ROUND 2, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2019/20
Saturday, 12.10.2019 20:00 CET
Venue: SRC Topolica
92 : 78
21:13 21:20 23:18 27:27
Commissioner: Ranko Bojanić
Referees: Jakub Zamojski, Mario Majkić, Miloš Koljenšić



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2019/20

Ave. Ave.
84.48 Points 79.52
31.48 Rebounds 29.9
9.29 O. Rebounds 9.52
22.19 D. Rebounds 20.38
16.38 Assists 16.9
7.05 Steals 7.24
4.24 Blocks 2.05
53.65 2PT 47.66
35.38 3PT 34.33
70.13 FT 75
89.95 Index 82.05

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2019/20

Ave. Ave.
83.52 Points 84.71
35.95 Rebounds 32.95
11.24 O. Rebounds 9.67
24.71 D. Rebounds 23.29
17.48 Assists 18.33
7.38 Steals 6.29
2.29 Blocks 2.71
51.97 2PT 54.33
35 3PT 39.79
70.25 FT 71.01
84 Index 87.05

Player Stats, Season 2019/20


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team
Mornar-Barsko zlato
Home record vs. Igokea m:tel: 6:2
Away record vs. Igokea m:tel: 3:5
Record vs. Igokea m:tel at neutral venue: 0:0
Igokea m:tel
Home record vs. Mornar-Barsko zlato: 5:3
Away record vs. Mornar-Barsko zlato: 2:6
Record vs. Mornar-Barsko zlato at neutral venue: 0:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 02.05.2025 - Monday, 05.05.2025Regular season, Round 30Mornar-Barsko zlato : Igokea m:tel
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 03.01.2025 - Monday, 06.01.2025Regular season, Round 15Igokea m:tel : Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 15.03.2024 18:00 CETRegular season, Round 23Mornar-Barsko zlato 86:84 Igokea m:tel
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 02.12.2023 17:00 CETRegular season, Round 10Igokea m:tel 84:64 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 23.04.2023 18:00 CETRegular season, Round 14Mornar-Barsko zlato 74:86 Igokea m:tel
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 01.10.2022 16:00 CETRegular season, Round 1Igokea m:tel 83:91 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 12.02.2022 17:00 CETRegular season, Round 20Igokea m:tel 70:57 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 06.11.2021 21:00 CETRegular season, Round 7Mornar-Barsko zlato 82:76 Igokea m:tel
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueTuesday, 27.04.2021 18:00 CETRegular season, Round 26Igokea m:tel 79:88 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 03.01.2021 19:00 CETRegular season, Round 13Mornar-Barsko zlato 90:76 Igokea m:tel
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 27.12.2019 20:00 CETRegular season, Round 13Igokea m:tel 98:91 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 12.10.2019 20:00 CETRegular season, Round 2Mornar-Barsko zlato 92:78 Igokea m:tel
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 02.03.2019 17:00 CETRegular season, Round 20Igokea m:tel 81:60 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueMonday, 26.11.2018 21:00 CETRegular season, Round 9Mornar-Barsko zlato 97:103 Igokea m:tel
Season 2017/18, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 04.02.2018 17:00 CETRegular season, Round 19Igokea m:tel 79:93 Mornar-Barsko zlato
Season 2017/18, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueMonday, 13.11.2017 21:00 CETRegular season, Round 8Mornar-Barsko zlato 87:83 Igokea m:tel
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 04.03.2017 17:00 CETRegular season, Round 25Mornar-Barsko zlato 83:76 Igokea m:tel
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 03.12.2016 17:00 CETRegular season, Round 12Igokea m:tel 74:69 Mornar-Barsko zlato

Mihailo Pavićević, trener Mornara:

„Ove godine u ABA lige ne možemo rivale da dijelimo na lake i teške, svi su napravili dobre ekipe, svi su se pojačali, što je potvrdilo i prvo kolo. Znači, nema favorita, svaka utakmica je posebna priča. Mi smo u prvom kolu ostvarili veliku pobjedu u Zagrebu, jer svaka pobjeda u gostima je velika, ali, kao u tenisu, taj brejk treba potvrditi. Čeka nas izuzetno teška utakmica protiv Igokee. Ona je, kao i mi, sastavljena od veoma iskusnih, provjerenih igrača koji znaju da igraju. U prvom kolu bili su “na loptu” protiv Partizana. Bićemo maksimalno fokusirani i ozbiljni sa dovoljnom dozom respekta prema rivalu, ali i vjerom u sebe. Imamo dovoljno razloga da vjerujemo u svoje mogućnosti, jer smo ove godine napravili ekipu za respekt, sastavljenu od vrlo dobrih, iskusnih igrača. Istina, vrijeme nije radilo za nas, još uvijek nismo odradili zajednički trening, iz objektivnih razloga. Vranješ je još van trenežmnog procesa, a Nidam je poslije Zagreba otputovao kući pošto je dobio kćerku. Svi smo radosni zbog tog najljepšeg događaja u životu jednog čovjeka. Odsustvovao je nekoliko dana, ali znamo kakav je profesionalac i da će spremno dočekati duel sa Igokeom.“

