ROUND 10, AdmiralBet ABA League, Season 2021/22
Saturday, 04.12.2021 19:00 CET
Venue: J.U. Sportska dvorana Laktaši
68 : 70
15:16 20:12 19:19 14:23
Commissioner: Siniša Jakovljević
Referees: Tomislav Hordov, Luka Kardum, Bojan Kruljac



Team Stats - Offense, Season 2021/22

Ave. Ave.
78.61 Points 83.76
33.04 Rebounds 31.82
10.57 O. Rebounds 9.41
22.46 D. Rebounds 22.41
20.32 Assists 17.68
7.14 Steals 7.21
2.18 Blocks 3.38
53.12 2PT 58.64
36.99 3PT 36.82
66.73 FT 74.7
88.25 Index 95.68

Team Stats - Defense, Season 2021/22

Ave. Ave.
75.93 Points 72.38
29.14 Rebounds 29.03
8.93 O. Rebounds 9.79
20.21 D. Rebounds 19.24
16.79 Assists 17.21
5.82 Steals 6.5
2.07 Blocks 1.47
51.94 2PT 50.55
35.19 3PT 30.53
72.23 FT 75.36
77.36 Index 68.44

Player Stats, Season 2021/22


Head-to-head records in Regional Leagues

Home team
Away team
Igokea m:tel
Home record vs. Partizan Mozzart Bet: 6:9
Away record vs. Partizan Mozzart Bet: 3:11
Record vs. Partizan Mozzart Bet at neutral venue: 0:1
Partizan Mozzart Bet
Home record vs. Igokea m:tel: 11:3
Away record vs. Igokea m:tel: 9:6
Record vs. Igokea m:tel at neutral venue: 1:0

Results in Regional Leagues

Season Date Phase Home Result Away
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueFriday, 04.04.2025 - Monday, 07.04.2025Regular season, Round 26Partizan Mozzart Bet : Igokea m:tel
Season 2024/25, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 08.12.2024 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 11Igokea m:tel 80:107 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 21.04.2024 18:00 Local timeQuarter-Finals Round 2Igokea m:tel 80:101 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueWednesday, 17.04.2024 18:30 Local timeQuarter-Finals Round 1Partizan Mozzart Bet 94:85 Igokea m:tel
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 11.02.2024 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 20Igokea m:tel 52:98 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2023/24, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 12.11.2023 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 7Partizan Mozzart Bet 89:91 Igokea m:tel
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueMonday, 10.04.2023 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 25Partizan Mozzart Bet 89:74 Igokea m:tel
Season 2022/23, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 25.12.2022 18:30 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Igokea m:tel 85:96 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 19.03.2022 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 23Partizan Mozzart Bet 83:70 Igokea m:tel
Season 2021/22, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 04.12.2021 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 10Igokea m:tel 68:70 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 06.02.2021 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 18Partizan Mozzart Bet 75:83 Igokea m:tel
Season 2020/21, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 31.10.2020 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Igokea m:tel 90:84 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 21.12.2019 20:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 12Partizan Mozzart Bet 89:73 Igokea m:tel
Season 2019/20, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 05.10.2019 18:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 1Igokea m:tel 73:75 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 09.03.2019 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 21Partizan Mozzart Bet 67:57 Igokea m:tel
Season 2018/19, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 08.12.2018 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 10Igokea m:tel 84:97 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2017/18, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 14.01.2018 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 16Igokea m:tel 67:74 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2017/18, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 21.10.2017 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 5Partizan Mozzart Bet 117:104 Igokea m:tel
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 11.03.2017 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 26Igokea m:tel 70:64 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2016/17, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 10.12.2016 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 13Partizan Mozzart Bet 87:64 Igokea m:tel
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSunday, 27.12.2015 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 17Partizan Mozzart Bet 66:73 Igokea m:tel
Season 2015/16, AdmiralBet ABA LeagueSaturday, 10.10.2015 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 4Igokea m:tel 71:64 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSaturday, 24.01.2015 21:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 19Partizan Mozzart Bet 74:65 Igokea m:tel
Season 2014/15, Regional LeagueSunday, 02.11.2014 19:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 6Igokea m:tel 83:77 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSunday, 29.12.2013 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 14Igokea m:tel 80:83 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2013/14, Regional LeagueSunday, 06.10.2013 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 1Partizan Mozzart Bet 67:56 Igokea m:tel
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueThursday, 25.04.2013 21:00 Local timeSemifinalIgokea m:tel 57:63 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueSunday, 10.03.2013 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 24Partizan Mozzart Bet 73:64 Igokea m:tel
Season 2012/13, Regional LeagueSunday, 02.12.2012 20:30 Local timeRegular season, Round 11Igokea m:tel 73:50 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2010/11, Regional LeagueSunday, 06.03.2011 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 23Igokea m:tel 88:86 Partizan Mozzart Bet
Season 2010/11, Regional LeagueSunday, 05.12.2010 17:00 Local timeRegular season, Round 10Partizan Mozzart Bet 77:72 Igokea m:tel

Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee m:tel:

