ROUND 10, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2016/17
Saturday, 19.11.2016 21:00 CET
72 : 88
20:18 15:26 11:21 26:23
Commissioner: Andrej Jersan
Referees: Sreten Radovic, Milivoje Jovcic, Vladan Sundic



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2016/17

Ave. Ave.
72.65 Points 75
30.85 Rebounds 31.23
8.85 O. Rebounds 7.04
22 D. Rebounds 24.19
16.62 Assists 15.92
6.38 Steals 4.92
1.62 Blocks 1.38
49.58 2PT 52.66
31.43 3PT 30.56
67.82 FT 75.11
69.38 Index 76.88

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2016/17

Ave. Ave.
81.42 Points 77.58
32.85 Rebounds 33.69
9.27 O. Rebounds 9.69
23.58 D. Rebounds 24
18.5 Assists 18.04
7.54 Steals 5.96
2.46 Blocks 2.88
55.93 2PT 51.04
33.54 3PT 34.92
72.17 FT 70.07
91.04 Index 83

Player Stats, Season 2016/17


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team
Home record vs. Igokea m:tel: 5:7
Away record vs. Igokea m:tel: 2:9
Record vs. Igokea m:tel at neutral venue: 0:0
Igokea m:tel
Home record vs. Krka: 9:2
Away record vs. Krka: 7:5
Record vs. Krka at neutral venue: 0:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 11.04.2025 - Monday, 14.04.2025Regular season, Round 27Igokea m:tel : Krka
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 14.12.2024 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Krka 80:85 Igokea m:tel
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 23.03.2024 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 24Igokea m:tel 90:84 Krka
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 08.12.2023 18:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 11Krka 80:92 Igokea m:tel
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 10.04.2022 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 26Igokea m:tel 108:81 Krka
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 26.12.2021 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 13Krka 59:72 Igokea m:tel
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 20.01.2021 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 15Igokea m:tel 77:64 Krka
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 21.10.2020 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 2Krka 69:70 Igokea m:tel
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 09.02.2020 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 19Igokea m:tel 92:82 Krka
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 23.11.2019 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 8Krka 76:75 Igokea m:tel
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 18.01.2019 18:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Krka 69:71 Igokea m:tel
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 26.10.2018 18:30 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Igokea m:tel 91:73 Krka
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 22.02.2017 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 23Igokea m:tel 85:72 Krka
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 19.11.2016 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 10Krka 72:88 Igokea m:tel
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 30.01.2016 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 22Krka 74:64 Igokea m:tel
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 07.11.2015 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 9Igokea m:tel 54:65 Krka
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 10.01.2015 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 17Krka 78:67 Igokea m:tel
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 18.10.2014 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 4Igokea m:tel 66:53 Krka
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSaturday, 25.01.2014 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 18Igokea m:tel 83:74 Krka
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSaturday, 26.10.2013 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Krka 69:66 Igokea m:tel
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueSunday, 17.03.2013 20:15 Local timeRegular season, Round 25Igokea m:tel 84:75 Krka
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueSaturday, 08.12.2012 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Krka 63:83 Igokea m:tel
Season 2010/11, Regional LeagueSaturday, 19.02.2011 16:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 21Igokea m:tel 66:78 Krka
Season 2010/11, Regional LeagueSunday, 21.11.2010 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 8Krka 79:66 Igokea m:tel



Košarkarje Krke čaka pomembna tekma v ABA ligi proti Igokei, saj bi se z morebitno peto zaporedno  zmago učvrstili pod samim vrhom lestvice.


Krkaši so s serijskim prvakom BiH do sedaj odigrali deset tekem, od tega so jih dobili šest, tudi obe v lanski sezoni. Na tekmi še ne bodo mogli računati na Darka Jukića, medtem ko je nastop Marka Lukovića in Erjona Kastratija vprašljiv.


Dejan Mihevc, trener Krke: 


"Igokea ima dokaj izkušeno moštvo, v rotaciji pa imajo deset dobri košarkarjev. Še posebej dobro igrajo v gosteh, kjer so od štirih tekem izgubili le eno, ko so bili v tesni končnici poraženi s Crveno zvezdo mts. Pred nami je spet še ena težka in zanimiva preizkušnja. Naša velika želja je, da bi bilo v dvorani Leona Štuklja od samega začetka vzdušje, kakršno je bilo v drugem polčasu tekme proti MZT-ju, saj nam bi to dalo še dodatno energijo, ki jo bomo na tej tekmi zagotovo potrebovali."