Sead Šehović, igrač Mornara:

„Očekuje nas težak meč sa Igokeom. Ove godine napravili su veoma dobar tim, igraju dobro, što pokazuje i duel iz prvog kola. Mi smo ostvarili bitnu pobjedu na startu, dočekaćemo ih puni samopouzdanja pred domaćom publikom.  Nadam se da ćemo biti na svom nivou i upisati još jednu pobjedu.“

Marko Barać, trener Igokee:

„Ekipi koja je napravila veliki iskorak na tržištu, imaju izuzetno kvalitetne pojedince i ogroman napadački potencijal. Ono što je specifičnost jeste da zahtjeva najteži mogući rad u odbrani. To je ekipa sa odličnom geometrjom u napadu, oni imaju mogućnost da igraju u raznim varijantama, sa klasičnom peticom, sa dvije četvorke koji mogu da šire uz izuzetno kvalitetne bekove koji odlično šutiraju. Moramo imati potpunu koncentraciju i disciplinu tokom svih 40 minuta.“

Darko Talić, igrač Igokee:

„Dolazi nam ova utakmica nakon meča protiv Partizana. Igrali smo na jednu loptu, iako smo izgubili mislim da možemo da izvučemo pouke. Analizirali smo i vidjeli kako smo igrali. Što se tiče nas protiv Mornara ili bilo kojeg drugog tima, bez obzira na to da li igramo kod kuće ili u gostima mi ćemo ići na pobjedu. Mislim da imamo svoje šanse, Mornar je iskusna ekipa sa iskusnim igračima koji imaju odlične karijere i oni znaju na koji način da igraju ovakve utakmice. Mislim da će biti dobra utakmica ali mislim da i mi imamo svoje šanse.“



Mornar-Barsko zlato

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
0 Pullen J. * 27:25 22 33.3 1 5 204 10 40 8 9 88.9 0 0 05 0 1 0 1 3 4 2 1 1019 15
5 Needham D. * 32:20 22 57.1 4 7 57.14 7 57.1 2 2 100 5 2 76 3 2 0 1 2 7 8 2 210 34
8 Šehović S. * 16:04 2 0 0 4 00 2 0 2 4 50 1 4 54 0 2 0 1 3 3 0 0 013 0
10 Mugoša M. 01:30 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0
13 Raley-Ross B. 17:42 2 100 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 06 4
15 Begić M. 07:59 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 -2
17 Vujošević R. 08:57 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 06 -3
21 Pavićević L. 01:30 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0
24 Waller T. 24:00 14 83.3 1 2 504 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0-4 12
25 Markota D. 20:00 11 50 1 2 503 6 50 0 0 0 4 0 40 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 01 11
51 Bjelica M. * 23:57 12 57.1 2 3 66.72 4 50 2 2 100 7 2 91 1 1 0 0 1 2 4 8 212 20
55 Luković U. * 18:35 7 40 2 5 400 0 0 3 4 75 1 2 30 0 1 2 0 2 5 4 0 09 10

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
Mornar-Barsko zlato 200:00 92 44.6 12 32 37.5 17 33 51.5 17 21 81 19 12 31 19 5 7 2 5 18 22 20 13 1414101
Igokea m:tel 200:00 78 47.6 23 44 52.3 7 19 36.8 11 18 61.1 21 8 2923 5 10 5 2 23 18 40 16 5-1483

Igokea m:tel

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
2 Evans K. 23:36 10 40 2 6 33.32 4 50 0 0 0 0 1 12 1 1 1 1 5 3 0 2 0-45
3 Simeunović D. 01:07 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-20
4 Cvetković A. 25:40 0 0 0 5 00 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 25 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 01-5
5 Talić D. 01:30 2 100 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 003
7 Lešić S. 23:25 10 75 2 2 1001 2 50 3 7 42.9 2 0 20 0 0 1 0 1 4 4 2 0-1211
8 Kariniauskas V. * 06:38 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0-15-4
12 Clifford D. * 14:58 8 60 3 5 600 0 0 2 3 66.7 4 2 62 1 2 1 0 1 2 6 2 0-414
14 Stević O. 23:32 15 62.5 5 8 62.50 0 0 5 7 71.4 4 2 61 1 0 1 0 2 4 10 4 0-621
20 Vaughn R. * 29:30 13 41.7 3 8 37.52 4 50 1 1 100 3 0 35 0 0 1 1 2 2 4 0 3-314
22 Ilić D. * 18:06 15 87.5 6 6 1001 2 50 0 0 0 3 2 51 1 1 0 0 2 0 12 4 2-618
24 Kočić S. 01:30 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 00-1
33 Tomas M. * 30:29 5 25 1 3 33.31 5 20 0 0 0 2 1 35 1 2 0 0 2 3 2 2 0-197