"Prvo bih krenuo od svog tima, što sam ja kao trener osjetio je taj neki "miris" svog tima to je bila utakmica u Istanbulu protiv Galatasaraja, bez obzira što smo doživjeli poraz, osjetilo se da je to ono što ja želim od tog tima. To se i nastavilo na utakmici s Megom u Laktašima gdje smo odigrali jako dobru utakmicu i sama pobjeda na vrućem terenu u Zadru. Došla je reprezentativna pauza pa ćemo vidjeti koliko će to uticati na neki dalji tok naše igre, vidjećemo u narednom periodu. Poslije povratka iz Makedonije smo se pripremalil za ovu utakmicu, a ono što me brine to su povrede nekih igrača na poslednjem treningu gdje smo ostali bez 4 igrača i prekinuli smo i trening. Dvojica sigurno neće biti u konkurenciji za subotu, a za druga dva igrača koja su se povrijedila trenutno nemam informacije medicinskog tima o stepenu povrede. Mi treneri se nosimo sa tim stvarima i moramo da pokušamo da prebrodimo te probleme i što spremniji uđemo u tu utakmicu. Što se tiče Partizana to pokazuje i njihova pozicija na tabeli gdje dijele prvo mjesto. Tim Partizana je odlično posložen i prijeti nam opasnost sa svih pozicija, igraju raznovrsno i različitim petorka. Posvećeni su igri čovjek na čovjeka i prilagođavaju se prtoivniku i mijenjaju iz utakmice u utakmicu. Moji igrači koji su većim dijelom na lopti moraju cijelo vrijeme biti skoncentrisani i da se prilaogode tim stvarima. Moramo biti skoncetrisani svih 40 minuta na one zadatke koje smo postavili ispred sebe."

Dalibor Ilić, igrač Igokee m:tel:

"Poslije kraće pauze utakmice ABA lige nam se ponovo vraćaju na parkete, a u goste nam dolazi još jedan košarkaški velikan predvođen sa najtrofejnijim evropskim trenerom. Tim koji je sastavljen od iskusnih igrača, a imaju i dosta mladih i talentovanih igrača i to je spoj mladosti i iskustva. Preferiraju da igraju veoma čvrstu košarku ove sezone, jako su agresivni u odbrani, što prenose i u napad u kojem su unaprijed jasno definisane uloge i kretnje. Bez obzira na sve to, mi smo fokusirani na nas i na našu igru, kao i kod svakog protivnika. Možda je na papiru Partizan favorit, ali kad smo na domaćem parketu to je upitno. Sigurno je da nas očekuje zahtjevna i teška utakmica, ali nadam se da ćemo uz pun angažman i sa potpunom koncetracijom tokom cijelog meča, uspjeti da dođemo do pobjede."

Željko Obradović, trener Partizana NIS:

"Igokea je dobar tim, bilo gda da igra i sigurno da iziskuje veoma dobru pripremu. Mi smo trebali da reagujemo na trenigu i juče i danas, i naravno radićemo i sutra sve one detalje koje su bitni za igru Igokee. Oni su tim sa velikim iskustvom, promenjen u odnosu na prošlu godinu ali sa istim konceptom jer je isti trener koji radi izvanredno. Mislim da ćemo morati da dosta vodimo računa o njihovoj odbrani koja je veoma specifična i da shvatimo na koji način treba da ih napadamo. Naravno uvek imamo u vidu i to kako ćemo mi da pripremimo odbranu i kako ćemo da neutrališemo njihove najbolje igrače, odnosno način na koji žele da poentiraju u ovoj utakmici."

Gregor Glas, igrač Partizana NIS:

"Čeka nas put do Laktaša. Igokea igra u mnogo dobrom ritmu. Imaju mnogo kombinovanih odbrana na koje moramo za se spremimo i da znamo kako da ih napadamo. U odbrani da igrmao fizički agresivno, kao i na poslednjim utakmicama i to je to. Idemo na pobedu."

Igokea m:tel

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
5 Starks M. * 29:55 9 27.3 2 8 251 3 33.3 2 2 100 2 1 38 1 3 1 1 2 3 0 0 08 11
8 Robinson III J. 14:29 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-9 -3
10 Tanasković N. 15:50 2 0 0 3 00 1 0 2 4 50 1 4 50 1 1 0 0 4 3 0 1 1-10 0
12 Radanov A. * 30:44 8 80 4 4 1000 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 35 1 3 0 0 1 2 8 2 46 14
16 Jošilo M. * 27:47 11 42.9 0 2 03 5 60 2 2 100 5 1 60 1 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 3-3 13
22 Ilić D. * 09:12 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 30 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 01 -3
23 Stephens D. * 30:24 18 43.8 7 15 46.70 1 0 4 6 66.7 4 3 73 0 1 1 0 2 5 14 3 611 20
24 Waller T. 23:30 18 42.9 2 4 504 10 40 2 3 66.7 5 1 62 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 4 0-4 17
42 Fundić S. 08:33 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 40 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 03 -2
45 Đorđević S. 09:36 2 50 1 2 500 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 21 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0-13 2

Team Compare

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
Igokea m:tel 200:00 68 38.7 16 41 39 8 21 38.1 12 17 70.6 27 13 40 20 5 16 2 1 25 19 26 10 14-269
Partizan Mozzart Bet 200:00 70 43.1 16 27 59.3 6 24 25 20 26 76.9 21 6 2714 7 15 1 2 19 25 26 6 6273

