ROUND 16, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2016/17
Friday, 30.12.2016 17:00 CET
88 : 80
11:26 26:11 27:21 24:22
Commissioner: Zoran Sutulovic
Referees: Marko Juras, Josip Radojkovic, Rados Arsenijevic



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2016/17

Ave. Ave.
80.17 Points 82.23
31.31 Rebounds 33.35
8.1 O. Rebounds 11.12
23.21 D. Rebounds 22.23
17.24 Assists 17.88
6.93 Steals 8.23
2.83 Blocks 2.92
55.09 2PT 50.66
35.4 3PT 32.57
74.81 FT 73.39
86.76 Index 79.58

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2016/17

Ave. Ave.
75.48 Points 82.5
30.1 Rebounds 32.38
8.48 O. Rebounds 8.85
21.62 D. Rebounds 23.54
16.83 Assists 18.85
7.14 Steals 7.04
2.14 Blocks 3.38
51.76 2PT 53.53
32.26 3PT 34.5
69.58 FT 71.67
72.9 Index 88.58

Player Stats, Season 2016/17


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team
Budućnost VOLI
Home record vs. Mega Superbet: 13:1
Away record vs. Mega Superbet: 8:5
Record vs. Mega Superbet at neutral venue: 0:0
Mega Superbet
Home record vs. Budućnost VOLI: 5:8
Away record vs. Budućnost VOLI: 1:13
Record vs. Budućnost VOLI at neutral venue: 0:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 07.03.2025 - Monday, 10.03.2025Regular season, Round 22Mega Superbet : Budućnost VOLI
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 03.11.2024 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 7Budućnost VOLI 77:69 Mega Superbet
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 28.01.2024 12:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 18Mega Superbet 72:92 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 28.10.2023 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Budućnost VOLI 73:71 Mega Superbet
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 07.05.2023 18:00 Local timeQuarterfinal Round 2Mega Superbet 80:82 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 28.04.2023 18:00 Local timeQuarterfinal Round 1Budućnost VOLI 94:77 Mega Superbet
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 08.04.2023 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 25Mega Superbet 76:85 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 25.12.2022 16:30 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Budućnost VOLI 79:66 Mega Superbet
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 13.02.2022 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 20Budućnost VOLI 86:69 Mega Superbet
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 07.11.2021 12:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 7Mega Superbet 87:81 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 04.04.2021 12:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 24Budućnost VOLI 92:79 Mega Superbet
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 20.12.2020 12:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 11Mega Superbet 78:72 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 18.01.2020 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Budućnost VOLI 90:76 Mega Superbet
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 03.11.2019 12:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Mega Superbet 57:94 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueMonday, 11.03.2019 18:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 21Mega Superbet 70:77 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueMonday, 10.12.2018 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 10Budućnost VOLI 91:85 Mega Superbet
Season 2017/18, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 13.01.2018 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Mega Superbet 83:94 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2017/18, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 21.10.2017 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Budućnost VOLI 84:64 Mega Superbet
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 30.12.2016 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Budućnost VOLI 88:80 Mega Superbet
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueThursday, 06.10.2016 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 3Mega Superbet 81:85 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 19.03.2016 21:00 Local timeSemifinal Round 2Mega Superbet 76:75 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueMonday, 14.03.2016 20:00 Local timeSemifinal Round 1Budućnost VOLI 81:85 Mega Superbet
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueThursday, 24.12.2015 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Mega Superbet 81:83 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 07.10.2015 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 3Budućnost VOLI 71:56 Mega Superbet
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 31.01.2015 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 20Mega Superbet 96:84 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 08.11.2014 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 7Budućnost VOLI 88:80 Mega Superbet
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueMonday, 31.03.2014 20:45 Local timeRegular season, Round 26Mega Superbet 92:86 Budućnost VOLI
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSaturday, 21.12.2013 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 13Budućnost VOLI 83:76 Mega Superbet



U 16. kolu ABA lige Budućnost VOLI će ugostiti Mega Leks, koji je u prvom delu sezone pobjedila na gostovanju u Sremskoj Mitrovici. Plavi će se sastavu Dejana Milojevića suprostaviti bez Šona Džejmsa u timu, pošto je iskusni centar napustio klub.