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Unofficial Boxscore

Mihailo Pavićević, trener Mornara:

„Želio bih da se zahvalim našim dragima sportskim prijateljima iz Igokee, na uobičajeno fer i korektnoj igri, koja krasi duele naša dva tima. Oni su uvijek ovdje dobrodošli kao što smo i mi u Laktašima. Očekivao sam da će biti grča kod mojih igrača, iako smo pred svojim navijačima nastupili poslije značajne pobjede protiv Cibone. Čitave nedjelje sam govorio da tu utakmicu moramo zaboraviti i potvrditi brejk iz Zagreba. Odigrali smo možda i bolje nego što sam očekivao, pogotovo na startu. Grča je bilo, to je evidentno, ali ne toliko koliko sam očekivao. Ne bih želio da ovo zvuči prepotentno ali nismo imali tečnosti u napadu, uprkos 92 poena. Možemo mi kudikamo bolje. Kad sve bude došlo na svoje mjesto, sa opravljenim Vranješom, broj trojki na našim utakmicama biće veći. U odbrani smo bili fokusirani jako dobro. Iz kompletne utakmice izdvojiću detalj kada je Pulen izašao iz bloka čuvajući njihovog najboljeg šutera Vona, presjekao loptu i golmanski se bacio za njom. To me izuzetno raduje, jer, znate, kad smo dovodili Pulena bila je priča: ko će igrati odbranu za njega. Drugi detalj koji me raduje, odnosi se na gotovo sve igrače i opet Pulena. Već u ponedjeljak putujemo u Rigu, na veoma tešku utakmicu u Ligi šampiona. Na kratkom sastanku poslije ovog meča, dao sam igračima sjutra slobodan dan, ali većina njih me pitala kad će sala biti slobodna za trening, među njima i Pulen. Imaćemo mi još dosta uspona i padova, ali budite sigurni gdje god budemo igrali, publika će uživati u košarci.“

Marko Barać, trener Igokee:

„Čestitam ekipi Mornara na sasvim zasluženoj pobjedi. Ja mogu ovdje da pričam o nedostacima svoga tima, ali to ne smije, ni u jednom momentu, da umanji fenomenalnu igru domaćina. Jer, kad su ničije lopte završile na njihovoj strani, iz toga se izrodile situacije za tri poena koje su oni realizovali i otvorili utakmicu sa puno samopouzdanja. Praktično su taj šut držali do kraja. Jednostavno, protivnik ekipe koja ubaci 17 trojki, uz procenat od preko 50 odsto na domaćem terenu, nema šta da traži. Uspjeli smo da prebrodimo katastrofalan ulazak u treću četvrtinu koji je izazvao rani tajmaut, ali kada smo prišli na tri razlike nekoliko minuta bili smo bez ikakve organizacije u napadu. Iz te slabe organizacije napada došlo je do pada samopouzdanja i slabije igre u odbrani što je domaćin iskoristio da se ponovo odlijepi.“