Partizan Mozzart Bet

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul Points from
Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Paint 2ndCh FstBr +/- Val
0 Punter K. * 20:21 7 25 1 3 33.31 5 20 2 2 100 2 0 23 1 0 0 0 3 2 2 0 046
2 LeDay Z. * 33:29 14 55.6 4 6 66.71 3 33.3 3 4 75 3 1 41 0 3 0 1 2 6 8 2 2114
3 Zagorac R. 18:10 4 20 1 3 33.30 2 0 2 4 50 5 0 50 2 1 0 0 3 3 2 0 0134
4 Avramović A. 18:49 5 40 2 3 66.70 2 0 1 2 50 3 1 42 1 1 0 0 2 2 4 0 2107
5 Koprivica B. * 06:20 2 100 1 1 1000 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 31 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0-75
6 Dangubić N. * 05:52 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0-9-2
9 Smailagić A. 27:01 15 60 2 3 66.71 2 50 8 10 80 2 0 21 0 2 0 1 3 6 4 2 0214
11 Miletić D. 00:00
14 Moore D. * 11:45 5 66.7 1 1 1001 2 50 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 044
24 Glas G. 07:45 0 0 0 0 00 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-15-2
32 Trifunović U. 25:24 12 50 2 3 66.72 5 40 2 2 100 1 0 10 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 039
41 Madar Y. 25:04 6 50 2 3 66.70 1 0 2 2 100 4 1 54 2 2 1 0 3 3 2 0 2414

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FstBr - Fast break

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - rank Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

2ndCh - Second chance

Unofficial Boxscore
Dragan Bajić, trener Igokee m:tel:

"Čestitam Partizanu na pobjedi. Jako mi je drago zbog ove atmosfere koja je bila u dvorani i bila je prava košarkaška predstava. Što se igre tiče za ovaj poraz ja preuzimam odgovornost što sam svojim odlukama doprinio da Partizan dođe do pobjede u ovoj utakmici. Ostaje žal za tim što mislim da smo imali šansu da pobjedimo u ovoj utakmici. Većim dijelom meča smo odigrali taktički jako dobro i kontolisali smo može se reći skoro čitav tok meča, međutim misllim da smo izgubili utakmicu u ta neka 3 do 4 minuta gdje smo imali vakum i izgubli neke lopte te dozvolili Partizanu da se vrati. Ono što sam sugerisao svojim igračima kada je u pitanju tranzicija i kontranpad gdje je Partizan isto tako jako moćan. Prvo poluvrijeme 0 poena iz kontra napada, a u drugom poluvremenu svojim greškama smo im dozvolili da dođu do lakih poena. Bitna stvar je da je u našoj odbrani došlo do pada koncetracije u pojedinim momentima gdje je partizan došao do nekih otvorenih pozicija i lakih poena. Ne mogu da kažem svojima igračima ništa, što je došlo do tog pada koncetracije, opet kažem preuzimam odgovornost na sebe jer mislim da u nekim momentima nisam donio odluke kako sam trebao i mislim da je to najveći razlog što smo izgubili. Stojim iza ovih momaka, oni su se večeras borili, odradili su većini slučajeva one stvari što smo se dogovorili u pripremi za ovaj meč. Imali smo i dobru prednost i samo je trebalo više pamet i odgovornosti u pojedinim momentima da mi ovu utakmicu dobijemo."

Željko Obradović, trener Partizana NIS:

"Moja prva impresija je da je Igokea odigrala odličnu utakmicu i da su oni dobili bilo bi zasluženo. To je sport, dali su sve od sebe i da ponovim još jednom igrali su zaista izvanredno, dominirali na utakmici ali eto dešavaju se i ovaki neki preokreti, a preokret se desio upravo ovoj energiji koju smo imali sa tribina, zahvaljujući našim navijačima ekipa se podigla, ekipa se borila. Nismo igrali pametno, odbrambeno i napadački to je vemoa loše i to je ono o čemu pričamo i na čemu radimo na treninzima. Nevjerovatan je podatak da smo ubacili 4 trojke u poslednjoj četvrtini i to sva četiri važna šuta, a kad se pogleda statistika do tada smo imali 2 od 20. Jer kad šutiraš za 3 poena i pogađaš to je totalno drugačija utakmica. Još jednom želim da čestitam stručnom štabu i ekipi Igokoee na izvanrednoj utakmici i pripremljenoj utakmici i na svemu što su uradili i želim im mnogo sreće. Ne mogu a da se ne zahvalim navijačima, jedinstveno nešto, podiglis su tim i ovo je praktično njihova pobjeda. Želio bih da iskoristim priliku sa se zahvalim ljudima iz Igokee na jednom fantastičnom gostoprimstvu ovdje prije svega mom kolegi Bajiću i Vuku Radivojeviću, predsjednika Dodika jer sve su to naši dragi sportski prijatelji, i ponavljam želim da se zahvalim na fantastičnom gostoprimstvu, ne prvi puta već svaki put kada sam ja dolazio bilo je tako. Nadam se da ćemo moći da im uzvratimo kada oni budu došli u Beograd."