Ilijas Zouros, trener Budućnosti VOLI:


„Ne želimo da govorimo o rivalu, već samo o nama i našoj igri. Vrijeme je da igramo košarku svih 40 minuta, do sada smo imali dobrih, ali i loših momenata. To se ponavljalo iz utakmice u utakmicu i do sada nijesmo imali priliku da to ispravimo. Sada je važno da u teškom trenutku budemo zajedno i na parketu damo svoj maksimum. Sezona je teška i težak je trenutak, treba da od prve do posljednje sekunde budemo agresivni. Šon Džejms je napustio ekipu i to je zvanično. Tražimo zamjenu za Džejmsa, krenuli smo u potragu, ali problem je u tržištu i teško je naći kvalitetno igrača na toj poziciji. Ne tražimo samo zamjenu za Džejmsa, već igrače na svim pozicijama.“


Suad Šehović, igrač Budućnosti VOLI:



„Svjesni smo da smo u lošoj seriji, cilj nam je da je prekinemo. Dolazi nam ekipa koja je svima neugodna. Svojim potencijalom, spremnošću i trčanjem svima pravi problem. Odradili smo par dobrih treninga, pripremali smo se da im umanjimo kvalitet i konačno ostvarimo pobjedu. Pokušavamo da vratimo želju I agresivnost koja je krasila Budućnost. Ekipa se polako diže, imali smo dosta vremena da treniramo i ispravljamo ono što nije bilo dobro, da se uklapamo u novi sistem. Nadam se da će se protiv Mega Leksa to okrenuti na pravi put i da ćemo se vratiti pobjedma. Postoji dodatni motiv zbog eliminacije u polufinalu plej-ofa, ali ko god nam bude protivnik nama je na umu da odigramo što bolje. Najvažnije je da mislimo o našoj igri, ispravljamo i popravljamo našu igru u odbranu, a napad će iz te igre doći.“






Košarkaši Mega Leksa u petak  od 17 časova nastavljaju takmičenje u ABA ligi pošto će u okviru 16. kola odigrati meč u Podgorici protiv ekipe Budućnost VOLI. Mega je posle pobedama protiv Mornara i FMP-a prekinula negativne serije u oba takmičenja a protiv Budućnosti će pokušati da napravi veliko iznenađenje i da na pravi način zaključi 2016. godinu koja je bila najuspešnija u istoriji kluba.


Trener Mega Leksa Dejan Milojević ni na ovom meču zbog povrede ruke neće moći da računa na povređene Đorđa Simeunovića i Marka Tejića, kao ni na ranije odsutne Nikolu Rebića i Ognjena Čarapića. Poslednje pojačanje Nemanja Kapetanović će biti u sastavu ekipe u Podgorici.


Mega Leks i Budućnost VOLI su se u ABA ligi do sada sastajali 9 puta a Budućnost vodi sa 5:4 . Poslednji susret je bio u 3. kolu ABA lige kada je Mega bila nadomak velikog preokreta iz minus 23, ali je na kraju Budućnost slavila u Sremskoj Mitrovici sa 81:85. Posle 15. kola ABA lige Mega Leks je na deobi 9. mesta sa skorom 5-10 dok je Budućnost na deobi 3. mesta sa 10 pobeda i 5 poraza.


Dejan Milojević, trener Mega Leksa:


"Podigli smo formu u prethodne dve utakmice. Ostvarili smo jako bitnu pobedu protiv FMP-a iako je ekipa bila u grču zbog nedostatka samopouzdanja. Gledaćemo da u Podgorici odigramo što bolji meč i da probamo da iznenadimo Budućnost koja je favorit u ovom susretu."