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end of 1. quarter
00:04 NEEDHAM D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:19 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. assist
00:1921 : 13 14 STEVIĆ O. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
00:31 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (in)
00:31 PULLEN J. substitution (out)
00:31 2 EVANS K. foul on
00:31 PULLEN J. foul (personal)
00:31 14 STEVIĆ O. rebound (defensive)
00:39 14 STEVIĆ O. block
00:39 BEGIĆ M. missed 2 points (hookshot)
00:41 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
00:45 2 EVANS K. missed 2 points (jump shot)
00:58 14 STEVIĆ O. substitution (in)
00:58 33 TOMAS M. substitution (out)
00:58 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (in)
00:58 12 CLIFFORD D. substitution (out)
00:58 BEGIĆ M. substitution (in)
00:58 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (out)
00:58 WALLER T. substitution (in)
00:58 LUKOVIĆ U. substitution (out)
00:58 2 EVANS K. foul on
00:58 PULLEN J. foul (personal)
01:1221 : 11 NEEDHAM D. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
01:3119 : 11 33 TOMAS M. made 2 points (jump shot)
01:34 12 CLIFFORD D. rebound (offensive)
01:39 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
01:57 12 CLIFFORD D. rebound (defensive)
02:00 PULLEN J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:10 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
02:14 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:21 7 LEŠIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
02:25 NEEDHAM D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:32 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. rebound (offensive)
02:37 PULLEN J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:41 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
02:45 33 TOMAS M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:0619 : 9 NEEDHAM D. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:14 NEEDHAM D. rebound (defensive)
03:17 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
03:39 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. assist
03:3916 : 9 51 BJELICA M. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:40 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. rebound (offensive)
03:44 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 2 points (hookshot)
04:05 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. assist
04:0513 : 9 7 LEŠIĆ S. made 2 points (hookshot)
04:16 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
04:17 LUKOVIĆ U. missed 2 points (layup)
04:17 LUKOVIĆ U. rebound (offensive)
04:24 LUKOVIĆ U. missed 2 points (layup)
04:41 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
04:45 33 TOMAS M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:06 12 CLIFFORD D. steal
05:06 NEEDHAM D. turnover (bad pass)
05:2213 : 7 2 EVANS K. made 2 points (jump shot)
05:39 PULLEN J. assist
05:3913 : 5 51 BJELICA M. made 3 points (jump shot)
05:41 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. rebound (offensive)
05:41 LUKOVIĆ U. missed free throw (2 of 2)
05:41 NEEDHAM D. assist
05:4110 : 5 LUKOVIĆ U. made free throw (1 of 2)
05:41 7 LEŠIĆ S. substitution (in)
05:41 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (out)
05:41 2 EVANS K. substitution (in)
05:41 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (out)
05:41 LUKOVIĆ U. foul on
05:41 22 ILIĆ D. foul (personal)
05:41 NEEDHAM D. rebound (defensive)
05:42 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
06:089 : 5 PULLEN J. made free throw (3 of 3)
06:088 : 5 PULLEN J. made free throw (2 of 3)
06:08 PULLEN J. missed free throw (1 of 3)
06:08 PULLEN J. foul on
06:08 20 VAUGHN R. foul (personal)
06:08 NEEDHAM D. rebound (defensive)
06:12 12 CLIFFORD D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
06:31 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
06:35 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:54 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. assist
06:547 : 5 12 CLIFFORD D. made 2 points (dunk)
07:157 : 3 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. made free throw (2 of 2)
07:156 : 3 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. made free throw (1 of 2)
07:19 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul on
07:19 33 TOMAS M. foul (personal)
07:30 20 VAUGHN R. assist
07:305 : 3 22 ILIĆ D. made 2 points (dunk)
07:32 12 CLIFFORD D. rebound (defensive)
07:36 PULLEN J. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
07:51 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
07:51 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (out)
07:52 LUKOVIĆ U. foul on
07:52 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. turnover (offensive)
07:52 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. foul (offensive)
07:57 (offensive)
07:57 12 CLIFFORD D. missed free throw (2 of 2)
07:57 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. assist
07:575 : 1 12 CLIFFORD D. made free throw (1 of 2)
07:57 12 CLIFFORD D. foul on
07:57 LUKOVIĆ U. foul (personal)
08:17 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. assist
08:175 : 0 51 BJELICA M. made 2 points (layup)
08:21 NEEDHAM D. rebound (defensive)
08:24 12 CLIFFORD D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:43 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. assist
08:433 : 0 PULLEN J. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:46 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
08:50 20 VAUGHN R. missed 2 points (layup)
09:04 (defensive)
09:04 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
09:18 NEEDHAM D. foul on
09:18 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. foul (personal)
09:19 NEEDHAM D. steal
09:19 12 CLIFFORD D. turnover (ballhandling)
09:28 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. rebound (defensive)
09:35 12 CLIFFORD D. block
09:35 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 2 points (layup)
09:46 LUKOVIĆ U. foul on
09:46 12 CLIFFORD D. foul (personal)
09:46 (offensive)
09:47 PULLEN J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:52 51 BJELICA M. foul on