Legal notice: ABA League, in cooperation with its clubs, grants access to a number of photos from ABA League games, as well as some additional events, linked to the competition. These images are high resolution and downloadable directly from the the photo galleries. They are free to use for editorial purposes. Please, make sure to credit the authors of the photos with the source, signed beneath each photo in order to avoid undesirable legal consequences.
(Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Markel Starks (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) DeShawn Stephens (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) DeShawn Stephens (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Markel Starks (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Nikola Tanaskovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) James Arthur Robinson III (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Yam Madar (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Stefan Djordjevic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Dalibor Ilic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Nikola Tanaskovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Antabia Waller (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) James Arthur Robinson III (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Zeljko Obradovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Avramovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Avramovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Uros Trifunovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Kevin Punter (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Marko Josilo (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Radanov (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Radanov (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Igokea m:tel team (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Igokea m:tel team (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Marko Josilo (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Markel Starks (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) DeShawn Stephens (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Radanov (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Radanov (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Zeljko Obradovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Markel Starks (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Radanov (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Markel Starks (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Balsa Koprivica (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Dragan Bajic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Zach LeDay (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Stefan Fundic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna) Aleksa Avramovic (Photo: Igokea m:tel/Nikola Vuruna)
end of 1. quarter
00:01 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
00:01 ROBINSON III J. missed 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
00:14 41 MADAR Y. assist
00:1415 : 16 LEDAY Z. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:31 LEDAY Z. rebound (defensive)
00:34 WALLER T. missed 3 points (pullupjump shot)
00:38 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
00:43 LEDAY Z. missed 2 points (layup)
00:44 AVRAMOVIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
00:49 ROBINSON III J. missed 2 points (pullupjump shot)
01:1115 : 13 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (2 of 2)
01:1115 : 12 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
01:11 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul on
01:11 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
01:25 AVRAMOVIĆ A. rebound (offensive)
01:25 ZAGORAC R. missed free throw (2 of 2)
01:25 ZAGORAC R. missed free throw (1 of 2)
01:25 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. substitution (in)
01:25 23 STEPHENS D. substitution (out)
01:25 ZAGORAC R. foul on
01:25 FUNDIĆ S. foul (personal)
01:26 ZAGORAC R. rebound (defensive)
01:26 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (hookshot)
01:40 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. rebound (defensive)
01:42 LEDAY Z. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:58 ROBINSON III J. assist
01:5815 : 11 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:20 FUNDIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
02:20 SMAILAGIĆ A. missed free throw (2 of 2)
02:2012 : 11 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
02:20 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul on
02:20 FUNDIĆ S. foul (personal)
02:26 41 MADAR Y. rebound (defensive)
02:29 WALLER T. missed 2 points (pullupjump shot)
02:35 WALLER T. rebound (defensive)
02:40 AVRAMOVIĆ A. missed 3 points (pullupjump shot)
03:00 41 MADAR Y. substitution (in)
03:00 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
03:00 14 MOORE D. substitution (out)
03:00 7 PUNTER K. substitution (out)
03:00 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. turnover (travel)
03:20 WALLER T. rebound (defensive)
03:23 ZAGORAC R. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
03:4112 : 10 23 STEPHENS D. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:41 23 STEPHENS D. missed free throw (1 of 2)
03:41 WALLER T. substitution (in)
03:41 ROBINSON III J. substitution (in)
03:41 RADANOV A. substitution (out)
03:41 5 STARKS M. substitution (out)
03:41 23 STEPHENS D. foul on
03:41 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul (personal)
03:45 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (offensive)
03:45 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (layup)
03:45 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
03:45 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (layup)
03:45 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
03:45 FUNDIĆ S. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
04:00 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (defensive)
04:03 7 PUNTER K. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
04:17 ZAGORAC R. rebound (defensive)
04:22 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (layup)
04:31 FUNDIĆ S. rebound (offensive)
04:31 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. missed free throw (2 of 2)
04:3111 : 10 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. made free throw (1 of 2)
04:31 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul on
04:31 7 PUNTER K. foul (personal)
04:32 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. rebound (offensive)
04:32 5 STARKS M. missed 3 points (pullupjump shot)
04:5610 : 10 ZAGORAC R. made free throw (2 of 2)