Matej Rojc, kapetan Krke: 


"Proti Igokei želimo nadaljevati niz zmag v ABA ligi. To ne bo lahko, saj je Igokea zelo dobro sestavljeno moštvo z nekaterimi res dobrimi posamezniki. Ključ do uspeha bo dobra obramba skozi celotno tekmo, saj le tako lahko zaigramo tudi hitreje in uspešneje v napadu. Upam, da nam bodo pri tem pomagali tudi navijači."






U 10. kolu ABA lige Igokea gostuje u Novom Mestu ekipi Krke. U Laktašima prepuštaju ulogu favorita domaćinu, ali se nadaju iznenađenju i novoj pobjedi.


Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee:


"Sigurno nas očekuje težak zadatak jer je Krka u odličnoj formi. U poslednje četiri utakmice su pobijedili, skup su odličnih individualaca kojima je trener dao punu slobodu igre i oni mu to na najbolji način vraćaju. Moraćemo biti jako skoncentrisani posebno kada je u pitanju  odbrana na koju ćemo staviti akcenat. Krka igra na veliki broj poena. Pokušaćemo zaustaviti glavne osovine i sigurno ćemo morati pružiti maksimum ukoliko želimo da dođemo u situaciju da napravimo iznenađenje."


Danilo Šibalić, igrač Igokee:


"Očekujemo pobjedu ali ne preuzimamo ulogu favorita jer je Krka odličan tim. Dobila je MZT u prošloj utakmici u dobroj je seriji, a mi smo s druge strane imali pauzu od sedam dana i iskoristili smo je na najbolji način. Znamo da nam najveća opasnost preti od Rebeca, Lukovića, Dimeca. Dobro su posloženi na svm pozicijama i biće teško ali smo optimisti. Atmosfera je odlična, jesmo kiksali protiv Mege koja je mlad tim, nije ni lako igrati protiv njih ali ostavili smo to iza sebe."




overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
1 Rebec M. 25:00 9 37.5 2 2 1001 6 16.7 2 2 100 3 0 37 0 3 0 0 1 5 -16 15
2 *Curry R. 38:00 22 47.1 2 4 506 13 46.2 0 1 0 4 1 51 0 2 1 0 1 2 -14 18
6 *Rojc M. 27:00 6 33.3 1 1 1001 5 20 1 1 100 0 1 12 0 1 0 0 4 1 -16 1
7 Kužnik K. 00:00
8 Škedelj M. 13:00 0 0 0 1 00 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 32 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
11 *Dimec Ž. 12:00 2 20 1 5 200 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 61 0 1 0 1 1 0 -4 2
12 *Čebular S. 25:00 10 36.4 3 5 601 6 16.7 1 1 100 2 2 41 0 2 0 0 3 2 2 5
13 Ritlop J. 07:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 1 1 0 1 0 -5 0
15 Šiška M. 02:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0
25 Polutak I. 00:00
32 Elliott D. 18:00 5 40 2 5 400 0 0 1 2 50 1 4 51 0 1 0 0 5 1 -11 2
33 *Luković M. 33:00 18 43.8 3 7 42.94 9 44.4 0 0 0 8 4 124 1 5 1 0 2 1 -15 21

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
Krka 200:00 72 38.6 14 30 46.7 13 40 32.5 5 7 71.4 25 15 40 19 1 17 3 1 18 12 -1666
Igokea m:tel 200:00 88 45.9 26 49 53.1 8 25 32 12 17 70.6 25 11 3623 8 8 1 3 12 18 16106

Igokea m:tel

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
3 Pašajlić M. 20:00 10 66.7 3 4 751 2 50 1 3 33.3 3 1 45 0 2 0 0 3 2 1012
4 *Micovic S. 28:00 8 44.4 4 7 57.10 2 0 0 0 0 4 1 52 2 0 0 0 1 0 1011
7 Šibalić D. 20:00 8 50 1 1 1002 5 40 0 0 0 3 1 40 0 1 0 0 1 0 147
8 *Robinson III J. 30:00 13 50 3 7 42.92 3 66.7 1 3 33.3 1 0 12 0 1 0 1 1 3 29
11 Pešaković N. 02:00 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2
13 *Milošević Đ. 18:00 7 50 1 2 501 2 50 2 2 100 2 1 34 2 1 0 0 2 1 1012
15 Albijanić D. 23:00 16 60 6 10 600 0 0 4 5 80 2 5 73 2 0 1 0 0 6 1430
18 *Radivojević V. 30:00 13 29.4 4 7 57.11 10 10 2 2 100 4 1 56 1 2 0 0 2 3 2012
21 Mahkovic B. 22:00 9 50 2 5 401 1 100 2 2 100 4 1 51 1 1 0 2 2 3 611
33 *Rikić R. 07:00 4 50 2 4 500 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 -74