09:52 22 ILIĆ D. foul (personal)
09:59 12 CLIFFORD D. jumpball (lost)
09:59 LUKOVIĆ U. jumpball (won)
start of 1. quarter
game started
BJELICA M in starting lineup
LUKOVIĆ U in starting lineup
NEEDHAM D in starting lineup
ŠEHOVIĆ S in starting lineup
PULLEN J in starting lineup
ILIĆ D in starting lineup
TOMAS M in starting lineup
VAUGHN R in starting lineup
KARINIAUSKAS V in starting lineup
CLIFFORD D in starting lineup
end of 2. quarter
00:00 (defensive)
00:08 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:14 14 STEVIĆ O. rebound (defensive)
00:17 51 BJELICA M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:4142 : 33 14 STEVIĆ O. made free throw (1of1)
00:41 PULLEN J. substitution (in)
00:41 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (out)
00:41 14 STEVIĆ O. foul on
00:41 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul (personal)
00:41 33 TOMAS M. assist
00:4142 : 32 14 STEVIĆ O. made 2 points (layup)
00:55 33 TOMAS M. substitution (in)
00:55 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (out)
00:55 14 STEVIĆ O. substitution (in)
00:55 33 TOMAS M. substitution (out)
00:55 WALLER T. substitution (in)
00:55 PULLEN J. substitution (out)
00:5542 : 30 PULLEN J. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:5541 : 30 PULLEN J. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:55 PULLEN J. foul on
00:55 2 EVANS K. foul (personal)
00:58 48 MARKOTA D. rebound (defensive)
01:03 22 ILIĆ D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:31 PULLEN J. assist
01:3140 : 30 51 BJELICA M. made 2 points (dunk)
01:38 NEEDHAM D. foul on
01:38 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
02:02 33 TOMAS M. assist
02:0238 : 30 22 ILIĆ D. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:10 2 EVANS K. foul on
02:10 48 MARKOTA D. foul (personal)
02:2638 : 28 51 BJELICA M. made free throw (2 of 2)
02:2637 : 28 51 BJELICA M. made free throw (1 of 2)
02:26 7 LEŠIĆ S. substitution (in)
02:26 14 STEVIĆ O. substitution (out)
02:36 51 BJELICA M. foul on
02:36 14 STEVIĆ O. foul (personal)
02:39 51 BJELICA M. rebound (offensive)
02:44 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:56 33 TOMAS M. turnover (bad pass)
02:57 PULLEN J. substitution (in)
02:57 WALLER T. substitution (out)
02:57 NEEDHAM D. substitution (in)
02:57 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (out)
02:57 33 TOMAS M. foul on
02:57 13 RALEY-ROSS B. foul (personal)
02:57 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (in)
02:57 NEEDHAM D. substitution (out)
02:59 2 EVANS K. substitution (in)
02:59 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (out)
02:59 NEEDHAM D. substitution (in)
02:59 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (out)
02:59 33 TOMAS M. rebound (defensive)
02:59 51 BJELICA M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:59 51 BJELICA M. substitution (in)
02:59 BEGIĆ M. substitution (out)
03:05 13 RALEY-ROSS B. rebound (offensive)
03:10 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed 2 points (hookshot)
03:11 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. rebound (offensive)
03:16 48 MARKOTA D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:45 33 TOMAS M. assist
03:4536 : 28 20 VAUGHN R. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:55 14 STEVIĆ O. steal
03:55 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. turnover (bad pass)
03:56 48 MARKOTA D. rebound (defensive)
04:01 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:22 33 TOMAS M. rebound (defensive)
04:22 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed free throw (2 of 2)
04:22 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. missed free throw (1 of 2)
04:22 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul on
04:22 20 VAUGHN R. foul (personal)
04:39 14 STEVIĆ O. assist
04:3936 : 25 22 ILIĆ D. made 2 points (dunk)
04:5836 : 23 13 RALEY-ROSS B. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
05:1534 : 23 22 ILIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
05:15 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (offensive)
05:23 33 TOMAS M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:29 20 VAUGHN R. rebound (defensive)
05:33 48 MARKOTA D. missed 2 points (layup)
05:49 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (in)
05:49 NEEDHAM D. substitution (out)
06:0834 : 21 33 TOMAS M. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:26 13 RALEY-ROSS B. assist
06:2634 : 18 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
06:36 NEEDHAM D. steal
06:36 22 ILIĆ D. turnover (bad pass)
06:38 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
06:43 NEEDHAM D. missed 2 points (layup)
07:02 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (in)
07:02 7 LEŠIĆ S. substitution (out)
07:02 (defensive)
07:02 20 VAUGHN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:26 NEEDHAM D. assist
07:2631 : 18 48 MARKOTA D. made 3 points (jump shot)
07:40 20 VAUGHN R. assist
07:4028 : 18 14 STEVIĆ O. made 2 points (layup)
07:48 33 TOMAS M. foul on
07:48 13 RALEY-ROSS B. foul (personal)
08:03 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
08:03 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (out)
08:03 33 TOMAS M. substitution (in)
08:03 2 EVANS K. substitution (out)
08:1728 : 16 NEEDHAM D. made 2 points (layup)
08:17 NEEDHAM D. rebound (offensive)
08:17 20 VAUGHN R. block
08:17 WALLER T. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
08:17 WALLER T. steal
08:17 2 EVANS K. turnover (bad pass)
08:18 NEEDHAM D. assist
08:1826 : 16 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:27 NEEDHAM D. steal
08:27 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. turnover (bad pass)
08:29 14 STEVIĆ O. rebound (defensive)
08:32 BEGIĆ M. missed 2 points (hookshot)
08:34 BEGIĆ M. rebound (offensive)
08:38 NEEDHAM D. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
08:55 (defensive)
08:56 2 EVANS K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:1523 : 16 48 MARKOTA D. made 2 points (jump shot)
09:39 20 VAUGHN R. assist
09:3921 : 16 7 LEŠIĆ S. made 3 points (jump shot)
start of 2. quarter
10:00 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (in)