04:5610 : 9 ZAGORAC R. made free throw (1 of 2)
04:56 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
04:56 10 JOŠILO M. substitution (out)
04:56 ZAGORAC R. foul on
04:56 10 JOŠILO M. foul (personal)
05:05 FUNDIĆ S. substitution (in)
05:05 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (out)
05:05 LEDAY Z. foul on
05:05 22 ILIĆ D. foul (personal)
05:19 ZAGORAC R. substitution (in)
05:19 2 DANGUBIĆ N. substitution (out)
05:1910 : 8 10 JOŠILO M. made free throw (2 of 2)
05:19 23 STEPHENS D. assist
05:199 : 8 10 JOŠILO M. made free throw (1 of 2)
05:19 10 JOŠILO M. foul on
05:19 2 DANGUBIĆ N. foul (personal)
05:34 LEDAY Z. turnover (travel)
05:34 LEDAY Z. rebound (offensive)
05:34 5 STARKS M. block
05:34 LEDAY Z. missed 3 points (jump shot)
05:49 SMAILAGIĆ A. substitution (in)
05:49 5 KOPRIVICA B. substitution (out)
05:49 5 STARKS M. assist
05:498 : 8 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (layup)
05:53 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
05:56 7 PUNTER K. missed 3 points (pullupjump shot)
06:07 2 DANGUBIĆ N. foul on
06:07 10 JOŠILO M. foul (personal)
06:316 : 8 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
06:42 5 STARKS M. foul on
06:42 14 MOORE D. foul (personal)
06:484 : 8 7 PUNTER K. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
07:074 : 6 5 STARKS M. made 2 points (pullupjump shot)
07:272 : 6 5 KOPRIVICA B. made 2 points (dunk)
07:30 5 KOPRIVICA B. rebound (offensive)
07:33 7 PUNTER K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:50 LEDAY Z. foul on
07:50 22 ILIĆ D. foul (personal)
07:56 5 KOPRIVICA B. rebound (defensive)
08:02 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (hookshot)
08:22 10 JOŠILO M. foul on
08:22 2 DANGUBIĆ N. foul (personal)
08:22 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (defensive)
08:25 7 PUNTER K. missed 3 points (pullupjump shot)
08:32 14 MOORE D. rebound (offensive)
08:32 7 PUNTER K. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:38 7 PUNTER K. rebound (defensive)
08:41 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (jump shot)
08:522 : 4 LEDAY Z. made 2 points (hookshot)
09:12 5 STARKS M. assist
09:122 : 2 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (dunk)
09:430 : 2 14 MOORE D. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
09:59 23 STEPHENS D. jumpball (lost)
09:59 5 KOPRIVICA B. jumpball (won)
start of 1. quarter
game started
ILIĆ D in starting lineup
JOŠILO M in starting lineup
RADANOV A in starting lineup
STEPHENS D in starting lineup
STARKS M in starting lineup
DANGUBIĆ N in starting lineup
PUNTER K in starting lineup
KOPRIVICA B in starting lineup
MOORE D in starting lineup
LEDAY Z in starting lineup
end of 2. quarter
00:00 2 DANGUBIĆ N. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
00:08 5 STARKS M. assist
00:0835 : 28 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
00:17 2 DANGUBIĆ N. substitution (in)
00:17 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
00:17 WALLER T. substitution (in)
00:17 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
00:35 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (defensive)
00:39 23 STEPHENS D. block
00:39 SMAILAGIĆ A. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
00:53 RADANOV A. assist
00:5332 : 28 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (dunk)
01:04 SMAILAGIĆ A. turnover (outofbounds)
01:11 AVRAMOVIĆ A. foul on
01:11 5 STARKS M. foul (personal)
01:23 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
01:23 ROBINSON III J. substitution (in)
01:23 WALLER T. substitution (out)
01:23 10 JOŠILO M. substitution (out)
01:2330 : 28 WALLER T. made free throw (3 of 3)
01:23 5 STARKS M. assist
01:2329 : 28 WALLER T. made free throw (2 of 3)
01:23 WALLER T. missed free throw (1 of 3)
01:23 WALLER T. foul on
01:23 LEDAY Z. foul (personal)
01:37 5 STARKS M. rebound (defensive)
01:37 SMAILAGIĆ A. missed free throw (2 of 2)
01:37 7 GLAS G. assist
01:3728 : 28 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
01:37 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul on
01:37 23 STEPHENS D. foul (personal)
01:47 WALLER T. assist
01:4728 : 27 23 STEPHENS D. made free throw (2 of 2)
01:4727 : 27 23 STEPHENS D. made free throw (1 of 2)
01:47 23 STEPHENS D. foul on
01:47 AVRAMOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
01:54 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
01:54 41 MADAR Y. substitution (out)
01:54 41 MADAR Y. turnover (doubledribble)
01:56 SMAILAGIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
02:00 41 MADAR Y. block
02:00 5 STARKS M. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
02:2126 : 27 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. made 2 points (pullupjump shot)
02:4326 : 25 RADANOV A. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
02:45 5 STARKS M. rebound (defensive)
02:51 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:53 41 MADAR Y. rebound (offensive)
02:55 7 GLAS G. missed 3 points (jump shot)
03:16 7 GLAS G. substitution (in)
03:16 7 PUNTER K. substitution (out)
03:1624 : 25 5 STARKS M. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:1623 : 25 5 STARKS M. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:16 5 STARKS M. foul on
03:16 7 PUNTER K. foul (personal)
03:20 5 STARKS M. steal
03:20 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. turnover (bad pass)
03:3522 : 25 RADANOV A. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
03:42 23 STEPHENS D. foul on
03:42 41 MADAR Y. foul (personal)
03:53 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (defensive)
03:56 7 PUNTER K. missed 2 points (pullupjump shot)
04:16 RADANOV A. assist
04:1620 : 25 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:41 23 STEPHENS D. substitution (in)
04:41 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. substitution (out)
04:41 41 MADAR Y. assist
04:4117 : 25 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. made 3 points (jump shot)
04:49 41 MADAR Y. steal
04:49 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. turnover (ballhandling)
05:10 7 PUNTER K. assist
05:1017 : 22 41 MADAR Y. made 2 points (pullupjump shot)
05:30 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. assist
05:3017 : 20 WALLER T. made 2 points (jump shot)
05:41 5 STARKS M. rebound (offensive)
05:44 5 STARKS M. missed 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
05:50 RADANOV A. foul on
05:50 7 PUNTER K. foul (personal)
06:01 7 PUNTER K. assist
06:0115 : 20 SMAILAGIĆ A. made 2 points (dunk)
06:17 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. substitution (in)
06:17 ZAGORAC R. substitution (out)
06:17 10 JOŠILO M. substitution (in)
06:17 5 STARKS M. substitution (in)
06:17 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (out)