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Unofficial Boxscore

Dejan Mihevc, trener Krke:


"Čestitam nasprotniku za zmago. Začeli smo dobro, potem pa od osme minute igrali povsem izven sistema. Izkoriščali smo rešitve, ki jih ponavadi  ne bi. Nismo izkoristili nekaterih odprtih metov, potem pa nekatere napade preveč pohiteli. V sredini tekme sem imel občutek, da sem povsem nemočen, karkoli sem pač naredil. Želim se opravičiti gledalcem za to predstavo, hkrati pa želim iz vsake tekme izvleči tudi nekaj pozitivnega. Tokrat je bilo pozitivno, da se igralci tudi pri -20 niso predali in so se še vedno borili. Napake, ki smo jih tokrat naredili moramo preučiti in se na njih tudi nekaj naučiti."


Matej Rojc, igralec Krke:


"Povsem zaslužen poraz. Začeli smo  v redu, potem pa so gostje zaigrali consko obrambo, proti kateri se nismo znašli. Odigrali smo brez prave ideje v napadu, tudi obramba ni bila prava. Danes smo bili nemočni proti Igokei in čestitam jim za zmago."


Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee:


"Zelo pomembna zmaga za nas. Premagali smo zelo kakovostnega nasprotnika, ki je zmagal v zadnjih štirih tekmah. Po porazu z Mega Leksom smo imeli dovolj časa za dobro pripravo in s kombinirano obrambo smo uspeli onesposobiti napadalno igro Krke. Na koncu smo zasluženo zmagali. Sedaj moramo s hladnimi glavami iti v domači tekmi, ki nas čakajo v prihodnjih dveh krogih. Obe zmagi bi nam zelo koristili."


Draško Albijanić, igralec Igokee:


"Dobro smo se pripravili za to tekmo. Vedeli smo, da so nasprotniki dobri predvsem z meti z razdalje. Z dobro obrambo smo jim to preprečili in na koncu zasluženo zmagali."