10:00 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
10:00 48 MARKOTA D. substitution (in)
10:00 51 BJELICA M. substitution (out)
end of 3. quarter
00:03 PULLEN J. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
00:11 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. turnover (ballhandling)
00:29 PULLEN J. assist
00:2965 : 51 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:4062 : 51 PULLEN J. made free throw (1of1)
00:40 2 EVANS K. foul (technical)
00:50 51 BJELICA M. rebound (offensive)
00:54 PULLEN J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:18 14 STEVIĆ O. substitution (in)
01:18 12 CLIFFORD D. substitution (out)
01:18 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (in)
01:18 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (out)
01:30 (defensive)
01:30 2 EVANS K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:31 2 EVANS K. rebound (offensive)
01:36 20 VAUGHN R. missed 2 points (layup)
01:5961 : 51 PULLEN J. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
02:09 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (in)
02:09 7 LEŠIĆ S. substitution (out)
02:09 12 CLIFFORD D. turnover (bad pass)
02:20 PULLEN J. assist
02:2059 : 51 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:35 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
02:35 7 LEŠIĆ S. missed free throw (2 of 2)
02:35 7 LEŠIĆ S. missed free throw (1 of 2)
02:35 7 LEŠIĆ S. foul on
02:35 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. foul (personal)
02:4956 : 51 PULLEN J. made free throw (2 of 2)
02:4955 : 51 PULLEN J. made free throw (1 of 2)
02:49 PULLEN J. foul on
02:49 2 EVANS K. foul (personal)
02:5054 : 51 12 CLIFFORD D. made free throw (1of1)
02:50 12 CLIFFORD D. foul on
02:50 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. foul (personal)
02:50 2 EVANS K. assist
02:5054 : 50 12 CLIFFORD D. made 2 points (layup)
03:11 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (in)
03:11 NEEDHAM D. substitution (out)
03:11 51 BJELICA M. turnover (outofbounds)
03:30 12 CLIFFORD D. assist
03:3054 : 48 20 VAUGHN R. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:31 7 LEŠIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
03:36 PULLEN J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:37 NEEDHAM D. rebound (offensive)
03:50 7 LEŠIĆ S. block
03:50 NEEDHAM D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:10 12 CLIFFORD D. assist
04:1054 : 45 20 VAUGHN R. made 2 points (jump shot)
04:2554 : 43 NEEDHAM D. made free throw (2 of 2)
04:2553 : 43 NEEDHAM D. made free throw (1 of 2)
04:25 33 TOMAS M. substitution (in)
04:25 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
04:25 NEEDHAM D. foul on
04:25 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
04:3452 : 43 12 CLIFFORD D. made 2 points (layup)
04:34 12 CLIFFORD D. rebound (offensive)
04:41 20 VAUGHN R. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
05:1152 : 41 NEEDHAM D. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
05:27 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. assist
05:2750 : 41 2 EVANS K. made 3 points (jump shot)
05:45 12 CLIFFORD D. rebound (defensive)
05:49 51 BJELICA M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:57 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. substitution (in)
05:57 LUKOVIĆ U. substitution (out)
05:57 LUKOVIĆ U. foul on
05:57 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
06:04 LUKOVIĆ U. rebound (defensive)
06:08 20 VAUGHN R. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
06:27 12 CLIFFORD D. rebound (defensive)
06:28 LUKOVIĆ U. missed 2 points (layup)
06:28 LUKOVIĆ U. rebound (offensive)
06:33 PULLEN J. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
06:54 20 VAUGHN R. assist
06:5450 : 38 7 LEŠIĆ S. made 2 points (layup)
06:59 2 EVANS K. steal
06:59 PULLEN J. turnover (bad pass)
07:06 2 EVANS K. substitution (in)
07:06 33 TOMAS M. substitution (out)
07:06 NEEDHAM D. foul on
07:06 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
07:14 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
07:14 7 LEŠIĆ S. missed free throw (3 of 3)
07:1450 : 36 7 LEŠIĆ S. made free throw (2 of 3)
07:1450 : 35 7 LEŠIĆ S. made free throw (1 of 3)
07:14 12 CLIFFORD D. substitution (in)
07:14 14 STEVIĆ O. substitution (out)
07:14 7 LEŠIĆ S. foul on
07:14 51 BJELICA M. foul (personal)
07:25 7 LEŠIĆ S. foul on
07:25 NEEDHAM D. foul (personal)
07:29 (offensive)
07:31 20 VAUGHN R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:47 NEEDHAM D. assist
07:4750 : 34 LUKOVIĆ U. made 2 points (dunk)
08:0548 : 34 14 STEVIĆ O. made free throw (2 of 2)
08:05 14 STEVIĆ O. missed free throw (1 of 2)
08:05 WALLER T. substitution (in)
08:05 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (out)
08:05 14 STEVIĆ O. foul on
08:05 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul (personal)
08:35 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. assist
08:3548 : 33 NEEDHAM D. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:46 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
08:46 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (out)
08:46 NEEDHAM D. foul on
08:46 7 LEŠIĆ S. foul (personal)
08:55 51 BJELICA M. steal
08:55 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. turnover (ballhandling)
09:12 51 BJELICA M. assist
09:1245 : 33 PULLEN J. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:15 51 BJELICA M. rebound (defensive)
09:19 33 TOMAS M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:29 33 TOMAS M. foul on
09:29 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul (personal)
09:29 33 TOMAS M. steal
09:29 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. turnover (ballhandling)
09:47 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. foul on
09:47 33 TOMAS M. turnover (offensive)
09:47 33 TOMAS M. foul (offensive)
start of 3. quarter
10:00 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (in)
10:00 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
10:00 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (in)
10:00 2 EVANS K. substitution (out)
10:00 LUKOVIĆ U. substitution (in)