06:17 ROBINSON III J. substitution (out)
06:17 41 MADAR Y. foul on
06:17 22 ILIĆ D. turnover (offensive)
06:17 22 ILIĆ D. foul (offensive)
06:24 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
06:27 41 MADAR Y. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:33 LEDAY Z. substitution (in)
06:33 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
06:53 22 ILIĆ D. turnover (travel)
07:08 41 MADAR Y. turnover (bad pass)
07:23 ROBINSON III J. turnover (bad pass)
07:40 ZAGORAC R. turnover (bad pass)
07:54 7 PUNTER K. substitution (in)
07:54 LEDAY Z. substitution (out)
07:54 RADANOV A. substitution (in)
07:54 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
07:54 41 MADAR Y. foul on
07:54 ROBINSON III J. foul (personal)
07:56 SMAILAGIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
07:59 WALLER T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:14 LEDAY Z. assist
08:1415 : 18 ZAGORAC R. made 2 points (layup)
08:25 41 MADAR Y. rebound (defensive)
08:28 WALLER T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
08:29 22 ILIĆ D. rebound (offensive)
08:31 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
08:54 SMAILAGIĆ A. turnover (3sec)
09:13 ZAGORAC R. rebound (defensive)
09:17 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. missed 2 points (hookshot)
09:23 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (in)
09:23 FUNDIĆ S. substitution (out)
09:23 ROBINSON III J. foul on
09:23 41 MADAR Y. foul (personal)
09:31 FUNDIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
09:33 AVRAMOVIĆ A. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
09:39 ZAGORAC R. steal
09:39 FUNDIĆ S. turnover (bad pass)
start of 2. quarter
end of 3. quarter
00:00 23 STEPHENS D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:05 10 JOŠILO M. rebound (defensive)
00:05 LEDAY Z. missed free throw (1of1)
00:05 LEDAY Z. foul on
00:05 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
00:05 AVRAMOVIĆ A. assist
00:0554 : 47 LEDAY Z. made 2 points (layup)
00:13 ZAGORAC R. rebound (defensive)
00:16 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:27 10 JOŠILO M. foul on
00:27 LEDAY Z. foul (personal)
00:31 10 JOŠILO M. rebound (offensive)
00:34 WALLER T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:49 10 JOŠILO M. rebound (defensive)
00:52 ZAGORAC R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:06 41 MADAR Y. rebound (defensive)
01:09 10 JOŠILO M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
01:12 WALLER T. rebound (defensive)
01:17 ZAGORAC R. missed 2 points (fadeaway)
01:29 (24sec)
01:5454 : 45 41 MADAR Y. made free throw (2 of 2)
01:5454 : 44 41 MADAR Y. made free throw (1 of 2)
01:54 10 JOŠILO M. substitution (in)
01:54 RADANOV A. substitution (out)
01:54 41 MADAR Y. foul on
01:54 ROBINSON III J. foul (personal)
01:54 41 MADAR Y. steal
01:54 ROBINSON III J. turnover (ballhandling)
01:56 ROBINSON III J. rebound (defensive)
01:56 41 MADAR Y. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
01:59 ZAGORAC R. steal
01:59 RADANOV A. turnover (bad pass)
02:0554 : 43 LEDAY Z. made free throw (1of1)
02:05 LEDAY Z. foul on
02:05 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
02:05 41 MADAR Y. assist
02:0554 : 42 LEDAY Z. made 2 points (dunk)
02:24 (defensive)
02:24 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (turnaroundjump shot)
02:39 (offensive)
02:39 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. missed free throw (2 of 2)
02:41 RADANOV A. assist
02:4154 : 40 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. made free throw (1 of 2)
02:41 LEDAY Z. substitution (in)
02:41 SMAILAGIĆ A. substitution (out)
02:41 ROBINSON III J. substitution (in)
02:41 5 STARKS M. substitution (out)
02:41 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul on
02:41 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul (personal)
02:44 WALLER T. rebound (defensive)
02:47 SMAILAGIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
02:56 23 STEPHENS D. assist
02:5653 : 40 WALLER T. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:1850 : 40 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (2 of 2)
03:1850 : 39 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
03:18 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul on
03:18 WALLER T. foul (personal)
03:3550 : 38 WALLER T. made 2 points (pullupjump shot)
03:41 23 STEPHENS D. foul on
03:41 ZAGORAC R. foul (personal)
03:42 (offensive)
03:42 RADANOV A. missed 3 points (stepbackjump shot)
04:05 WALLER T. substitution (in)
04:05 10 JOŠILO M. substitution (out)
04:0548 : 38 AVRAMOVIĆ A. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
04:10 AVRAMOVIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
04:14 5 STARKS M. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
04:28 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. steal
04:28 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. turnover (bad pass)
04:50 ZAGORAC R. rebound (defensive)
04:53 5 STARKS M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
05:1248 : 36 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (2 of 2)
05:12 41 MADAR Y. assist
05:1248 : 35 SMAILAGIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
05:12 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul on
05:12 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul (personal)
05:26 5 STARKS M. turnover (bad pass)
05:31 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
05:31 7 GLAS G. substitution (out)
05:31 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. turnover (outofbounds)
05:38 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. steal
05:38 23 STEPHENS D. turnover (bad pass)
05:41 10 JOŠILO M. steal
05:41 7 GLAS G. turnover (bad pass)
05:58 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
05:58 FUNDIĆ S. substitution (out)
05:58 ZAGORAC R. foul on
05:58 FUNDIĆ S. foul (personal)
05:59 (defensive)
05:59 10 JOŠILO M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:07 RADANOV A. foul on
06:07 ZAGORAC R. foul (personal)
06:14 FUNDIĆ S. rebound (defensive)
06:17 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:32 23 STEPHENS D. assist
06:3248 : 34 5 STARKS M. made 2 points (pullupjump shot)
06:5446 : 34 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. made 2 points (stepbackjump shot)
07:07 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul on
07:07 FUNDIĆ S. foul (personal)
07:23 5 STARKS M. assist
07:2346 : 32 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (layup)
07:3244 : 32 41 MADAR Y. made 2 points (floatingjump shot)
07:51 SMAILAGIĆ A. substitution (in)
07:51 ZAGORAC R. substitution (in)
07:51 5 KOPRIVICA B. substitution (out)
07:51 LEDAY Z. substitution (out)
07:53 RADANOV A. assist