Aleksandar Marelja, igrač Mega Leksa:


"Utakmica protiv FMP-a je bila od velike važnosti kako za bodove, tako i za nas same. Ta utakmica i meč protiv Mornara će biti podstrek za ekipu da nastavi da napreduje u igri i rezultatima. Drago mi je što sam se vratio u Megu, trenera Milojevića i njegov sistem dobro poznajem tako da verujem da neće biti problema sa prilagođavanjem. Protiv Budućnosti će biti teška utakmica jer je to jedna vrlo dobra i kvalitetna ekipa. Uvek idemo na pobedu i nadam se da ćemo uspeti da napravimo iznenađenje. Atmosfera u ekipi je odlična i siguran sam da ćemo dati sve od sebe da na sjajan način zaključimo 2016. godinu."



Budućnost VOLI

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
2 *Reynolds J. 14:00 8 42.9 1 4 252 3 66.7 0 1 0 1 0 11 1 0 0 0 2 3 9 7
3 Williams M. 28:00 22 52.9 7 11 63.62 6 33.3 2 2 100 0 1 19 1 3 0 0 1 3 24 24
4 *Šehović S. 13:00 3 0 0 0 00 2 0 3 3 100 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 -11 3
7 Subotić B. 10:00 4 100 1 1 1000 0 0 2 2 100 0 0 00 1 1 0 0 4 4 -7 4
8 Šehović S. 27:00 13 25 1 6 16.71 2 50 8 9 88.9 7 1 83 1 2 0 1 2 6 19 19
10 *Gordić N. 19:00 11 83.3 4 4 1001 2 50 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 3 0 0 2 1 -15 7
11 Baćović V. 01:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 -6 -1
13 Ilić A. 01:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0
14 *Savović B. 30:00 11 66.7 2 3 66.70 0 0 7 8 87.5 1 0 11 0 2 0 1 2 7 7 13
15 Klassen O. 19:00 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 2 50 7 1 81 0 2 1 0 5 2 13 5
19 *Nikolić Z. 19:00 10 66.7 4 6 66.70 0 0 2 2 100 5 1 60 1 3 4 0 3 2 15 15
30 Popović P. 19:00 5 66.7 1 1 1001 2 50 0 2 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 -2 3

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
Budućnost VOLI 200:00 88 52.8 21 36 58.3 7 17 41.2 25 31 80.6 22 5 27 16 5 17 5 2 22 30 899
Mega Superbet 200:00 80 38.3 22 46 47.8 9 35 25.7 9 17 52.9 21 18 3920 8 14 2 5 30 22 -864

Mega Superbet

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
1 Mushidi K. 15:00 1 0 0 0 00 4 0 1 2 50 3 0 30 0 0 0 0 4 0 -15-5
8 Đoković R. 04:00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 0 -51
10 *Jaramaz O. 35:00 8 15.4 0 6 02 7 28.6 2 4 50 2 0 26 1 0 0 0 2 4 -106
14 *Spasojević R. 22:00 7 37.5 2 4 501 4 25 0 0 0 2 3 52 0 2 0 0 4 1 24
24 *Kaba A. 25:00 18 43.8 7 13 53.80 3 0 4 7 57.1 5 6 112 3 1 1 3 5 5 -719
25 *Zagorac R. 33:00 23 55.6 8 13 61.52 5 40 1 2 50 3 6 93 0 5 0 2 5 5 019
31 Čančar V. 18:00 11 57.1 1 2 503 5 60 0 0 0 1 0 12 3 4 0 0 4 1 17
41 *Novak J. 36:00 5 18.2 1 5 201 6 16.7 0 0 0 4 2 65 0 2 0 0 1 4 -98
43 Kapetanović N. 02:00 2 100 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 82
46 Marelja A. 10:00 5 66.7 2 2 1000 1 0 1 2 50 1 1 20 0 0 1 0 5 2 -53

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Unofficial Boxscore

Ilijas Zuros, trener Budućnosti VOLI: 


“Čestitke mojim igračima. Bila je to veoma teška utakmica za nas. Bili smo veoma nervozni u početku jer smo bili u seriji poraza. Željeli smo da igramo, ali loš napad limitirao je i naš učinak u odbrani. Poslije smo pokazali karakter, vratili smo se, do poluvremena da izjednačimo, a poslije i da kontrolišemo utakmicu. Čestitam i našim navijačima, koji su došli u dvoranu i podržali nas. “


Boris Savović, igrač Budućnosti VOLI: 


“Prije svega čestitke Megi na kvalitetnoj utakmici, saigračima da zahvalim na velikoj pobjedi, došla je u pravom trenutku, na kraju godine koja je bila izuzetno teška za nas. Nije bilo lako igrati poslije nekih poraza. U svakom slučaju pokazali smo karakter, ali i pobjednički mentalitet.”