10:00 48 MARKOTA D. substitution (out)
10:00 8 ŠEHOVIĆ S. substitution (in)
10:00 WALLER T. substitution (out)
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:27 19 TALIĆ D. assist
00:2792 : 78 22 ILIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:28 13 RALEY-ROSS B. assist
00:2892 : 75 48 MARKOTA D. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:4989 : 75 19 TALIĆ D. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
00:58 51 BJELICA M. substitution (in)
00:58 PULLEN J. substitution (out)
00:5889 : 73 PULLEN J. made free throw (1of1)
00:58 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (in)
00:58 NEEDHAM D. substitution (out)
00:58 PULLEN J. foul on
00:58 1 KOČIĆ S. foul (personal)
01:0488 : 73 PULLEN J. made 3 points (jump shot)
01:07 SIMEUNOVIĆ D. substitution (in)
01:07 2 EVANS K. substitution (out)
01:07 NEEDHAM D. foul on
01:07 2 EVANS K. foul (personal)
01:0985 : 73 14 STEVIĆ O. made 2 points (layup)
01:09 14 STEVIĆ O. rebound (offensive)
01:12 14 STEVIĆ O. missed 2 points (layup)
01:12 14 STEVIĆ O. rebound (offensive)
01:19 2 EVANS K. missed 2 points (layup)
01:30 19 TALIĆ D. substitution (in)
01:30 33 TOMAS M. substitution (out)
01:30 1 KOČIĆ S. substitution (in)
01:30 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (out)
01:30 21 PAVIĆEVIĆ L. substitution (in)
01:30 LUKOVIĆ U. substitution (out)
01:30 10 MUGOŠA M. substitution (in)
01:30 WALLER T. substitution (out)
01:3285 : 71 NEEDHAM D. made 3 points (jump shot)
01:55 33 TOMAS M. assist
01:5582 : 71 22 ILIĆ D. made 2 points (alleyoop)
01:57 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
02:05 2 EVANS K. block
02:05 PULLEN J. missed 2 points (layup)
02:27 20 VAUGHN R. assist
02:2782 : 69 2 EVANS K. made 2 points (jump shot)
02:28 (offensive)
02:28 LUKOVIĆ U. block
02:28 2 EVANS K. missed 2 points (layup)
02:45 PULLEN J. assist
02:4582 : 67 48 MARKOTA D. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:5879 : 67 20 VAUGHN R. made free throw (1of1)
02:58 20 VAUGHN R. foul on
02:58 WALLER T. foul (personal)
02:5879 : 66 20 VAUGHN R. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
03:08 22 ILIĆ D. steal
03:08 NEEDHAM D. turnover (bad pass)
03:22 NEEDHAM D. foul on
03:22 2 EVANS K. foul (personal)
03:3279 : 64 2 EVANS K. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:4079 : 61 PULLEN J. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:00 WALLER T. substitution (in)
04:00 13 RALEY-ROSS B. substitution (out)
04:00 22 ILIĆ D. assist
04:0076 : 61 20 VAUGHN R. made 2 points (layup)
04:06 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
04:09 PULLEN J. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:15 NEEDHAM D. rebound (defensive)
04:18 2 EVANS K. missed 2 points (jump shot)
04:3576 : 59 LUKOVIĆ U. made free throw (2 of 2)
04:35 NEEDHAM D. assist
04:3575 : 59 LUKOVIĆ U. made free throw (1 of 2)
04:35 33 TOMAS M. substitution (in)
04:35 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
04:35 LUKOVIĆ U. foul on
04:35 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
04:4874 : 59 22 ILIĆ D. made 2 points (layup)
04:49 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (offensive)
04:53 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:15 LUKOVIĆ U. turnover (ballhandling)
05:26 48 MARKOTA D. rebound (defensive)
05:30 14 STEVIĆ O. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:31 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (in)
05:31 7 LEŠIĆ S. substitution (out)
05:31 PULLEN J. substitution (in)
05:31 WALLER T. substitution (out)
05:43 (offensive)
05:43 LUKOVIĆ U. block
05:43 20 VAUGHN R. missed 2 points (layup)
05:48 20 VAUGHN R. rebound (defensive)
05:52 NEEDHAM D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:1674 : 57 14 STEVIĆ O. made free throw (2 of 2)
06:16 2 EVANS K. assist
06:1674 : 56 14 STEVIĆ O. made free throw (1 of 2)
06:16 14 STEVIĆ O. foul on
06:16 LUKOVIĆ U. foul (personal)
06:30 NEEDHAM D. assist
06:3074 : 55 LUKOVIĆ U. made 2 points (alleyoop)
06:46 (defensive)
06:46 14 STEVIĆ O. missed 2 points (layup)
07:00 2 EVANS K. substitution (in)
07:00 33 TOMAS M. substitution (out)
07:0072 : 55 14 STEVIĆ O. made free throw (2 of 2)
07:00 14 STEVIĆ O. missed free throw (1 of 2)
07:00 LUKOVIĆ U. substitution (in)
07:00 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. substitution (out)
07:00 14 STEVIĆ O. foul on
07:00 NEEDHAM D. foul (unsportsmanlike)
07:01 20 VAUGHN R. rebound (defensive)
07:05 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. missed 2 points (layup)
07:17 48 MARKOTA D. rebound (defensive)
07:21 33 TOMAS M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:24 14 STEVIĆ O. rebound (defensive)
07:27 48 MARKOTA D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:51 33 TOMAS M. assist
07:5172 : 54 14 STEVIĆ O. made 2 points (layup)
07:52 33 TOMAS M. rebound (offensive)
07:57 33 TOMAS M. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
08:2572 : 52 NEEDHAM D. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
08:36 48 MARKOTA D. foul on
08:36 14 STEVIĆ O. foul (personal)
08:49 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. assist
08:4970 : 52 7 LEŠIĆ S. made free throw (2 of 2)
08:49 7 LEŠIĆ S. missed free throw (1 of 2)
08:49 7 LEŠIĆ S. foul on
08:49 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. foul (personal)
09:0170 : 51 NEEDHAM D. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:05 VUJOŠEVIĆ R. rebound (defensive)
09:09 7 LEŠIĆ S. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:19 NEEDHAM D. substitution (in)
09:19 PULLEN J. substitution (out)
09:19 20 VAUGHN R. foul on
09:19 PULLEN J. foul (personal)
09:39 13 RALEY-ROSS B. assist
09:3967 : 51 WALLER T. made 2 points (jump shot)
09:42 (offensive)
09:42 48 MARKOTA D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
start of 4. quarter
10:00 20 VAUGHN R. substitution (in)
10:00 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (out)
10:00 7 LEŠIĆ S. substitution (in)
10:00 8 KARINIAUSKAS V. substitution (out)
10:00 4 CVETKOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
10:00 2 EVANS K. substitution (out)
10:00 48 MARKOTA D. substitution (in)
10:00 51 BJELICA M. substitution (out)