07:5344 : 30 10 JOŠILO M. made 3 points (jump shot)
08:07 RADANOV A. rebound (defensive)
08:10 LEDAY Z. missed 2 points (drivinglayup)
08:3441 : 30 5 STARKS M. made 3 points (pullupjump shot)
08:49 FUNDIĆ S. substitution (in)
08:49 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (out)
08:4938 : 30 LEDAY Z. made free throw (2 of 2)
08:49 5 KOPRIVICA B. assist
08:4938 : 29 LEDAY Z. made free throw (1 of 2)
08:49 LEDAY Z. foul on
08:49 22 ILIĆ D. foul (personal)
08:51 5 KOPRIVICA B. rebound (offensive)
08:51 7 GLAS G. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:14 5 STARKS M. assist
09:1438 : 28 10 JOŠILO M. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:20 RADANOV A. steal
09:20 5 KOPRIVICA B. turnover (bad pass)
09:32 RADANOV A. turnover (bad pass)
09:46 LEDAY Z. turnover (travel)
start of 3. quarter
10:00 41 MADAR Y. substitution (in)
10:00 5 KOPRIVICA B. substitution (in)
10:00 SMAILAGIĆ A. substitution (out)
10:00 2 DANGUBIĆ N. substitution (out)
10:00 22 ILIĆ D. substitution (in)
10:00 10 JOŠILO M. substitution (in)
10:00 WALLER T. substitution (out)
10:00 ROBINSON III J. substitution (out)
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:01 WALLER T. missed 2 points (fadeaway)
00:01 WALLER T. rebound (offensive)
00:01 WALLER T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:1468 : 70 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:1468 : 69 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:14 WALLER T. substitution (in)
00:14 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
00:14 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. foul on
00:14 10 JOŠILO M. foul (personal)
00:24 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (in)
00:24 WALLER T. substitution (out)
00:24 WALLER T. assist
00:2468 : 68 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (layup)
00:4266 : 68 7 PUNTER K. made free throw (2 of 2)
00:4266 : 67 7 PUNTER K. made free throw (1 of 2)
00:42 7 PUNTER K. foul on
00:42 23 STEPHENS D. foul (personal)
00:53 LEDAY Z. rebound (defensive)
00:55 5 STARKS M. missed 2 points (pullupjump shot)
01:17 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (in)
01:17 14 MOORE D. substitution (out)
01:17 LEDAY Z. turnover (bad pass)
01:32 7 PUNTER K. rebound (defensive)
01:35 5 STARKS M. missed 2 points (floatingjump shot)
02:0066 : 66 7 PUNTER K. made 3 points (pullupjump shot)
02:08 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. foul on
02:08 RADANOV A. foul (personal)
02:47 5 STARKS M. assist
02:4766 : 63 10 JOŠILO M. made 3 points (jump shot)
02:49 SMAILAGIĆ A. assist
02:4963 : 63 LEDAY Z. made 2 points (dunk)
02:54 7 PUNTER K. steal
02:54 WALLER T. turnover (ballhandling)
03:01 WALLER T. substitution (in)
03:01 ROBINSON III J. substitution (out)
03:01 14 MOORE D. assist
03:0163 : 61 SMAILAGIĆ A. made 3 points (jump shot)
03:10 23 STEPHENS D. substitution (in)
03:10 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. substitution (out)
03:10 7 PUNTER K. foul on
03:10 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. turnover (offensive)
03:10 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. foul (offensive)
03:28 7 PUNTER K. assist
03:2863 : 58 SMAILAGIĆ A. made 2 points (dunk)
03:33 LEDAY Z. foul on
03:33 10 JOŠILO M. foul (personal)
03:44 (defensive)
03:44 5 STARKS M. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:06 RADANOV A. rebound (defensive)
04:09 14 MOORE D. missed 3 points (jump shot)
04:30 RADANOV A. turnover (doubledribble)
04:42 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. foul on
04:42 SMAILAGIĆ A. foul (personal)
04:5063 : 56 14 MOORE D. made 3 points (stepbackjump shot)
05:09 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. substitution (in)
05:09 2 DANGUBIĆ N. substitution (out)
05:09 RADANOV A. assist
05:0963 : 53 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. made 2 points (layup)
05:21 14 MOORE D. turnover (travel)
05:4361 : 53 RADANOV A. made 2 points (layup)
05:43 RADANOV A. rebound (offensive)
05:47 10 JOŠILO M. missed 2 points (pullupjump shot)
06:02 14 MOORE D. substitution (in)
06:02 SMAILAGIĆ A. substitution (in)
06:02 2 DANGUBIĆ N. substitution (in)
06:02 41 MADAR Y. substitution (out)
06:02 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. substitution (out)
06:02 AVRAMOVIĆ A. substitution (out)
06:02 45 ĐORĐEVIĆ S. substitution (in)
06:02 ROBINSON III J. substitution (in)
06:02 WALLER T. substitution (out)
06:02 23 STEPHENS D. substitution (out)
06:02 5 STARKS M. foul on
06:02 AVRAMOVIĆ A. foul (personal)
06:02 10 JOŠILO M. rebound (defensive)
06:05 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. missed 2 points (layup)
06:07 LEDAY Z. rebound (defensive)
06:10 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (layup)
06:10 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (offensive)
06:15 WALLER T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:29 10 JOŠILO M. rebound (defensive)
06:32 AVRAMOVIĆ A. missed 3 points (jump shot)
06:42 41 MADAR Y. rebound (defensive)
06:45 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (turnaroundjump shot)
07:04 WALLER T. rebound (defensive)
07:09 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. missed 3 points (jump shot)
07:2959 : 53 RADANOV A. made 2 points (drivinglayup)
07:36 WALLER T. steal
07:36 AVRAMOVIĆ A. turnover (bad pass)
07:39 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. rebound (defensive)
07:42 23 STEPHENS D. missed 2 points (fadeaway)
08:0957 : 53 AVRAMOVIĆ A. made 2 points (dunk)
08:15 5 STARKS M. turnover (outofbounds)
08:25 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (defensive)
08:25 AVRAMOVIĆ A. missed free throw (2 of 2)
08:2557 : 51 AVRAMOVIĆ A. made free throw (1 of 2)
08:25 RADANOV A. substitution (in)
08:25 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. substitution (out)
08:25 AVRAMOVIĆ A. foul on
08:25 5 STARKS M. foul (personal)
08:35 AVRAMOVIĆ A. rebound (defensive)
08:35 23 STEPHENS D. missed free throw (2 of 2)
08:35 5 STARKS M. assist
08:3557 : 50 23 STEPHENS D. made free throw (1 of 2)
08:35 23 STEPHENS D. foul on
08:35 41 MADAR Y. foul (personal)
08:43 7 PUNTER K. substitution (in)
08:43 ZAGORAC R. substitution (out)
08:53 10 JOŠILO M. rebound (defensive)
08:57 ZAGORAC R. missed 3 points (jump shot)
09:04 AVRAMOVIĆ A. steal
09:04 5 STARKS M. turnover (bad pass)
09:14 AVRAMOVIĆ A. assist
09:1456 : 50 32 TRIFUNOVIĆ U. made 3 points (jump shot)
09:2456 : 47 23 STEPHENS D. made 2 points (layup)
09:25 23 STEPHENS D. rebound (offensive)
09:28 10 JOŠILO M. missed 2 points (jump shot)
09:42 10 TANASKOVIĆ N. foul on
09:42 ZAGORAC R. foul (personal)
start of 4. quarter
10:00 5 STARKS M. substitution (in)
10:00 ROBINSON III J. substitution (out)