Dejan Milojević, trener Mega Leksa: 


“Čestitam Budućnosti na zasluženoj pobedi. Imali smo nekih dobrih minuta, ali smo prelako ispustili razliku koja je bila teško stečena. Kada ne materijalizujete prednost protiv veoma kvalitetne ekipe onda na kraju stigne poraz. Odigrali smo 30-ak minuta otvorene utakmice, medjutim u poslednjoj četvrtini je Budućnost prelomila. Želim Podgoričanima sve najbolje i nadam se da će imati sezonu kakvu žele. “


Rade Zagorac, igrač Mega Leksa: 


“Čestitam Budućnosti na važnoj pobedi. Smatram da smo imali pad koji nije smeo da se desi na +17. Nismo odgovorili na pravi način na njihovu čvršću igru, bili smo mekani i to je sigurno razlog što su vratili u egal, i potom igrajući na jednu loptu, prelomili meč u završnici .


Legal notice: ABA League, in cooperation with its clubs, grants access to a number of photos from ABA League games, as well as some additional events, linked to the competition. These images are high resolution and downloadable directly from the the photo galleries. They are free to use for editorial purposes. Please, make sure to credit the authors of the photos with the source, signed beneath each photo in order to avoid undesirable legal consequences.
0start of the game
0[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja in starting lineup
0[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard in starting lineup
0[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris in starting lineup
0[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad in starting lineup
0[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran in starting lineup
0[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen in starting lineup
0[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav in starting lineup
0[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha in starting lineup
0[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade in starting lineup
0[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan in starting lineup
1minute: 1
1[Budućnost] jump ball won
1[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav foul on 14 Savović Boris
1[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran missed 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha defensive rebound
1[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade turnover (out of bounds)
1[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja turnover (out of bounds)
1[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 2 points (pos. 2)
1[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade offensive rebound
1[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 25 Zagorac Rade
1[Mega] team offensive rebound
1[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 24 Kaba Alpha
1[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
1[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran missed 2 points (pos. 5)
1[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha defensive rebound
2minute: 2
2[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 3 points (pos. 1)
2[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha offensive rebound
2[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 2 points (pos. 5)
2[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
2[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja turnover (bad pass)
2[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha steal
2[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen assist
20 : 2[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 5)
2[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad missed 3 points (pos. 1)
2[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha defensive rebound
2[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 3 points (pos. 3)
2[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav offensive rebound
3minute: 3
3[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 2 points (pos. 1)
3[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav offensive rebound
3[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 2 points (pos. 2)
3[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha offensive rebound
30 : 4[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (bad pass)
3[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha steal
30 : 6[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 5)
3[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan assist
4minute: 4
42 : 6[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja made 2 points (pos. 2)
4[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 3 points (pos. 2)
4[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad defensive rebound
4[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran foul on 24 Kaba Alpha
4[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (offensive foul without ball)
4[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar replaces 2 Reynolds James Richard
4[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 2 points (pos. 2)
4[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha offensive rebound
42 : 8[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 5)
5minute: 5
5[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja missed 3 points (pos. 4)
5[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav defensive rebound
52 : 10[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 4)
5[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav assist
5[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja turnover (travelling)
5[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran
52 : 12[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 5)
5[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha assist
6minute: 6
6[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar missed 3 points (pos. 2)
6[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade defensive rebound
6[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade turnover (travelling)
6[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar replaces 24 Kaba Alpha
6[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad missed 3 points (pos. 6)
6[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan defensive rebound
62 : 15[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav made 3 points (pos. 2)
6[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan assist
6[Budućnost] time out
6[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar foul on 7 Subotić Bojan
63 : 15[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made free throw
64 : 15[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made free throw
6[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja assist
7minute: 7
7[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 3 points (pos. 2)
7[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade offensive rebound
74 : 17[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 5)
7[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav foul on 14 Savović Boris
7[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead replaces 4 Šehović Suad
7[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja replaces 14 Spasojević Radosav
7[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko replaces 41 Novak Jovan
7[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar foul on 7 Subotić Bojan
7[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan turnover (out of bounds)