Players on court

10 Mugoša M. 01:30 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Raley-Ross B. 17:42 2 1 3 0 2 4
21 Pavićević L. 01:30 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 Markota D. 20:00 11 4 0 0 1 11
51 Bjelica M. 23:57 12 9 1 1 1 20
3 Simeunović D. 01:07 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Talić D. 01:30 2 0 1 0 0 3
14 Stević O. 23:32 15 6 1 1 2 21
22 Ilić D. 18:06 15 5 1 1 2 18
24 Kočić S. 01:30 0 0 0 0 1 -1

Last 5 actions

Min Score Action
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:27 (Q4) 19 TALIĆ D. assist
00:27 (Q4)92 : 78 22 ILIĆ D. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:28 (Q4) 13 RALEY-ROSS B. assist
00:28 (Q4)92 : 75 48 MARKOTA D. made 3 points (jump shot)

Top players

Needham D. 34 - 21 Stević O.
Pullen J. 22 - 15 Stević O.
Bjelica M. 9 - 6 Clifford D.
Needham D. 6 - 5 Cvetković A.

Match live on TV:

  • Arenasport BIH 1
  • Arenasport CRO 1
  • Arenasport MKD 1
  • Arenasport MNE 1
  • TVCG 2
  • Arenasport SRB 1
Result Graph
Graphic Stats

Score difference

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Mornar-Barsko zlato
  • Missed Shot Mornar-Barsko zlato
  • Made Shot Igokea m:tel
  • Missed Shot Igokea m:tel