Legal notice: ABA League, in cooperation with its clubs, grants access to a number of photos from ABA League games, as well as some additional events, linked to the competition. These images are high resolution and downloadable directly from the the photo galleries. They are free to use for editorial purposes. Please, make sure to credit the authors of the photos with the source, signed beneath each photo in order to avoid undesirable legal consequences.
0start of the game
0[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee in starting lineup
0[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej in starting lineup
0[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga in starting lineup
0[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi in starting lineup
0[Krka] 33 Luković Marko in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe in starting lineup
0[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk in starting lineup
1minute: 1
1[Krka] jump ball won
1[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga missed 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
10 : 2[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
1[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
10 : 3[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made free throw
1[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 2)
1[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe defensive rebound
1[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 6)
1[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga defensive rebound
1[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej missed 3 points (pos. 3)
1[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur defensive rebound
2minute: 2
2[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk turnover (travelling)
22 : 3[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej made 2 points (pos. 5)
2[Krka] 33 Luković Marko assist
2[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk foul on 6 Rojc Matej
23 : 3[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej made free throw
23 : 5[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
26 : 5[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 2)
2[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee assist
3minute: 3
3[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert missed 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
39 : 5[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made 3 points (pos. 2)
3[Krka] 33 Luković Marko assist
3[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga defensive rebound
4minute: 4
4[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 1)
4[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk defensive rebound
49 : 7[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5)
4[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
4[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga missed 2 points (pos. 5)
4[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound
4[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 3 points (pos. 3)
4[Krka] team defensive rebound
5minute: 5
511 : 7[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga made 2 points (pos. 5)
5[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 4)
5[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi defensive rebound
5[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 6)
5[Krka] team offensive rebound
5[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 2 points (pos. 2)
5[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert defensive rebound
5[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi foul on 13 Milošević Đorđe
5[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic replaces 6 Rojc Matej
511 : 8[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made free throw
511 : 9[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made free throw
6minute: 6
613 : 9[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made 2 points (pos. 5)
6[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga assist
613 : 11[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert made 2 points (pos. 5)
6[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja assist
6[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 1)
6[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja defensive rebound
6[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5)
6[Krka] team defensive rebound
7minute: 7
7[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga missed 2 points (pos. 5)
7[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja defensive rebound
7[Igokea m:tel] 33 Rikić Robert missed 2 points (pos. 2)
7[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga defensive rebound
715 : 11[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made 2 points (pos. 5)
7[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
7[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe foul on 12 Čebular Sandi
7[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique replaces 11 Dimec Žiga
7[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe
716 : 11[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made free throw
7[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5)
7[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic defensive rebound
7[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique missed 2 points (pos. 5)
7[Krka] 33 Luković Marko offensive rebound
8minute: 8
8[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 1)
8[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique offensive rebound
818 : 11[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique made 2 points (pos. 5)
8[Igokea m:tel] time out
8[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur
8[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 33 Rikić Robert
8[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 2)
8[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic defensive rebound
8[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav foul on 1 Rebec Matic
820 : 11[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
8[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
9minute: 9
9[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
9[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 4 Micovic Strahinja
9[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 2 points (pos. 5)
9[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound
9[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
9[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound
9[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 1)
9[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee defensive rebound
9[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 1)
9[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound
920 : 13[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
9[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist
9[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
9[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej replaces 12 Čebular Sandi
9[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga replaces 33 Luković Marko
920 : 14[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw
9[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej missed 3 points (pos. 1)
9[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk defensive rebound
10minute: 10
1020 : 16[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
10[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
10[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 1)
10[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound
1020 : 18[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
10[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 2)
10end of 1. quarter
11minute: 11
11[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž turnover (travelling)
11[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga turnover (bad leading)
11[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 3)
11[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee defensive rebound
11[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 1)
11[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga offensive rebound
11[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga missed 2 points (pos. 5)
11[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
11[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško block on 11 Dimec Žiga
11[Krka] 33 Luković Marko replaces 11 Dimec Žiga
12minute: 12
1220 : 20[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
12[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej turnover (bad pass)
12[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž steal
12[Krka] 33 Luković Marko foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
12[Krka] time out
1220 : 21[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made free throw
1220 : 22[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made free throw
13minute: 13
13[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed 3 points (pos. 2)
13[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique defensive rebound
13[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej missed 3 points (pos. 6)
13[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav defensive rebound
13[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 2 points (pos. 5)
13[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž offensive rebound
13[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
13[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur replaces 18 Radivojević Vuk
1320 : 24[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 4)
13[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist
13[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 1)
13[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique offensive rebound