7[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha replaces 46 Marelja Aleksandar
74 : 20[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen made 3 points (pos. 1)
7[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko assist
7[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5)
7[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja defensive rebound
8minute: 8
8[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
8[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
8[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan replaces 25 Zagorac Rade
8[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja foul on 8 Šehović Sead
8[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard replaces 10 Gordić Nemanja
85 : 20[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
86 : 20[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
8[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 2 points (pos. 3)
8[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
8[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed 2 points (pos. 5)
8[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha block on 14 Savović Boris
8[Mega] team defensive rebound
8[Budućnost] technical foul to coach (bench)
86 : 21[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja made free throw
8[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko turnover (travelling)
9minute: 9
9[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko foul on 14 Savović Boris
97 : 21[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
98 : 21[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
9[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James replaces 7 Subotić Bojan
9[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 2 points (pos. 5)
9[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
9[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja foul on 14 Savović Boris
99 : 21[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
9[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris missed free throw
9[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja defensive rebound
9[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko turnover (bad pass)
9[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard steal
911 : 21[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made 2 points (pos. 5)
9[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard assist
10minute: 10
10[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James foul on 24 Kaba Alpha
10[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 14 Savović Boris
10[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade replaces 1 Mushidi Kostja
1011 : 22[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made free throw
1011 : 23[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made free throw
10[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 2 points (pos. 2)
10[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan defensive rebound
1011 : 26[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko made 3 points (pos. 1)
10[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade assist
10[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 3 points (pos. 2)
10end of 1. quarter
10[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus replaces 30 Popović Petar
11minute: 11
11[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 3 points (pos. 1)
11[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade offensive rebound
1111 : 28[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 5)
11[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad pass)
11[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen steal
11[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 7 Subotić Bojan
11[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran
11[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 10 Jaramaz Ognjen
11[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 7 Subotić Bojan
11[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko missed 3 points (pos. 1)
11[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
11[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead foul on 25 Zagorac Rade
11[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead turnover (offensive foul without ball)
12minute: 12
12[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 2 points (pos. 2)
12[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
12[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 3 points (pos. 2)
12[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus offensive rebound
12[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 2 points (pos. 2)
12[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha defensive rebound
12[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James foul on 25 Zagorac Rade
12[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
12[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade offensive rebound
12[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 2 points (pos. 5)
12[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
13minute: 13
13[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko foul on 2 Reynolds James Richard
13[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav replaces 31 Čančar Vlatko
13[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 2 points (pos. 2)
13[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James offensive rebound
13[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha foul on 8 Šehović Sead
1312 : 28[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
1313 : 28[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
13[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha turnover (travelling)
13[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran
13[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar replaces 24 Kaba Alpha
1316 : 28[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made 3 points (pos. 1)
13[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
13[Mega] time out
13[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav missed 2 points (pos. 5)
13[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound
14minute: 14
14[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 2 points (pos. 3)
14[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan defensive rebound
14[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar missed 3 points (pos. 1)
14[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
1419 : 28[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made 3 points (pos. 6)
14[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead assist
15minute: 15
15[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav foul on 3 Williams Marcus
15[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav turnover (offensive foul without ball)
15[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja replaces 14 Spasojević Radosav
15[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko replaces 25 Zagorac Rade
15[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar block on 8 Šehović Sead
15[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar defensive rebound
15[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard foul on 31 Čančar Vlatko
15[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar offensive rebound
1519 : 30[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar made 2 points (pos. 5)
