. 5)
39[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 1)
39[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
40minute: 40
40[Krka] 7 Kužnik Klemen foul on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav
40[Igokea m:tel] 5 Talić Darko turnover (bad leading)
40[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga steal
40[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav foul on 1 Rebec Matic
40[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej missed 2 points (pos. 5)
40[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej offensive rebound
4085 : 72[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej made 2 points (pos. 5)
40end of 4. quarter
40end of the game
No overview data for this match.

Match live on TV:

  • Arenasport CRO 2
  • Arenasport MKD 4
  • Arenasport MNE 4
  • Arenasport SRB 4
  • Siol TV SLO
Result Graph
No data.
Graphic Stats

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Igokea m:tel
  • Missed Shot Igokea m:tel
  • Made Shot Krka
  • Missed Shot Krka