1322 : 24[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique made 2 points (pos. 5)
14minute: 14
14[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 2 points (pos. 5)
14[Igokea m:tel] team offensive rebound
14[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee block on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
14[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav turnover (bad pass)
14[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 5)
14[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
1422 : 27[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 3 points (pos. 6)
14[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist
15minute: 15
1524 : 27[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
15[Krka] 33 Luković Marko block on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
1527 : 27[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 6)
15[Krka] 33 Luković Marko assist
15[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound
1527 : 29[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
16minute: 16
1630 : 29[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 6)
16[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
1630 : 32[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made 3 points (pos. 3)
16[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško assist
16[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 3)
16[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej offensive rebound
17minute: 17
17[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav foul on 1 Rebec Matic
17[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 15 Albijanić Draško
17[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi replaces 2 Curry Ronald Lee
17[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure replaces 32 Elliott Dominique
17[Krka] 33 Luković Marko turnover (bad pass)
17[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja steal
17[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5)
17[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja offensive rebound
1730 : 34[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
17[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure block on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
1733 : 34[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 2)
17[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
1733 : 37[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 3 points (pos. 3)
17[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist
18minute: 18
18[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 2 points (pos. 6)
18[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja defensive rebound
18[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo missed 3 points (pos. 1)
18[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi defensive rebound
18[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 6)
18[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo defensive rebound
19minute: 19
19[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 3 points (pos. 1)
19[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
19[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur foul on 1 Rebec Matic
19[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee replaces 12 Čebular Sandi
19[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk replaces 3 Pašajlić Miroslav
1934 : 37[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made free throw
1935 : 37[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made free throw
19[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 4)
19[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo offensive rebound
1935 : 39[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 2 points (pos. 5)
19[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk foul on 1 Rebec Matic
19[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure turnover (3 seconds in the paint)
20minute: 20
2035 : 42[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo made 3 points (pos. 2)
20[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
20[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 1)
20[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
2035 : 44[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
20[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž assist
20[Krka] time out
20[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 18 Radivojević Vuk
20[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 2)
20[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
20[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej foul on 21 Mahkovic Blaž
20[Igokea m:tel] time out
20[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe
20[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 1)
20end of 2. quarter
20[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo
20[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž
20[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga replaces 6 Rojc Matej
20[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi replaces 13 Ritlop Jure
21minute: 21
21[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi turnover (bad pass)
21[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 2 points (pos. 6)
21[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic defensive rebound
21[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 2)
21[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi offensive rebound
21[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic turnover (bad pass)
21[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe steal
21[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur turnover (travelling)
22minute: 22
22[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 2 points (pos. 1)
22[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
2235 : 47[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 3 points (pos. 6)
22[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur assist
22[Krka] 33 Luković Marko turnover (bad leading)
22[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško steal
23minute: 23
23[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed 3 points (pos. 1)
23[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk offensive rebound
2335 : 49[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
23[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 4)
23[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga offensive rebound
23[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 1)
23[Krka] 33 Luković Marko offensive rebound
23[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 2)
23[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound
23[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
23[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
23[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee defensive rebound
24minute: 24
2437 : 49[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
24[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
24[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 2 points (pos. 5)
24[Krka] 11 Dimec Žiga defensive rebound
25minute: 25
25[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee turnover (out of bounds)
25[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique replaces 11 Dimec Žiga
25[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej replaces 1 Rebec Matic
25[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed 2 points (pos. 5)
25[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound
25[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
25[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 3 points (pos. 1)
25[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
25[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe foul on 2 Curry Ronald Lee
25[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi turnover (bad pass)
25[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško steal
2537 : 51[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
25[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
26minute: 26
26[Krka] 33 Luković Marko turnover (bad pass)
26[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe steal
2637 : 53[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 2 points (pos. 5)
26[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
26[Krka] time out
26[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 2)
26[Krka] 33 Luković Marko offensive rebound
26[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique turnover (out of bounds)
26[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 1)
26[Krka] team defensive rebound
27minute: 27
27[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee turnover (bad pass)
27[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk steal
2737 : 56[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur made 3 points (pos. 3)
2740 : 56[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 3)
27[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej assist
28minute: 28
28[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
28[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha replaces 12 Čebular Sandi
2840 : 57[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw
28[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
2840 : 58[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw
28[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž replaces 13 Milošević Đorđe
28[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej missed 3 points (pos. 1)
28[Krka] 33 Luković Marko offensive rebound
28[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja foul on 33 Luković Marko
28[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 1)
28[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
29minute: 29
2940 : 61[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 3 points (pos. 2)
29[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique missed 2 points (pos. 5)