1521 : 30[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5)
15[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
16minute: 16
16[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko missed 3 points (pos. 2)
16[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound
1623 : 30[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made 2 points (pos. 5)
16[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
16[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko foul on 2 Reynolds James Richard
16[Mega] time out
16[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris replaces 15 Klassen Owen James
16[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade replaces 31 Čančar Vlatko
16[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed free throw
16[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade defensive rebound
16[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja missed 3 points (pos. 4)
16[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade offensive rebound
1623 : 32[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar made 2 points (pos. 5)
16[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade assist
16[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard missed 2 points (pos. 5)
16[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran offensive rebound
16[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar foul on 19 Nikolić Zoran
16[Budućnost] technical foul to coach (bench)
16[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha replaces 46 Marelja Aleksandar
1624 : 32[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made free throw
1625 : 32[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made free throw
16[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja missed free throw
16[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 2 points (pos. 5)
16[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard defensive rebound
17minute: 17
17[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja foul on 14 Savović Boris
1726 : 32[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
1727 : 32[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
17[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar replaces 2 Reynolds James Richard
17[Mega] 8 Đoković Radovan replaces 1 Mushidi Kostja
17[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 2 points (pos. 5)
17[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
1729 : 32[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 5)
17[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
17[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 24 Kaba Alpha
17[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
18minute: 18
1832 : 32[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 3 points (pos. 2)
18[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead assist
18[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade foul on 14 Savović Boris
18[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade turnover (offensive foul without ball)
18[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran foul on 41 Novak Jovan
18[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran turnover (offensive foul without ball)
18[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris foul on 25 Zagorac Rade
1832 : 33[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made free throw
18[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed free throw
18[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound
1834 : 33[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made 2 points (pos. 5)
18[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
19minute: 19
19[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran foul on 24 Kaba Alpha
19[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad replaces 8 Šehović Sead
19[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran
19[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed free throw
1934 : 34[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made free throw
19[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad pass)
19[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha steal
19[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 3 points (pos. 1)
19[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade offensive rebound
1934 : 37[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan made 3 points (pos. 3)
19[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade assist
20minute: 20
20[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 3 points (pos. 2)
20[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar offensive rebound
2037 : 37[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar made 3 points (pos. 4)
20[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James assist
20[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 2 points (pos. 5)
20[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris defensive rebound
20[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus turnover (bad pass)
20[Mega] 8 Đoković Radovan steal
20[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 3 points (pos. 1)
20[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
20end of 2. quarter
20[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 15 Klassen Owen James
20[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav replaces 8 Đoković Radovan
21minute: 21
21[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav turnover (bad pass)
21[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran steal
21[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 3 points (pos. 1)
21[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen defensive rebound
21[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 2 points (pos. 5)
21[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha offensive rebound
21[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris foul on 10 Jaramaz Ognjen
2137 : 38[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen made free throw
21[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed free throw
21[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha offensive rebound
21[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
21[Mega] team offensive rebound
22minute: 22
2237 : 40[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 5)
22[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan assist
22[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha foul on 4 Šehović Suad
22[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
2238 : 40[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made free throw
2239 : 40[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made free throw
2240 : 40[Budućnost] 4 Šehović Suad made free throw
22[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan turnover (bad pass)
22[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus steal
2242 : 40[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5)
22[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
22[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 3 points (pos. 2)
22[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav offensive rebound
23minute: 23
23[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 3 points (pos. 6)
23[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha offensive rebound
23[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed 2 points (pos. 5)