Players on court

5 Starks M. 29:55 9 3 8 1 2 11
12 Radanov A. 30:44 8 3 5 1 1 14
16 Jošilo M. 27:47 11 6 0 1 4 13
23 Stephens D. 30:24 18 7 3 0 2 20
24 Waller T. 23:30 18 6 2 1 1 17
0 Punter K. 20:21 7 2 3 1 3 6
2 LeDay Z. 33:29 14 4 1 0 2 14
4 Avramović A. 18:49 5 4 2 1 2 7
9 Smailagić A. 27:01 15 2 1 0 3 14
32 Trifunović U. 25:24 12 1 0 1 0 9

Last 5 actions

Min Score Action
game finished
end of 4. quarter
00:01 (Q4) WALLER T. missed 2 points (fadeaway)
00:01 (Q4) WALLER T. rebound (offensive)
00:01 (Q4) WALLER T. missed 3 points (jump shot)
00:14 (Q4)Timeout

Top players

Stephens D. 20 - 14 LeDay Z.
Stephens D. 18 - 15 Smailagić A.
Stephens D. 7 - 5 Zagorac R.
Starks M. 8 - 4 Madar Y.

Match live on TV:

  • Arena Sport 1 CRO
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Result Graph
Graphic Stats

Score difference

Team comparison

Shooting chart
  • Made Shot Igokea m:tel
  • Missed Shot Igokea m:tel
  • Made Shot Partizan Mozzart Bet
  • Missed Shot Partizan Mozzart Bet