29[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja defensive rebound
2940 : 63[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
29[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško assist
30minute: 30
30[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha turnover (bad pass)
30[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja steal
30[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja missed 2 points (pos. 5)
30[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha defensive rebound
3043 : 63[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 1)
30[Krka] 33 Luković Marko assist
30[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 3)
30[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško offensive rebound
3043 : 65[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made 2 points (pos. 5)
30[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško assist
3046 : 65[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej made 3 points (pos. 1)
30[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 2)
30end of 3. quarter
30[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic replaces 33 Luković Marko
30[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo replaces 4 Micovic Strahinja
31minute: 31
31[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 2 points (pos. 5)
31[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee defensive rebound
31[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha missed 3 points (pos. 3)
31[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk defensive rebound
31[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
31[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi replaces 1 Rebec Matic
31[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
32minute: 32
3246 : 67[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made 2 points (pos. 5)
32[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
3249 : 67[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 3)
32[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej assist
32[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 2 Curry Ronald Lee
32[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed free throw
32[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique offensive rebound
32[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique missed 2 points (pos. 5)
32[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique offensive rebound
32[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo foul on 32 Elliott Dominique
3250 : 67[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique made free throw
32[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique missed free throw
32[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi offensive rebound
32[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
32[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha offensive rebound
32[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi missed 3 points (pos. 2)
32[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško defensive rebound
32[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
32[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav replaces 18 Radivojević Vuk
3250 : 69[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
33minute: 33
3352 : 69[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi made 2 points (pos. 5)
33[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique assist
33[Krka] 32 Elliott Dominique foul on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav
33[Krka] time out
33[Krka] 33 Luković Marko replaces 32 Elliott Dominique
3352 : 70[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made free throw
33[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed free throw
33[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
3354 : 70[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 5)
34minute: 34
34[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav turnover (bad pass)
34[Krka] 33 Luković Marko steal
34[Krka] 33 Luković Marko turnover (bad leading)
34[Krka] 33 Luković Marko foul on 15 Albijanić Draško
3454 : 71[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško made free throw
34[Igokea m:tel] 15 Albijanić Draško missed free throw
34[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
3457 : 71[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 3 points (pos. 3)
34[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha assist
35minute: 35
35[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed 2 points (pos. 5)
35[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav defensive rebound
35[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž missed 2 points (pos. 6)
35[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha defensive rebound
35[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž foul on 12 Čebular Sandi
35[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja replaces 15 Albijanić Draško
35[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 2 points (pos. 5)
35[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav defensive rebound
3557 : 73[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž made 2 points (pos. 5)
35[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja assist
36minute: 36
36[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 2 points (pos. 5)
36[Igokea m:tel] 21 Mahkovic Blaž defensive rebound
36[Krka] 6 Rojc Matej foul on 8 Robinson III James Arthur
36[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic replaces 6 Rojc Matej
36[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure replaces 33 Luković Marko
36[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed free throw
36[Igokea m:tel] 8 Robinson III James Arthur missed free throw
36[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure defensive rebound
3660 : 73[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 2)
36[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
36[Igokea m:tel] 7 Šibalić Danilo turnover (backcourt violation)
3662 : 73[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 2 points (pos. 5)
36[Igokea m:tel] time out
36[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe replaces 8 Robinson III James Arthur
36[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk replaces 21 Mahkovic Blaž
37minute: 37
3762 : 75[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
37[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
37[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure foul on 3 Pašajlić Miroslav
37[Krka] 33 Luković Marko replaces 13 Ritlop Jure
37[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav missed free throw
37[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
3765 : 75[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 3 points (pos. 3)
37[Krka] 12 Čebular Sandi assist
3765 : 77[Igokea m:tel] 4 Micovic Strahinja made 2 points (pos. 5)
37[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe assist
37[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav foul on 1 Rebec Matic
37[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic turnover (travelling)
37[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe missed 2 points (pos. 5)
37[Krka] 33 Luković Marko defensive rebound
37[Krka] 33 Luković Marko turnover (bad pass)
38minute: 38
3865 : 80[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 3 points (pos. 3)
38[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk assist
38[Krka] 33 Luković Marko missed 3 points (pos. 2)
38[Igokea m:tel] team defensive rebound
3865 : 82[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made 2 points (pos. 5)
3867 : 82[Krka] 33 Luković Marko made 2 points (pos. 5)
38[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic assist
39minute: 39
39[Krka] 13 Ritlop Jure replaces 33 Luković Marko
39[Krka] 15 Šiška Matic replaces 12 Čebular Sandi
39[Igokea m:tel] 11 Pešaković Nikola replaces 7 Šibalić Danilo
39[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk missed 3 points (pos. 3)
39[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe offensive rebound
39[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe turnover (travelling)
39[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic turnover (bad pass)
39[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic foul on 18 Radivojević Vuk
3967 : 83[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made free throw
3967 : 84[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk made free throw
39[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee missed 3 points (pos. 1)
39[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk defensive rebound
39[Igokea m:tel] 18 Radivojević Vuk turnover (bad leading)
3970 : 84[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic made 3 points (pos. 4)
39[Krka] 8 Škedelj Miha assist
40minute: 40
4070 : 86[Igokea m:tel] 13 Milošević Đorđe made 2 points (pos. 5)
40[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav assist
40[Krka] 1 Rebec Matic missed 3 points (pos. 3)
40[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee offensive rebound
4072 : 86[Krka] 2 Curry Ronald Lee made 2 points (pos. 5)
40[Igokea m:tel] 11 Pešaković Nikola missed 2 points (pos. 5)
40[Igokea m:tel] team offensive rebound
40[Igokea m:tel] 11 Pešaković Nikola missed 2 points (pos. 4)
40[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav offensive rebound
4072 : 88[Igokea m:tel] 3 Pašajlić Miroslav made 2 points (pos. 5)
40end of 4. quarter
40end of the game
No overview data for this match.

Match live on TV:

  • Arenasport BIH
  • Arenasport CRO 1
  • Arenasport MKD 1
  • Arenasport MNE 1
  • Arenasport SRB 1
  • Siol TV SLO
Result Graph
No data.
Graphic Stats

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Krka
  • Missed Shot Krka
  • Made Shot Igokea m:tel
  • Missed Shot Igokea m:tel