23[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran block on 24 Kaba Alpha
23[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan offensive rebound
2342 : 42[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan made 2 points (pos. 5)
2344 : 42[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 5)
23[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan foul on 3 Williams Marcus
23[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran
2345 : 42[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made free throw
23[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James foul on 24 Kaba Alpha
23[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed free throw
2345 : 43[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made free throw
2347 : 43[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 5)
24minute: 24
2447 : 46[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 3 points (pos. 1)
24[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha assist
2449 : 46[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 2)
24[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade turnover (out of bounds)
24[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar replaces 24 Kaba Alpha
2452 : 46[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 3 points (pos. 2)
24[Mega] time out
25minute: 25
2552 : 48[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav made 2 points (pos. 2)
25[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen assist
2554 : 48[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 2)
25[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade foul on 3 Williams Marcus
2555 : 48[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made free throw
25[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar foul on 41 Novak Jovan
2555 : 50[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 4)
25[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan assist
26minute: 26
26[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 2 points (pos. 1)
26[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade defensive rebound
2655 : 52[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav made 2 points (pos. 5)
26[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade foul on 15 Klassen Owen James
26[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead replaces 4 Šehović Suad
26[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja replaces 10 Jaramaz Ognjen
26[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar foul on 15 Klassen Owen James
2656 : 52[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James made free throw
26[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James missed free throw
26[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav defensive rebound
27minute: 27
27[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav missed 3 points (pos. 3)
27[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
27[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha replaces 46 Marelja Aleksandar
27[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James foul on 14 Spasojević Radosav
27[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James turnover (offensive foul without ball)
27[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko replaces 14 Spasojević Radosav
27[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja missed 3 points (pos. 1)
27[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
27[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha foul on 30 Popović Petar
27[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 15 Klassen Owen James
27[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav replaces 24 Kaba Alpha
27[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar missed free throw
27[Budućnost] 30 Popović Petar missed free throw
27[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja defensive rebound
28minute: 28
28[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav missed 3 points (pos. 2)
28[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan offensive rebound
28[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 3 points (pos. 3)
28[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
2858 : 52[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5)
28[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris assist
2858 : 54[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 2 points (pos. 5)
29minute: 29
29[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen replaces 25 Zagorac Rade
29[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran
29[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 30 Popović Petar
29[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5)
29[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan defensive rebound
29[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav missed 2 points (pos. 5)
29[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
2960 : 54[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made 2 points (pos. 5)
29[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja foul on 8 Šehović Sead
2961 : 54[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
29[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja replaces 3 Williams Marcus
29[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade replaces 1 Mushidi Kostja
29[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard foul on 10 Jaramaz Ognjen
29[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed free throw
2961 : 55[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen made free throw
29[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris turnover (travelling)
30minute: 30
3061 : 58[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko made 3 points (pos. 1)
30[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav assist
3064 : 58[Budućnost] 2 Reynolds James Richard made 3 points (pos. 2)
30[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko missed 2 points (pos. 6)
30end of 3. quarter
30[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha replaces 14 Spasojević Radosav
30[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James replaces 14 Savović Boris
31minute: 31
31[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen foul on 2 Reynolds James Richard
31[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus replaces 2 Reynolds James Richard
3166 : 58[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 5)
31[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 3 points (pos. 3)
31[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
3168 : 58[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus made 2 points (pos. 1)
31[Mega] time out
31[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja replaces 41 Novak Jovan
31[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja missed 3 points (pos. 1)
31[Mega] team offensive rebound
32minute: 32
32[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead foul on 25 Zagorac Rade
32[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 3 points (pos. 1)
32[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
32[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 3 points (pos. 1)
32[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha defensive rebound
32[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 10 Jaramaz Ognjen
32[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja foul on 25 Zagorac Rade
3268 : 60[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 5)
32[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen assist
32[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen foul on 10 Gordić Nemanja
33minute: 33
33[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 3 points (pos. 1)
33[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen defensive rebound
33[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko turnover (out of bounds)
33[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5)
33[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead offensive rebound
3370 : 60[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja made 2 points (pos. 5)
33[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko turnover (bad pass)
33[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan steal
33[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko foul on 7 Subotić Bojan
33[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav replaces 31 Čančar Vlatko
34minute: 34
3472 : 60[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan made 2 points (pos. 5)
34[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
3472 : 62[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 1)
34[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen assist
34[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade foul on 8 Šehović Sead
34[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar replaces 24 Kaba Alpha
34[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris replaces 7 Subotić Bojan
3473 : 62[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
3474 : 62[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
34[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan replaces 1 Mushidi Kostja
34[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade missed 3 points (pos. 2)
34[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James block on 25 Zagorac Rade
34[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead defensive rebound
3476 : 62[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja made 2 points (pos. 5)
34[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead assist
34[Mega] time out
35minute: 35
35[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen missed 3 points (pos. 3)
35[Budućnost] team defensive rebound
35[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed 2 points (pos. 5)
35[Mega] team defensive rebound
35[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja replaces 10 Jaramaz Ognjen
35[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja foul on 41 Novak Jovan
35[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav missed 3 points (pos. 2)
35[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James defensive rebound
3578 : 62[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made 2 points (pos. 5)
35[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
36minute: 36
3678 : 65[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade made 3 points (pos. 4)
36[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan assist
36[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav foul on 14 Savović Boris
36[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko replaces 14 Spasojević Radosav
3679 : 65[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
3680 : 65[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris made free throw
36[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 3 points (pos. 2)
36[Mega] team offensive rebound
3680 : 68[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko made 3 points (pos. 3)
37minute: 37
37[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James foul on 41 Novak Jovan
37[Budućnost] 15 Klassen Owen James turnover (offensive foul without ball)
37[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan replaces 15 Klassen Owen James
37[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 46 Marelja Aleksandar
37[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar missed free throw
3780 : 69[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar made free throw
37[Budućnost] 14 Savović Boris turnover (bad pass)
37[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko steal
37[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade foul on 8 Šehović Sead
37[Mega] 25 Zagorac Rade turnover (offensive foul without ball)
37[Budućnost] time out
37[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen replaces 25 Zagorac Rade
37[Mega] 46 Marelja Aleksandar foul on 7 Subotić Bojan
37[Budućnost] 7 Subotić Bojan foul on 46 Marelja Aleksandar
37[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha replaces 46 Marelja Aleksandar
37[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran replaces 7 Subotić Bojan
37[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus missed 2 points (pos. 2)
37[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko defensive rebound
38minute: 38
38[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan turnover (bad pass)
38[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead steal
3882 : 69[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja made 2 points (pos. 2)
3882 : 71[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 5)
38[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen assist
38[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus foul on 24 Kaba Alpha
38[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha missed free throw
38[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound
3884 : 71[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran made 2 points (pos. 5)
38[Budućnost] 3 Williams Marcus assist
39minute: 39
39[Mega] 1 Mushidi Kostja missed 3 points (pos. 3)
39[Budućnost] 19 Nikolić Zoran defensive rebound
3987 : 71[Budućnost] 10 Gordić Nemanja made 3 points (pos. 1)
39[Mega] 43 Kapetanović Nemanja replaces 1 Mushidi Kostja
39[Mega] 41 Novak Jovan missed 3 points (pos. 6)
39[Mega] team offensive rebound
3987 : 73[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha made 2 points (pos. 5)
39[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko assist
40minute: 40
40[Mega] 24 Kaba Alpha foul on 8 Šehović Sead
40[Mega] 14 Spasojević Radosav replaces 24 Kaba Alpha
40[Budućnost] 13 Ilić Aleksa replaces 14 Savović Boris
40[Budućnost] 11 Baćović Vasilije replaces 19 Nikolić Zoran
40[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead missed free throw
4088 : 73[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead made free throw
4088 : 76[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen made 3 points (pos. 2)
40[Budućnost] 11 Baćović Vasilije turnover (bad pass)
40[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko steal
4088 : 78[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko made 2 points (pos. 5)
40[Budućnost] 8 Šehović Sead turnover (bad pass)
40[Mega] 31 Čančar Vlatko steal
4088 : 80[Mega] 43 Kapetanović Nemanja made 2 points (pos. 5)
40[Mega] 10 Jaramaz Ognjen assist
40end of 4. quarter
40end of the game
No overview data for this match.

Match live on TV:

  • Arenasport CRO 1
  • Arenasport MKD 4
  • Arenasport MNE 4
  • Arenasport SRB 4
  • Siol TV SLO
Result Graph
No data.
Graphic Stats

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Budućnost VOLI
  • Missed Shot Budućnost VOLI
  • Made Shot Mega Superbet
  • Missed Shot Mega Superbet

